Ms. Rosenblatt, Social Studies, 4th



This week students are continuing their research about Colorado's major cities. Students are learning about the history, climate, landforms/topography, and activities you can do in each major city. After conducting their research, students will create a 3-5 day road trip to the city of their choice (Denver, Grand Junction, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Boulder, or Durango). 


Students are wrapping up their final projects on the Intermontane Basin, the Colorado Plateau, the Rocky Mountains, and the Great Plains regions in Colorado. Then, we will shift our focus to learning about Colorado’s major cities. 


We are starting our unit about Colorado regions! Students will learn about the flora/fauna, geographical features, culture, and major cities associated with the four regions. They will dive deep into the Intermontane Basin, the Colorado Plateau, the Great Plains, and the Rocky Mountains.


Fourth grade social studies is all about the lovely state of Colorado! We will spend the whole year learning about Colorado’s history and connect it to our lives today. 

We are starting off our venture into Colorado by analyzing our state flag. Students will conduct research about our state symbols and then use their research to create a new Colorado flag that they feel better represents the state.