Ms. Schneider, Earth Science


Week of September 2nd

Happy first week of September!
Homework:  1) Unit 2 Vocabulary Choice Board  -- due September 20th 
                      2) Unit 2 Lesson 1 Checkpoint Assignment 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: NO SCHOOL due to Labor Day
Tuesday: UNIT 1 TEST
Wednesday: Unit 2 Pre-Test and Unit 2 Lesson 1 Lecture Part 1 
Thursday: Light and Latitude Lab, Unit 2 Lesson 1 Lecture Part 2
Friday: Urban Heat Island Activity 
I did speak with students to remind them that I do not allow notes for tests.

Week of August 26th

Happy Spirit Week!
Homework: Unit 1 Lesson 1 and 2  Checkpoint Assignment -- paper
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Unit 1 Lesson 2 Lecture part 1 and sphere activity
Tuesday: Unit 1 Lesson 2 Lecture part 2, practice with map projections
Wednesday: Topographic Map Activity
Thursday: Unit Connections Activity
Friday: Practice and Review
Test for Unit 1 is Tuesday September 3rd 
Friendly Reminders: 
1) Students have a half day on Friday August 30th, getting out of school at 11:30 AM. 
2) Students have NO SCHOOL on Monday September 2nd, for Labor Day.

Week of August 19th

Welcome to the first week of FRCC!
Homework: Unit 1 Vocabulary Assignment DUE: September 3, 2024
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  How to Use Textbooks and Teams
Tuesday: How to do APA Citations and Practice Activity
Wednesday: How to take notes in Science Class and Unit 1 Pre-Test
Thursday: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lecture
Friday: El Nino Activity
Test dates are tentative and students will be made aware if the date moves. 
Copies of the syllabus are posted in Teams, if you would like a physical copy please feel free to reach out to me.  Your student has a physical copy in their binders. 

Textbook Check Out

Happy Monday!
Your student checked out a textbook for science class today.  This is their book to use as a reference for the year.   
This textbook is the property of Westgate Community School; as such the following guidelines were discussed with your students today.
1) This book has to be returned at the end of the year. 
2) Students may not write in, or highlight this book.  If the book is returned damaged, they will be responsible for costs associated with replacing the book. 
3) Students will also have access to a PDF copy of the textbook in Teams should they forget their textbook at school.
Please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns. 

Week of August 12th, 2024

Welcome to Earth Science!
Homework: Sign Syllabus and Lab Safety Contract
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Syllabus, Lab Safety Contract and Policy Review
Tuesday: NO CLASS due to MSU Field Trip
Wednesday: Lab  Safety Activity
Thursday:  Pre-Assessment ( I will be teaching CPR to Seniors today, so there will be a sub). 
Friday:  Finish Pre-Assessment and Lab Safety Activities