Ms. Parisi, Government


Week 6 9/16-9/20

Hi People!

This week we will wrap up our learning about 9/11/01. We will also continue with Topic 2: The Enduring Constitution.

This week’s assignments:

  1. Government Policy Post 9/11
  2. Review Topic 2.2 The Pre-Revolutionary Period and Topic 2.3 The Articles of Confederation
  3. Topic 2.4 The Constitutional Convention
  4. Topic 2.5 The Enduring Constitution Part 1


Topic 2.2 The Pre-Revolutionary Period

  • Identify the origins of the core values in American political thought, including ideas regarding representational government
  • Explore how English traditions influenced the development of colonial governments.
  • Explain how the ideas of the Enlightenment shaped the colonist’s worldview.
  • Describe how the Great Awakening affected colonial society.

Topic 2.3 The Articles of Confederation

  • Describe the steps taken during and after the American Revolution to create a government
  • Identify the main features of the Articles of Confederation
  • Describe the crises resulting from key features of the Articles of Confederation 

Topic 2.4 The Constitutional Convention

  • Understand the reasons leaders called for the Constitutional Convention. 
  • Summarize the rival plans of government proposed at the convention. 
  • Describe the compromises made in order to reach agreement on the Constitution.   

Topic 2.5 The Enduring Constitution Part 1

  • Summarize the arguments for and against ratification of the Constitution. 
  • Describe how the Constitution was ratified


-Government Policy Post 9/11 due 9/17

-Topic 2 packet due 9/24

-Topic 2 homework due 9/25

Week 5 9/9-9/13

Hi People! 
This week we will pause on Topic 2: The Enduring Constitution. Instead, our focuses will be on current events, first specifically looking at gun violence in the US. After, we will focus on the events and attacks that unfolded on September 11th, 2001, specifically how government policy changed after 9/11. 
  • Examine how the attacks influenced American society, including changes in public perception, security policies, and the cultural responses.
  • Students will analyze the immediate and long-term impacts of the September 11 attacks on the United States and the world, including changes in national security policies, economic effects, and international relations.
  •  Students will discuss and write about specific changes such as the implementation of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the onset of the War on Terror.
  • Students will explore the personal and societal responses to the attacks, including the reactions of first responders, the impact on affected families, and the collective national and global response.
This week's assignments: 
-Gun Violence in the US Free Response Question
-Government Policy Post 9/11 Activity
-Gun Violence in the US Free Response Question due 9/11
-Government Policy Post 9/11 Activity due 9/16

Week 4 9/3-9/6

Hi People! 
This week we will begin Topic 2: The Enduring Constitution.
Topic 2.1 Origins of American Democracy
  • Identify the origins of the core values in American political thought, including ideas regarding representational government.
  • Trace the history of Democracy from Ancient Greece to the founding of the United States.
  • Analyze Enlightenment thinker’s influences on the founding fathers.
Topic 2.2 The Pre-Revolutionary Period and the Roots of the American Political Tradition
  • Identify the origins of the core values in American political thought, including ideas regarding representational government.
  • Explore how English traditions influenced the development of colonial governments.
  • Explain how the ideas of the Enlightenment shaped the colonist’s worldview.
  • Describe how the Great Awakening affected colonial society.
  • Explain how Thomas Paine’s Enlightenment ideas helped to influence American Independence.
This week's assignments: 
1. Topic 2.1 Origins of American Democracy
2. Topic 2.2 The Pre-Revolutionary Period and the Roots of the American Political Tradition
-Topic 2 homework (30 points) due 9/24
-Topic 2 packet (60 points) due 9/24

Week 3 8/26-8/30

Hi People! 
This week we will finish Topic 1 American Government and Civic Engagement
Defining Citizenship Activity:
  • Explore civic responsibilities: describe the rights and responsibilities of American citizens, including voting and civic participating.
  • Evaluate civic engagement: assess various forms of civic engagement, including volunteering, activism, and participating in community organizations.
Topic 1:
  • Explain what government is and what it does.
  • Identify the type of government in the United States and compare it to other forms of government. 
  • Describe the pluralism-elitism debate. Explain the tradeoffs perspective on government.
    Explain the importance of citizen engagement in a democracy.
    Describe the main ways Americans can influence and become engaged in government.
    Discuss factors that may affect people’s willingness to become engaged in government.
This week's assignments: 
1. Defining Citizenship Activity
2. Topic 1 test on 8/29
-Topic 1 Homework (20 points) due 8/28
-Topic 1 packet (30 points, 10 points per lesson) due 8/28

Week 2 8/19-8/23

Hi People!
This week we will begin Topic 1: American Government and Civic Engagement
Topic 1.1 What is Government?
Explain what government is and what it does.
Identify the type of government in the United States and compare it to other forms of government
Topic 1.2 Who Governs? Elitism, Pluralism, and Trade Offs
Describe the pluralism-elitism debate.
Explain the tradeoffs perspective on government.
Topic 1.3 Engagement in Democracy
Describe the main ways Americans can influence and become engaged in government.
Discuss factors that may affect people’s willingness to become engaged in government.
This week's assignments:
1. Topic 1.1 What is Government?
2. Topic 1.2 Who Governs? Elitism, Pluralism, and Trade Offs
3. Topic 1.3 Engagement in Democracy
-Topic 1 Homework (20 points) due 8/28

Week 1 8/12-8/16

Hi People!
This week we will get to know each other as well as the course. 
This week's assignments:
1. First Day Get to Know You and Me
2. Syllabus 
3. Lunchroom Fight
4. My Government Activity
-Signed Syllabus (10 points)
-Field Trip to MSU on August 13th