Mrs. Reeder, Advocacy, 2nd Grade


Medication Pick-Up

Medication Pick-Up

  • Parents/Guardians must pick-up student medications by May 26th
  • Pick-up any time during school hours:  7:50 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday
  • You may pick-up medications during the open house on May 25th
  • Unclaimed medications will be disposed of and will not be kept at school over the summer.
  • New medication forms are required for each new school year.
  • Contact Nurse Hopson at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Advocacy Update 5/22/23 - 5/26/23

Dates and Announcements     

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 

Regular School times – 8:00-3:30 

Wednesday, May 24 

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 

1st and 2nd Grade Continuation in the gym 

Thursday, May 25 

Half Day, Dismissal at 11:30 AM 

Thursday, May 25 

2:00-6:00 PM 

Spring Carnival 

Thursday, May 25 

3:00-5:00 PM 

Open House (during the carnival) 

2nd Grade is showing Passion Projects

Friday, May 26 

Last day of school! 

Half Day, Dismissal at 11:30 



  • Specials: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 
  • Advocacy Class: Our Advocacy theme for May is Empathy: Caring for the World.  
    • Our learning goal: Students will use their own identified strengths, their skills to work with others, and their empathy to have a positive impact on the community-the greater good. 
  • Carnival - Thursday, May 25 from 2 - 6 p.m. 
      • WHERE:  Westgate Outdoor Campus 
      • WHAT:  Seven inflatables, silent auction, vendor booths, food, drinks, friends & fun 
      • WRISTBAND = $25 for unlimited inflatable fun + 1 ticket 
      • Tickets = Bundles of five only at $5 per bundle.  1 ticket = a single inflatable experience 
    • COST for FOOD
      • Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches = $5 or 5 tickets; add chips and drink for just a dollar/ticket more!
      • Nachos or chips and salsa = $2 or 2 tickets
      • Cotton candy, Snow Cone or popcorn = $1 or 1 ticket each
      • Drinks = $1 or 1 ticket each
      • Tickets = Bundles of five only at $5 per bundle 
      • Classroom baskets and other donated items
      • All bidding must take place in person
      • Bidders do not have to be present to win; winners not present will be contacted by the school and asked to come in, pay and collect your item 
      • Crafts
      • Art
      • Jewelry 
      • And more! 
      • Prepayment and day of purchases will be supported.  There will be separate tables for those who prepaid and those who want to wait until the day of.
      • Prepay online via the school store. 
      • Day of purchase can be made with cash, check, or credit card 



  • Open House - Thursday, May 25 from 3-5 p.m. 
    • A chance for your child to show you their work. 2nd Grade will be showing our Passion Projects.
    • Visit your student's classroom/pod. 
    • Opportunity to pick-up your student's artwork from Ms. Houghton; unclaimed artwork will be recycled 

NOTE: It is not a time for individual student conferences with the teacher. 

  • 1-2 Continuation Ceremony: The 1st and 2nd Grade Continuations will be held at 10:00 AM in the gym and parents are invited to attend.  
  • End of Year 1-2 Pod Party: The end-of-year party for 1st and 2nd grade will be held on Thursday, May 25th from 9:00-10:30.  If you want to volunteer, please contact your child’s Advocacy teacher.    
  • Last Day of School - May 26. Dismissal is at 11:30 a.m. 
    • NOTE: Students who ordered yearbooks will receive them prior to the all-student autograph event outside from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. 

Advocacy Update 5/15/23 - 5/19/23

Dates and Announcements  


Friday, May 19 

Carnival Donations Due 

Wednesday, May 24 

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 

1st and 2nd Grade Continuation in the gym 

Thursday, May 25 

Half Day, Dismissal at 11:30 AM 

Thursday, May 25 

2:00-6:00 PM 

Spring Carnival 

Thursday, May 25 

3:00-5:00 PM 

Open House (during the carnival) 

Friday, May 26 

Last day of school! 

Half Day, Dismissal at 11:30 



  • Specials: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 


  • Advocacy Class: Our Advocacy theme for May is Empathy: Caring for the World.  
  • Our learning goal: Students will use their own identified strengths, their skills to work with others, and their empathy to have a positive impact on the community-the greater good. 


  • Westgate and Missoula Children's Theater Present Aladdin! 
  • Did you miss the production of Aladdin (like I did)? For those who missed the production or did not have the best view, there’s a great video of the entire performance thanks to Mr. Corey Arthur, board vice president and Westgate parent. He recorded and edited the entire Aladdin performance and is generously sharing it with the community. 
  • Click here to view the Aladdin recording and please share it with your family and friends. 


  • 1/2 Pod Spring Carnival Auction Baskets:  
  • Our Spring Carnival and silent auction are quickly approaching! To help make our silent auction a success, each advocacy class will be collecting items to be assembled into a basket that will be sold at the silent auction to be held at the Spring Carnival on May 25th from 2:00-6:00 pm.  
  • This year we will need 2 parent volunteers per pod to assemble the baskets once the items are collected. The Sign-up Genius below includes items for the baskets in the 1st and 2nd Grade pod. We are not collecting cash donations for baskets this year and instead are focusing on items and gift cards related to the basket theme.  
  • Please send donated items in with your child no later than May 19th.  Click here for the 1st and 2nd basket donation sign-up. There are still items available. Thank you for your contributions! Watch for more information on the carnival coming soon! 


  • Carnival - Thursday, May 25 from 2 - 6 p.m. 
  • WHERE:  Westgate Outdoor Campus 
  • WHAT:  Seven inflatables, silent auction, vendor booths, food, drinks, friends & fun 
  • WRISTBAND = $25 for unlimited inflatable fun + 1 ticket 
  • Tickets = Bundles of five only at $5 per bundle.  1 ticket = a single inflatable experience 
  • COST for FOOD 
  • Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches = $5 or 5 tickets; add chips and drink for just a dollar/ticket more! 
  • Nachos or chips and salsa = $2 or 2 tickets 
  • Cotton candy, Snow Cone or popcorn = $1 or 1 ticket each 
  • Drinks = $1 or 1 ticket each 
  • Tickets = Bundles of five only at $5 per bundle 
  • Classroom baskets and other donated items 
  • All bidding must take place in person 
  • Bidders do not have to be present to win; winners not present will be contacted by the school and asked to come in, pay and collect your item 
  • Crafts 
  • Art 
  • Jewelry  
  • And more! 
  • Prepayment and day of purchases will be supported.  There will be separate tables for those who prepaid and those who want to wait until the day of. 
  • Prepay online via the school store.  
  • Day of purchase can be made with cash, check or credit card 




  • Open House - Thursday, May 25 from 3-5 p.m. 
  • A chance for your child to show you their work. 
  • Visit your student's classroom/pod. 
  • Opportunity to pick-up your student's artwork from Ms. Houghton; unclaimed artwork will be recycled 


NOTE: It is not a time for individual student conferences with the teacher. 


  • 1-2 Continuation Ceremony: The 1st and 2nd Grade Continuations will be held at 10:00 AM in the gym and parents are invited to attend.  


  • End of Year 1-2 Pod Party: The end-of-year party for 1st and 2nd grade will be held on Thursday, May 25th from 9:00-10:30.  If you want to volunteer, please contact your child’s Advocacy teacher.   A signup genius will be sent out this Wednesday May 17.  


  • Last Day of School - May 26. Dismissal is at 11:30 a.m.  
  • NOTE: Students who ordered yearbooks will receive them prior to the all-student autograph event outside from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. 


  • Donations:  
  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


  • Volunteer Opportunities:  
  • Lamination – I have a scotch laminator. I would love to have someone come and use my laminator for a few things and then cut out the lamination. 
  • Chicken Tenders Wanted 
  • Get FREE EGGS! 
  • Learn the distinct personalities and quirks of the chickens and goats. 
  • Volunteer in your community by helping us care for Westgate's full-time residents. 
  • Contact:  [email protected] 

Passion Projects Update 5/1/23 - 5/5/23

This past week students wrote paragraphs for each of their essential questions. Each paragraph included a topic sentence, transition words for the detail sentences, and a concluding sentence. 


This week students are typing their notes and emailing them to me so I can print them.  


Please remember to check your child's passion project folder to keep up to date on what they have accomplished and to see what they still need to finish.  



Step to complete my project 

Due Date 


Teacher approval for Passion Project Big Idea 



Completed research on Essential Questions 1 & 2 



Completed research on Essential Questions 3 & 4 



Completed Paragraph Planning Page on Essential Questions 1, 2, 3, 4 



Completed Paragraph Summaries 



Completed Final Paragraphs- typed 



Completed Bibliography 



Started work on Final Project 



Completed Final Project 



Practicing for Final Project Presentation 



Present Passion Projects   





Completed Final Reflections 




Advocacy Update 5/1/23 - 5/5/23

Dates and Announcements  


Mon. May 1 

3:45 - 8:00 p.m. 

Aladdin Play Auditions 3:45-5:45 p.m. 

Aladdin first rehearsal 6:00-8:00 p.m. 

Tue. May 2 – Fri. May 5 

3:45 – 5:45 and 6:00-8:00 p.m. 

Aladdin Play Rehearsals 

Wed. May 3  

4:00 – 8:00 p.m. 

Spirit Night at Chipotle 

(14452 Orchard Parkway, Unit 300, Westminster, CO 80023-9288) 

Sat. May 6 

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.  

4:30 – 5:30 p.m. 

Aladdin Performances in the Westgate Ampitheater  

Friday, May 19 

Auction Basket donation items are due 



  • SPECIALS: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 


  • Advocacy Class: In May, our focus is on Empathy in the form of CARING FOR THE WORLD.  
  • Learning Goal: Students will use their own identified strengths, their skills to work with others, and their empathy to have a positive impact on the community – the greater good. 


  • Westgate and Missoula Children's Theater Present Aladdin! 
  • All students in grades K-12 are invited to audition. Approximately 64 roles will be cast. 
  • Auditions will be held May 1st from 3:45-5:45pm at Westgate and individual roles will be announced immediately following the audition. Parents/Guardians do not need to be present during auditions or rehearsals. 
  • Rehearsals will be from 3:45-5:45 and 6:00-8:00pm (individual rehearsal schedules will be provided-not all roles need to attend all rehearsals). 
  • The performances will be on Saturday May 6th at 2:00pm and 4:30pm. 
  • Performances are open to the public and tickets are $5. 
  • Please click here for more information and to register now! 


  • 1/2 Pod Spring Carnival Auction Baskets:  
  • Our Spring Carnival and silent auction are quickly approaching! To help make our silent auction a success, each advocacy class will be collecting items to be assembled into a basket that will be sold at the silent auction to be held at the Spring Carnival on May 25th from 2:00-6:00 pm.  
  • This year we will need 2 parent volunteers per pod to assemble the baskets once the items are collected. The Sign-up Genius below includes items for the baskets in the 1st and 2nd Grade pod. We are not collecting cash donations for baskets this year and instead are focusing on items and gift cards related to the basket theme.  
  • Please send donated items in with your child no later than May 19th.  Click here for the 1st and 2nd basket donation sign-up. Thank you for your contributions! Watch for more information on the carnival coming soon! 




  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Volunteer Opportunities:  

  • Tear out pages from workbooks: Our math workbooks need the worksheets torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school. 
  • Lamination – I have a scotch laminator. I would love to have someone come and use my laminator for a few things and then cut out the lamination. 
  • Passion Projects – As our students get to the point of typing their paragraphs, I would love to have an extra adult in the room to help manage this. Students will need help accessing Microsoft Word, formatting the font, saving the documents, and when finished, sending the document to me to print. Our Passion Project Time is 12:45-1:30 Monday – Friday. Please let me know if you are interested in helping our class.  
  • Book Bags – My goal is to send home book bags with my literacy class each week. I keep forgetting to fill the bags and send them home. Would you be interested in coming in and filling the bags with books every week? Please contact me if this is something you can commit to for the remainder of the school year. 
  • Chicken Tenders Wanted 
  • Get FREE EGGS! 
  • Learn the distinct personalities and quirks of the chickens and goats. 
  • Volunteer in your community by helping us care for Westgate's full-time residents. 
  • Contact:  [email protected] 

Passion Projects Update

Hello, this past week students completed their research and completed their paragraph planning page.
This week students are typing their notes and putting them into paragraph form. 
Please remember to check your child's passion project folder to keep up to date on what they have accomplished and to see what they still need to finish. 

