Unified Improvement Plan
What is a Unified Improvement Plan, also known as a UIP?
Beginning in 2009, the Colorado Department of Education introduced the Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) process in an effort to streamline school and school district efforts. The goal was for the UIP to meet a wide variety of planning requirements from both the state and federal governments. The UIP reduces how many separate plans schools have to complete, while also providing a continuous improvement process rather than one-off planning documents and events.
Why does Westgate have an improvement plan?
Continuously improving what we do, and how we do it, is a skill we teach in our classrooms and use in real-world applications. Engaging in the UIP process gives WCS the opportunity to continuously examine our instruction methodologies, community-building and learning outcomes. As a charter school, a UIP is also part of our renewal process - evaluating impacts, assessing academic priorities and our planning supports.
What are the main elements of Westgate’s plan?
- Focused writing instruction
- Direct instruction around the elements of a question
- Replacing K-2 ELA core curriculum and Americorps tutoring
- New math curriculum K-8, and realignment of curriculum K-12
What does the UIP mean for me as a parent, guardian or a member of the Westgate community?
Parents and guardians have an active role to play in helping our students achieve their learning outcomes. Throughout the school year, this may look like reinforcing learning strategies taught in the classrooms, engaging in the parent survey or setting your student up for success during CMAS testing time.
How do I review Westgate’s UIP?
You can see our UIP on the Colorado Department of Education website.