Ms. Parisi, Human Geography


Week 6 9/16-9/20

Hi People! 

This week we will continue Topic 2: Population and Movement. 

This week’s assignments:

  1. Topic 2.4 A Refugee Experience
  2. Topic 2.5 Syrian Civil War DBQ


Topic 2.4 A Refugee Experience

  • Analyze the impact of the conflict on various aspects of Syrian society, including infrastructure, economy, and social cohesion.
  • Analyze the factors contributing to the ongoing violence and persecution against the Rohingya population.
  • Explore the personal experiences and stories of Syrian refugees to gain a deeper understanding of the human dimension of the crisis.
  • Identify the specific humanitarian issues faced by Rohingya refugees, such as living conditions in refugee camps, access to education and healthcare, and issues of safety and security.

Topic 2.5 Syrian Civil War DBQ

  • Understand the historical background of Syria, including pre-war political, social, and economic conditions, and how these factors contributed to the outbreak of the civil war.
  • Analyze the origins of the conflict, including the role of the Arab Spring, government repression, and the emergence of various opposition groups.


-Topic 2 homework due 9/25

-Topic 2 packet due 9/25

Week 5 9/9-9/13

Hi People!
This week we will begin our second unit, Topic 2: Population and Movement.
This week's assignments: 
1. Topic 2.1 Intro to Migration
2. Topic 2.2 Climate Migration
3. Topic 2.3 A Refugee Crisis
Topic 2.1 Intro to Migration
  • Identify the major concepts and analyze the patterns of human migration.
  • Define key concepts related to human migration, including migration, immigration, and emigration, and explain their relevance in the context of human geography.
  • Students will be able to describe and compare different factors of migration, such as push and pull factors, and discuss their applicability to historical and contemporary migration patterns.
Topic 2.2 Climate Migration
  • Identify and explain the four major causes of climate related migration and describe how each can lead to displacing people.
  •  identify and describe the specific climate-related phenomena, such as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and prolonged droughts, that contribute to migration patterns.
Topic 2.3 A Refugee Crisis
  • Explain the causes and developments of the Syrian refugee crisis, including the role of the Syrian civil war, political instability, and humanitarian issues that have led to mass displacement.
  • Students will be able to analyze and compare the different responses of European countries to the influx of Syrian refugees, including policy measures, border controls, and the level of humanitarian aid provided.
-Topic 2 homework due 9/25
-Topic 2 packet due 9/25

Week 4 9/3-9/6

Hi People! 
This week we will finish Topic 1: Geography Mechanics
Topic 1.2 Geography Mechanics
  • Identify the difference between physical and human geography
  • