Advocacy Update 2/21/23 - 2/24/23
Dates and Announcements
Thur. February 23 |
Field Trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science |
Tue. February 28 |
Deadline for placing Scholastic Book Orders |
Friday, March 3 |
Class Picture Day |
March 9-10 |
3rd Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences |
- SPECIALS: This week, our special is music.
- THURSDAY Field Trip to DMNS: This upcoming Thursday, February 23rd, the 1st, and 2nd-grade classes will be taking an amazing field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
- To visually connect all our students on the field trip, have your child wear their red Westgate shirt or another red shirt.
- Students need a disposable sack lunch and a water bottle. There will not be access to microwaves, please do not send anything that requires heating.
- Please have them wear comfortable walking shoes.
- Our 1-2 classes are going on this field trip to continue learning about their science units. We will be leaving Westgate at 9:15 AM and will be returning at 2:00 PM. Please fill out the permission form by Wednesday, Feb. 22nd here: DMNS Permission Slip Link
- If you are interested in being a chaperone for this trip, please let me know. All chaperones must have completed a background check.
- Scholastic Book Orders: Book Order Flyers were sent home in Friday Folders. You can also order online by using our class code YGYPH. Every order earns our class Bonus Points for FREE Books and resources for our classroom. The deadline for ordering books is Tuesday, February 28.
- Yearbook Ordering is Open
- $31 each / can only be purchased online / must order by April 20
- Click here to order.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Friday Folders: Our Friday Folder sign-up is full! Thank you to those of you who have helped so far this year and to those of you who have signed up to help for the remainder of the school year. Your help is invaluable and saves me so much time!
- Tear out pages from workbooks: Both our math and language arts workbooks need the worksheets torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school.
- Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!
- Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/do not bring one. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request.
Advocacy Class: In February, we continue our work with EMPATHY. This month is about looking at EMPATHY in the form of caring for others.
- Learning Goal: Students will learn skills to communicate their feelings and needs to others, while also learning skills that allow them to listen and respond to the feelings and needs of others.