Checklist for completed steps in my project     Due Date:

___X___ Teacher approval for Passion Project Big Idea                             3/31

___X____ Completed research on Essential Questions 1 & 2                         4/7

___X____ Completed research on Essential Questions 3 & 4                       4/14

___X____ Completed Paragraph Planning Page on 

Essential Questions 1, 2, 3, 4                                                                         4/21

_______ Completed Paragraph Summaries                                                  4/28

_______ Completed Final Paragraphs- typed                                                  5/5

_______ Completed Bibliography                                                                    5/8

_______ Started work on Final Project                                                            5/9

_______ Completed Final Project                                                                  5/12

_______ Practicing for Final Project Presentation                                         5/15

_______ Present Passion Projects                                             5/16, 5/17, 5/18

_______ Completed Final Reflections                                                          5/25

Advocacy Update 4/24/23 - 4/28/23

Dates and Announcements  


Mon. May 1 

3:45 - 8:00 p.m. 

Aladdin Play Auditions 3:45-5:45 p.m. 

Aladdin first rehearsal is 6:00-8:00 p.m. 

Tue. May 2 – Fri. May 5 

3:45 – 5:45 and 6:00-8:00 p.m. 

Aladdin Play Rehearsals 

Wed. May 3  

4:00 – 8:00 p.m. 

Spirit Night at Chipotle 

(14452 Orchard Parkway, Unit 300, Westminster, CO 80023-9288) 

Sat. May 6 

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.  

4:30 – 5:30 p.m. 

Aladdin Performances in the Westgate Amphitheater 



SPECIALS: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 


Advocacy Class: In April, we are focusing on EMPATHY for our planet. 
  • Learning Goal: Students will apply their skills of empathy to caring for the planet. Students will focus on the environmental impact of humans and how we can positively impact our planet. 
Westgate and Missoula Children's Theater Present Aladdin! 
  • All students in grades K-12 are invited to audition. Approximately 64 roles will be cast. 
  • Auditions will be held May 1st from 3:45-5:45 pm at Westgate and individual roles will be announced immediately following the audition. 
  • Rehearsals will be from 3:45-5:45 and 6:00-8:00 pm (individual rehearsal schedules will be provided-not all roles need to attend all rehearsals). 
  • The performances will be on Saturday, May 6th at 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm. 
  • Performances are open to the public and tickets are $5. 
  • Please click here for more information and to register now! 


1/2 Pod Spring Carnival Auction Baskets:  
  • Our Spring Carnival and silent auction are quickly approaching! To help make our silent auction a success, each advocacy class will be collecting items to be assembled into a basket that will be sold at the silent auction to be held at the Spring Carnival on May 25th from 2:00-6:00 pm.  
  • This year we will need 2 parent volunteers per pod to assemble the baskets once the items are collected. The Sign-up Genius below includes items for the baskets in the 1st and 2nd Grade pod. We are not collecting cash donations for baskets this year and instead are focusing on items and gift cards related to the basket theme.  
  • Please send donated items in with your child no later than May 19th.  Click here for the 1st and 2nd basket donation sign-up. Thank you for your contributions! Watch for more information on the carnival coming soon!  



  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Volunteer Opportunities:  

  • Tear out pages from workbooks: Our math workbooks need the worksheets torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school. 
  • Lamination – I have a scotch laminator. I would love to have someone come and use my laminator for a few things and then cut out the lamination. 
  • Passion Projects – As our students get to the point of typing their paragraphs, I would love to have an extra adult in the room to help manage this. Students will need help accessing Microsoft Word, formatting the font, saving the documents, and when finished, sending the document to me to print. Our Passion Project Time is 12:45-1:30 Monday – Friday. Please let me know if you are interested in helping our class.  
  • Book Bags – My goal is to send home book bags with my literacy class each week. I keep forgetting to fill the bags and send them home. Would you be interested in coming in and filling the bags with books every week? Please contact me if this is something you can commit to for the remainder of the school year. 
  • Chicken Tenders Wanted 
    • Get FREE EGGS!
    • Learn the distinct personalities and quirks of the chickens and goats.
    • Volunteer in your community by helping us care for Westgate's full-time residents.
    • Contact:  [email protected] 

1/2 Pod Spring Carnival Auction Baskets

Our Spring Carnival and silent auction is quickly approaching! To help make our silent auction a success, each advocacy will be collecting items to be assembled into a basket that will be sold at the silent auction to be held at the Spring Carnival on May 25th from 2:00-6:00 pm. This year we will need 2 parent volunteers per pod to assemble the baskets once the items are collected. The SignUp Genius below includes items for the baskets in the 1st and 2nd Grade pod. We are not collecting cash donations for baskets this year and instead are focusing on items and gift cards related to the basket theme. Please send donated items in with your child no later than May 19th.  Click here for the 1st and 2nd basket donation sign-up. Thank you for your contributions! Watch for more information on the carnival coming soon!

