Event newsletters » Happenings Hub - September 2024

Happenings Hub - September 2024

Updates from the Event Committee

Hello Westgate families! Thank you to all who joined us for our August events – Boo-hoo/Woo-hoo Breakfast, Red Robin Spirit Night, Westgate Night at the Rockies, and Spirit Week.


Check out what we have planned for September!

Teacher & Staff Gifting Options

If you would like to spoil or show gratitude to a favorite faculty member or teacher here is a link to their favorite things. To make it easier for you we put together a list of teachers and staff and some key information that can help you make a thoughtful or useful purchase. You can find Teacher/Staff Gifting list year-round under the Support WCS tab on our website. 
Click the button below to take you to directly to the Gifting page!

Original Works

Original Works transforms each child’s artwork onto individual, quality products that can be shared with family and friends. Your children will be working with our art teacher, Miss H, and their Advocacy teacher in September to create their own artwork, which can then be turned into one-of-a-kind keepsakes and fantastic gifts for grandparents and relatives. The students will finish creating their masterpieces prior to Fall Break and order forms will be available in October, with orders being delivered in time for the holidays.

Skate City Tailgate Party - Westgate Community School

Tuesday, Sept 10: Skate City Spirit Night

5:00-7:00pm at 200 W 121st Ave, Westminster. Join us for a full-filled private event just for Westgate families and friends! $7 admission fee/skater and $5 skate rental (if needed.) $5 meal deals and $2 hotdogs available. Lace up those skates and let’s roll!

Monday, September 16Events Committee Meeting

2:00-3:30pm at Westgate in the Teacher’s Lounge or virtually via Teams

Join the meeting

Meeting ID: 272 385 445 923

Passcode: Uy8MVK

Skip carline! Join us to plan upcoming school events, brainstorm new events, and get involved in our community. All are welcome - please make sure to check in with Natalie at the front desk. At 3:30, your students will be called down to the front desk, and you can leave with them.

Qdoba FundraiserWednesday, Sept 18: Qdoba Spirit Night Fundraiser

4:00-8:00pm at 1005 W 120th Ave, Westminster.

Order your dinner at Qdoba and Westgate will receive 25% of your sale. Make sure to mention Westgate or show our flyer. If ordering online, add promo code “QDOBAGIVES” before checking out. 

Scholastic Book Fair logo

September 23-27: All School Scholastic Book Fair

The Book Fair is back! Come and pick up some pages to keep those kids busy during Fall Break! This popular event, located in the Teacher’s Lounge on the lower level, is open for kids to shop during their lunch breaks or for families to join their kids after school.
New this year: Shop before or after parent/teacher conferences! Stay tuned for more information!
Parent volunteers will be needed to assist kids while shopping, cashiering duties, and setup/cleanup. As this is an in-school volunteer position, you will need to be sure you have a volunteer form filled out and a background check, please indicate on the form that you'd like to volunteer for the Book Fair. Check out our Volunteers page for more information.
  • Monday, Sept 23: Class previews (no shopping during these times – teachers/students get to check out what’s available & make their wish lists) 9-11am & 1-3pm. Shopping hours: 3:30-5pm
  • Tuesday, Sept 24: Shopping hours: 11am-1pm and 3:30-5pm
  • Wednesday, Sept 25: Shopping hours: 11am-1pm and 3:30-5:30pm
  • Thursday, Sept 26 (half day of school): Shopping hours: 11am-12:30pm
  • Friday, Sept 27 (no school – in person conferences): Shopping hours: 8am-12pm and 1-4pm

Donate TodayConference Meal Donations Needed

Our teachers work long days during conferences, so we like to treat them to breakfast and lunch! We have a volunteer who will be cooking hot, fresh meals for them. If you can help out with a monetary donation to cover costs, please donate via the Payment Portal (please denote conference meals) or put cash/check in the white lockbox in the vestibule.

Fundraising Spotlight

King Soopers logoKING SOOPERS: Our best AND easiest fundraiser! 

After choosing Westgate as your charity of choice on your King Soopers card, all you have to do is shop!  It's really that easy.  Your family and friends in any state with stores that are part of the Kroger Family of Companies can do it too.   

Here's how it works: 

  1. Go to http://www.kingsoopers.comor click here if your Kroger Family of Companies is not a King Soopers. 
  2. Sign in to your account. (If you do not have an account, you will need to set this up first.) 
    3. Be sure to have your King Soopers Loyalty card available with you. (If you don't have a loyalty card, stop by any customer service desk to get one.) 
    4. At the top choose "savings & rewards" - go to "King Soopers Community and Rewards Program" 
    5. Choose "enroll now" 
    6. In search box - put in either Westgate Community School either by name or CN908 
    7. Your loyalty card will now be linked with Westgate's account number. (If you and your spouse/partner use the same loyalty card number you only need to sign up once. All cards will be linked.) 

We receive several thousand dollars per year from this program. Thanks for choosing Westgate! 


View All General

Handy Links

  • Stay up-to-date on school events. Click on the General calendar above! You can even add events directly to your phone's calendar!
  • We need volunteers! All school volunteers must fill out a form and get a background check. 

Events Committee

We welcome ideas, suggestions, and feedback! Please email us at [email protected]