Ms. Schneider, Earth Science


Week of March 10th

It was great seeing so many of you at Parent Teacher Conferences. 
Homework:  Unit 8 Lesson 2 checkpoint 
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Unit 8 Lesson 2 Lecture
Tuesday: Water Usage at Westgate Activity
Wednesday:  Continuation of Water Usage project
Thursday: Unit Connections
Friday:  Unit Practice and Review 

Week of March 3rd

Friendly Reminder: NO SCOOL March 6th and 7th due to Parent Teacher Conferences
Homework:  Unit 8 Vocabulary and Unit 8 Lesson 1 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 8 Pre-test and Vocabulary Activity
Tuesday: Unit 8 Lesson 1 Lecture
Wednesday: LAB Students need to wear lab attire 

Week of February 17th

I hope you all enjoyed Kindness week and the extra long weekend!
Homework:  Unit 7 Lesson 3 Checkpoint Assignment
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: NO SCHOOL, President's Day
Tuesday: Unit 7 Lesson 3 Lecture
Wednesday:  Nebula and Light Year Activity
Thursday:  Mapping the Milky Way
Friday: SCHNEIDER OUT, NASA Nebula Activity 

Week of February 10th

This week we will continue our study of the universe.
Homework: Earth Science Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda:
Monday:  Unit 7 Lesson 2 Lecture
Tuesday: Unit 7 Lesson 2 Lecture continued and Star Diagrams
Wednesday : Constellation Project  and Nebula Project
Thursday:  Sounds of the Universe Activity 

Week of February 3rd

Welcome to the shortest month of the year!
Weekly Homework: Unit 7 Vocabulary -- Teams -- due March 3rd and Unit 7 Lesson 1 Checkpoint -- due February 10th 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Unit 6 Test
Tuesday: Unit 7 Pre-test and Genetic Video
Wednesday: Unit 7 Lesson 1 Lecture
Thursday:  Unit 7.1 Lecture Continued
Friday: Modeling the Parallax Activity 

Week of January 27th

Holy cow this month has flown by, but students are deep into their study of our solar system at this point. 
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday:  Origins of the Universe Discussion 
Tuesday: Unit 6 Lesson 3 Lecture
Wednesday: Unit 6 Lesson 3 Lecture continued 
Thursday: Unit 6 Lesson 3 Checkpoint
Friday:  Unit Connections Assignment
Unit 6 Test will be on Monday February 3rd 

Week of January 20th

We are in full swing for semester 2 this week, with FRCC starting on Tuesday.
Weekly Schedule: 
Monday: No School due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday:  Unit 4 Lesson 2 Lecture
Wednesday: Orbital Shape and Mechanics Project and Review Textbook 
Thursday: Continue Review Textbook and Modeling Orbits Lab
Friday: Origins of the Universe Class Discussion

Week of November 18th

This month is flying by, as is this semester.
Homework:  Unit 5 Vocabulary and Unit 5 Lesson 1 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Unit 5 Pre-test, and Lesson 1 Lecture
Tuesday: Lesson 1 Lecture continued 
Wednesday:  Lesson 2 Lecture
Thursday: Geological Feature Research Project (Group PowerPoint)
Friday: Lesson 2 Checkpoint assignment in class 
The last day I will accept any late or missing work is Monday December 2nd. 

Week of November 11th

I hope you all are enjoying your snow day!
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda
Monday: NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day
Tuesday: Hogwarts's Day
Wednesday: Lesson 3 and 4 lecture
Thursday:  PSA Final Project for Unit 4
Friday: PSA Final Project for Unit 4

Week of October 28th

Happy Halloween Week!
Homework: Unit 4 Vocabulary
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Unit 6 Lesson 1 Lecture 
Tuesday: Solid vs Liquid Core Lab and Earthquakes and Subduction Lab
Wednesday: Unit 6 Lesson 2 Lecture
Thursday: Where do Earthquakes happen lab?
Friday:  Earthquake movie 

Week of October 21st

This week students are conducting their first Earth Science research project.  with the focus on Fracking.
Homework:  Fracking paper -- teams
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Select fracking side via popsicle stick. 
Tuesday: Fracking research
Wednesday: finish tracker and begin working on paper
Thursday: Fracking Debate in class
Friday:  Unit 4 Pretest and Unit 4 Lesson 1 Lecture

Week of October 14th

Welcome back!! I hope you all had an amazing Fall Break!
Homework: Unit 3 Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 3 Lesson 2 Lecture
Tuesday: Unit 3 Lesson 3 Lecture
Wednesday: Renewable Energy Selection Activity
Thursday:  Unit Connections Activity
Friday: Practice and Review
Students will NOT have a test for the end of Unit 3 but instead will be engaging in research, writing an essay and a in class debate regarding Fracking next week. 

Week of September 23rd

Happy last day of quarter 1!
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 3 Pre-Test and Criteria and Constraints Activity
Tuesday:  Unit 3 Lesson 1 Lecture
Wednesday: Unit 3 LEsson 1 Lecture Part 2
Thursday: Unit 3 Lesson 1 Checkpoint
Fall break for students begins on Thursday September 26th at 11:30
Parent Teacher Conferences are from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM on 09/26 
                                                             8:00 AM - 8:00 PM on 09/27
Fall Break does not mean the students do  have FRCC, and there will not be a bus from Westgate during Fall Break.  Students and families are responsible for arranging their own transportation during this time.
Students return to Westgate Monday October 14th. 

Week of September 16th

This month is flying by!
Homework: Unit 2 Lesson 4 Checkpoint Assignment
Weekly Agenda: 
Tuesday: Lake Nyos Research
Wednesday: Lake Nyos Debate
Thursday: Unit Practice and Review
Friday: Unit 2 Test