Advocacy Update 4/17/23 - 4/21/23

Dates and Announcements  


Mon. April 17 

Clothing Swap Donation Drop-Off during afternoon carline 

April 17-21 

Earth Week 

Tue. April 18 

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. 

Clothing Swap in the gym 

Wed. April 19 

Zero Waste/Zero Plastic Lunches 

Thur. April 20 

Yearbook Ordering Deadline 

Fri. April 21 

4:00-5:00 p.m. 

Community 'Stay and Play' with In-n-Out Food Truck 


  • Earth Week is April 17th – 21st and this year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet”. We are focused on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion citizens who participate annually in Earth Day to do their part – everyone accounted for, everyone accountable. Here’s what’s happening during Earth Week, and how you can do your part too!  
Monday, April 17th: Climate Literacy  
    • Last opportunity to donate to clothing swap is during afternoon carline (3:30-4:00) 
    • No appointment needed. You will be routed to the drop off point as you exit carline. 
    • Looking for a few volunteers! 
    • Climate Literacy Lesson during advocacy 
Tuesday, April 18th: Sustainable Fashion  
    • Westgate Clothing Swap! 4:00-6:00pm in the gym (see flyer attached for shopping details) Volunteers needed.  
    • Sustainable Fashion Lesson during advocacy 
Wednesday, April 19th: End Plastics  
    • Plastic Free Day at Westgate! 
    • Zero Waste crew members will be in classrooms at lunch time and will recognize students who come to school with no plastic (baggies, water bottles, containers) by stamping their hand! 
    • Recycle relay races during specials time. 
    • Recycling Lesson during advocacy 
Thursday, April 20th: Plant Trees (and Plants)  
    • Each grade will go outside with Ms. Charlie and will plant specific plants related to their service-learning project. Mrs. Reeder’s class will be planting Catgrass. 
Friday, April 21st: Global Cleanup  
    • Westgate Community School and Washington Street Cleanup from 1:30-2:30pm.  
    • Mrs. Reeder’s class will help clean up the school grounds. 
Saturday, April 22nd: Global Cleanup Challenge and Earth Day  
    • Happy Earth Day! We challenge you to cleanup in your local neighborhood.  
    • Send us pictures of you and your family picking up trash around your local area on Earth Day to [email protected] 
    • Tag us on social media with #wildaboutearthday 


  • Community 'Stay and Play' with In-n-Out Food Truck - Friday, April 21 
    • PLEASE NOTE: School staff are not responsible for supervising children at this community event.  Adult supervision is required.  Students will not be released from school to attend this event without an adult. 


  • SPECIALS: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 


  • 4th Quarter Clubs: Club registration for 4th Quarter clubs is open now! Visit the Westgate Clubs page to register for clubs now.  


  • Yearbook Ordering is Open 
  • $31 each / can only be purchased online / must order by April 20 


  • Westgate and Missoula Children's Theater Present Aladdin! 
  • All students in grades K-12 are invited to audition. Approximately 64 roles will be cast. 
  • Auditions will be held May 1st from 3:45-5:45pm at Westgate and individual roles will be announced immediately following the audition. 
  • Rehearsals will be from 3:45-5:45 and 6:00-8:00pm (individual rehearsal schedules will be provided-not all roles need to attend all rehearsals). 
  • The performances will be on Saturday May 6th at 2:00pm and 4:30pm. 
  • Performances are open to the public and tickets are $5. 
  • Please click here for more information and to register now! 



  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Advocacy Class: In April, we will focus on EMPATHY for our planet. 

  • Learning Goal: Students will apply their skills of empathy to caring for the planet. Students will focus on the environmental impact of humans and how we can positively impact our planet. 

