We want to remind everyone that carline rules are there for the safety of your children.
Recent observations have revealed numerous violations and dangerous behaviors that put your children at serious risk. It is crucial that all families adhere to the carline rules and procedures as posted on our website: Transportation - Miscellaneous - Westgate Community School.
Morning Supervision:
- Supervision will be outside by 7:40 AM. During cold days, students will be allowed inside upon arrival
- Carline supervisors must go in at 8:00 AM for school start.
- If you are dropping off late (after 8 AM) please be particularly mindful of the carline and parking area - students walking across the crosswalk get priority.
- Students must sign in if they arrive after 8 AM and are considered tardy
Afternoon Supervision:
- Supervision will be outside by 3:30 and continue until 4:00 PM. Late pickups can result in fines.
Important Safety Reminders:
DO NOT drop off students randomly on Washington Street. This is unsafe for drivers and pedestrians. The police have been notified and will issue tickets.
Dropping off students or parking in the North parking lot is not allowed. This area is reserved for employee parking and is dangerous. Use the carline at the front of the school where there is supervision and a crosswalk, or come around to the front to park if you need to come into the building.
To Avoid Carline:
- Drop off students at an off-campus location and have them walk in.
- Peak Martial Arts parking lot. Students can then safely cross at 126th and Washington.
- Barnes & Noble parking lot. Students can then safely walk up Washington Street to the school.
- Arrive early. Dropping off students slightly before or at 7:40 AM guarantees a quick carline experience and ensures your student is safe on campus and in class on time.
Your cooperation is essential to ensure the safety of all students. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.