How do we, as students at Westgate, learn about endangered species in order to educate our community of their existence and the impact of invasive species on their lives?
This quarter we will be exploring the concept of extinction, endangered species, invasive species and how various species interact with their ecosystem.
Week 1: Routines, Expectations, what are some endangered animals, make a missing poster to create awareness.
Week 2: Deeper dive into local endangered species: Bison, Black footed ferrets, Colorado Pikeminnow, Boreal Toad, etc.
Week 3: How can we help? Decide on project, begin building solutions, *Special Assignment with Environmental ed: Animal Enrichment: Creating Enrichment Devices for the Westgate Chickens*
Week 4: Develop an overall solution to the problem and form groups based on similar solutions.
Week 5: Develop a final product/project and prepare a panel presentation Panel will be Friday.
Week 6: Mini Unit: as voted on by the students we will look into how to get our first job and what it takes to have a job. This week we will look into our skills and begin crafting a resume.