Advocacy Update 4/3/23 - 4/7/23

Dates and Announcements  


Wed. April 5 

5 PM – 7 PM 

Spirit Night @ Skate City 

Thur. April 6 

4 PM – 8:30 PM 

Spirit Night @Tokyo Joes 

(1005 W. 120th Avenue Westminster, CO) 

Fri. April 7 

Shakespeare in the Parking Lot – DCPA will be presenting a 1-hour performance of Macbeth  

Fri. April 14 and  

Mon. April 17 

Clothing Swap Donation Drop-Off 

April 17-21 

Earth Week 


  • Earth Week is April 17th – 21st and this year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet”. We are focused on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion citizens who participate annually in Earth Day to do their part – everyone accounted for, everyone accountable. Here’s what’s happening during Earth Week, and how you can do your part too!  
  • Friday, April 14th   
  • Accepting clothing swap donations during afternoon carline (3:30-4:00) 
  • No appointment is needed.  You will be routed to the drop-off point as you exit the carline. 
  • Looking for a few volunteers!  
  • Monday, April 17th: Climate Literacy  
  • The last opportunity to donate to the clothing swap is during the afternoon carline (3:30-4:00) 
  • No appointment is needed. You will be routed to the drop-off point as you exit the carline. 
  • Looking for a few volunteers
  • Climate Literacy Lesson during advocacy 
  • Tuesday, April 18th: Sustainable Fashion  
  • Westgate Clothing Swap! 4:00-6:00 pm in the gym (see flyer attached for shopping details) Volunteers needed.  
  • Sustainable Fashion Lesson during advocacy 
  • Wednesday, April 19th: End Plastics  
  • Plastic Free Day at Westgate! 
  • Zero Waste crew members will be in classrooms at lunchtime and will recognize students who come to school with no plastic (baggies, water bottles, containers) by stamping their hands! 
  • Recycle relay races during specials classes. 
  • Recycling Lesson during advocacy 
  • Thursday, April 20th: Plant Trees (and Plants)  
  • Each grade will go outside with Ms. Charlie and plant-specific plants related to their service-learning project. Mrs. Reeder’s class will be planting Catgrass. 
  • Friday, April 21st: Global Cleanup  
  • Westgate Community School and Washington Street Cleanup from 1:30-2:30 pm.  
  • Mrs. Reeder’s class will help clean up the school grounds. 
  • Saturday, April 22nd: Global Cleanup Challenge and Earth Day  
  • Happy Earth Day! We challenge you to clean up in your local neighborhood.  
  • Send us pictures of you and your family picking up trash around your local area on Earth Day to [email protected] 
  • Tag us on social media with #wildaboutearthday 


  • SPECIALS: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 


  • 4th Quarter Clubs: Club registration for 4th Quarter clubs is open now! Visit the Westgate Clubs page to register for clubs now.  


  • Yearbook Ordering is Open 
  • Westgate and Missoula Children's Theater Present Aladdin! 
  • All students in grades K-12 are invited to audition. Approximately 64 roles will be cast. 
  • Auditions will be held May 1st from 3:45-5:45pm at Westgate and individual roles will be announced immediately following the audition. 
  • Rehearsals will be from 3:45-5:45 and 6:00-8:00 pm (individual rehearsal schedules will be provided-not all roles need to attend all rehearsals). 
  • The performances will be on Saturday, May 6th at 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm. 
  • Performances are open to the public and tickets are $5. 
  • Please click here for more information and to register now!  


  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks for students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Advocacy Class: In April, we will focus on EMPATHY for our planet. 

  • Learning Goal: Students will apply their empathy skills to caring for the planet. Students will focus on the environmental impact of humans and how we can positively impact our planet. 

Advocacy Update 3/27/23 - 3/31/23

Dates and Announcements  


March 13 – 27 

Spring Break – NO SCHOOL 

Wed. April 5 

5 PM – 7 PM 

Spirit Night @ Skate City 

Thur. April 6 

4 PM – 8:30 PM 

Spirit Night @Tokyo Joes 

(1005 W. 120th Avenue Westminster, CO) 


  • SPECIALS: For the rest of the school year, our special will be iLab. 


  • 4th Quarter Clubs: Club registration for 4th Quarter clubs is open now! Visit the Westgate Clubs page to register for clubs now.  


