Advocacy Update 9/19/22-9/23/22
Dates and Announcements
- Zero Waste Wednesday update: This week, 18 out of 23 students in our class participated in Zero Waste lunches! Wow! Our class had a couple names shouted out as "Zero Heroes" on the school intercom: Matthew Easley and Ian Goodman.
- Wednesday, September 21: Student Count Day Please make sure your child attends school and is on time on this day.
- Wednesday, September 21, 5:00-8:00 p.m.: Spirt Day at Skate City
- Friday, September 30: Scholastic Book Orders due. There is still time to order! If you are interested in placing an online order, shop our class page here: I gave some recommendations for books, as well as books on our class’s wish list.
Attendance: Many of you may have received a letter from the school regarding attendance. These letters were sent to families whose student has been absent 3 or more days already this semester. As long as the school has communication from a parent/guardian, the first 5 absences are automatically excused. After 5 days all absences are unexcused unless the school has documentation from a doctor, etc.
Coming in late and leaving before 3:30 also accumulates absences. In regard to tardies, 4 tardies will be the equivalent of 1 absence, so you will also receive a letter from the school if your child is tardy on a regular basis. School starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. It is very important that your child arrive on time and be present for the entire day. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Tomlinson at [email protected] or call 303-452-0967.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Thank you volunteers! Your help is greatly appreciated! 😊
- Friday Folders: sign up to help on some or all Fridays throughout the year, sorting papers by students to be sent home in Friday Folders. Feel free to sign up through the end of May, if you would like.
- Tear out pages from workbooks: Both our math and language arts workbooks need the papers torn out of them before the students can use them. The math workbooks are quite large. This is a volunteer opportunity that would need to be accomplished at the school.
- Thank you for the donations that have already been sent in!
- Our class would love to have a few extra snacks on hand for those students who forget/don’t bring one. This week, we ran out by Friday. If you are able, individually wrapped snacks are appreciated. This is an ongoing request.
Advocacy Class: This past week in Advocacy, we learned about being strong. Your child knows that there are many ways to be strong in addition to physical strength, such as perseverance, bravery and having a growth mindset. On Friday, we began identifying things we are good at as strengths.
Service Learning and/or Westgate Animals: Last week we played a game with Ms. Charlie and Mr. Gale’s class about animal populations and what resources the animals need in order to survive from season to season. This coming week, we will learn how to identify Westgate’s chickens.