Invitation to Virtual Board Meeting - Team Presentations

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Board Meeting, which will be held virtually tomorrow night. This meeting will feature team presentations, providing an opportunity to learn more about the wonderful work happening in our school.

Details of the Meeting:

When: February 4th, 6:00-8:00 PM
Where: Virtual Board Meeting (via Microsoft Teams)
Microsoft Teams Link:

Order of Presentations:

  • 6:05-6:20 7-8 Team
  • 6:20-6:40 SPED and Intervention (includes Christy and Linda)
  • 6:40-6:55 Kinder Team
  • 6:55-7:10 3-4 Team
  • 7:10-7:25 Specials Team
  • 7:25-7:40 5-6 Team
  • 7:40-7:55 1-2 Team
  • 7:55-8:10 High School Team

Please note that this is a presentation-only meeting, and there will be no time allocated for comments. However, we will record the meeting and will send it out in addition to making it available on our website and YouTube Channel for those who cannot attend live. 

We look forward to sharing our students' achievements and classroom activities with you.