  • Yearbook Ordering is Open 


Volunteer Opportunities:  

  • Please note: Volunteers will not be allowed in the building during CMAS testing. Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between April 4 and April 19.  
  • Friday Folders: Our Friday Folder sign-up is full! Thank you to those who have helped so far this year and those who have signed up to help for the remainder of the school year. Your help is invaluable and saves me so much time! 
  • Tear out pages from workbooks: Both our math and language arts workbooks need the worksheets torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school.  



  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Advocacy Class: In March, we will focus on EMPATHY for our community—especially our very own Westgate community.  

  • Learning Goal: Students will reflect on what community means and they will identify various community needs. 

Advocacy Update 3/6/23 - 3/8/23

Dates and Announcements  


Wed. March 8,  

4 PM – 8 PM 

Spirit Night at Qdoba (120th and Huron) 

 (1005 W. 120th Avenue Westminster, CO 80234) 

March 9-10 

3rd Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences 

March 13 – 27 

Spring Break – NO SCHOOL 


  • SPECIALS: This week, our special is music. After Spring Break, our specials class will be iLab. 


  • 3rd Quarter Conferences:  
  • Our IN-PERSON conferences will be held on Thursday, March 9th from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 
  • Our VIRTUAL conferences will be held on Friday, March 10th from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 
  • The Sign-Up Genius was sent on Tuesday, February 28 at 4:00 PM. It will automatically close on Monday, March 6th at 4:00 PM.  
  • As with our past conferences, please remember that you may NOT request a virtual conference on the in-person day or an in-person conference on the virtual conference day.  
  • Conference times are offered with Literacy and/or Math teachers only. If you are not sure which teachers to sign up with, please contact your child's Advocacy teacher. 


  • Yearbook Ordering is Open 


Volunteer Opportunities:  

  • Friday Folders: Our Friday Folder sign-up is full! Thank you to those of you who have helped so far this year and to those of you who have signed up to help for the remainder of the school year. Your help is invaluable and saves me so much time! 
  • Tear out pages from workbooks: Both our math and language arts workbooks need the worksheets torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school.  



  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Advocacy Class: In March, we will focus on EMPATHY for our community—especially our very own Westgate community.  

  • Learning Goal: Students will reflect on what community means and they will identify various community needs. 

Advocacy Update 2/27/23 - 3/3/23

Dates and Announcements  


Friday, March 3 

Class Picture Day 

Wed. March 8,  

4 PM – 8 PM 

Spirit Night at Qdoba (120th and Huron) 

 (1005 W. 120th Avenue Westminster, CO 80234) 

March 9-10 

3rd Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences 

March 13 – 27 

Spring Break – NO SCHOOL 


  • SPECIALS: This week, our special is music. 


  • Scholastic Book Orders: Book Order Flyers were sent home in Friday Folders. You can also order online by using our class code YGYPH. Every order earns our class Bonus Points for FREE Books and resources for our classroom. The deadline for ordering books is Tuesday, February 28.  


  • Friday, March 3 (This Friday!) Class Picture Day – Reminder flyers went home in Friday Folders. Online ordering information is on the flyer. 


  • 3rd Quarter Conferences:  
    • Our IN-PERSON conferences will be held on Thursday, March 9th from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 
    • Our VIRTUAL conferences will be held on Friday, March 10th from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 
    • The Sign-Up Genius will be sent on Monday, February 27 at 4:00 PM. It will automatically close on Monday, March 6th at 4:00 PM.  
    • As with our past conferences, please remember that you may NOT request a virtual conference on the in-person day or an in-person conference on the virtual conference day.  
    • Conference times are offered with Literacy and/or Math teachers only. If you are not sure which teachers to sign up with, please contact your child's Advocacy teacher. 


  • Yearbook Ordering is Open 


Volunteer Opportunities:  

  • Friday Folders: Our Friday Folder sign up is full! Thank you to those of you who have helped so far this year and to those of you who have signed up to help for the remainder of the school year. Your help is invaluable and saves me so much time! 
  • Tear out pages from workbooks: Both our math and language arts workbooks need the worksheets torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school.  



  • Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!  
  • Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request. 


Advocacy Class: In February, we continue our work with EMPATHY. This month is about looking at EMPATHY in the form of caring for others. Kindness week fits in perfectly with this theme as we plan to be kind to others in different ways: Words of affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Giving.  

  • Learning Goal: Students will learn skills to communicate their feelings and needs to others, while also learning skills that allow them to listen and respond to the feelings and needs of others.