Parent/Guardians » Educational Support Resources

Educational Support Resources


Below is a variety of links and software options that can help to support you or your student. 

Grades and Attendance:

Student Log In
  • Username: student ID number
  • Password: student choice (unless reset by office staff)

Parent Log In
  • Username: email address
  • Password: (emailed a temporary password)

Student Email, OneDrive, Office Online:

Password: same as your school computer password

Big Ideas Math:

Big Ideas Math Tutorial 

Online Spelling Practice:


A Comprehensive Encyclopedia for K-12:

Want access at home?  Ask your advocacy teacher for the username and password.


BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction from Children’s Press and other trusted Scholastic imprints. Want access at home?  Ask your advocacy teacher for the username and password.

Khan Academy:

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.



Mindfulness Apps:

These are the mindfulness Apps from the presentation on Tuesday, August 18, 2016. Some of them are free others have a small fee. Please let us know if there are others that should be added to the list.