Academic Programming » High School Course Guide

High School Course Guide

High School Course Guide

This course guide works in tandem with the high school handbook and the 
student/community handbook. This course guide includes required core 
courses as well as elective courses. Please note, not all courses are offered 
each school year. Yearly course offerings are based on current student needs 
and staffing availability. 

High School Handbook

This high school handbook works in tandem with the Student/Community 
Handbook which is designed to introduce you to Westgate Community 
School (WCS) and provide you with information about your school. This 
handbook is not all inclusive but is intended to provide you with a summary of 
the guidelines, policies, and expectations specific to the high school. 
WCS was approved and is authorized by the Adams 12 Board of Education. In 
addition to significant elements in our original application that we must honor, 
we are subject to requirements defined in our contract with Adams 12. While 
we operate with much fiscal, administrative, and curricular autonomy, there 
are district, state, and federal policies and laws that we are required to follow. 
No handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question.

If you have questions after reading the handbook, please follow the Communications 
Pathway to guide you to the best person to answer your questions.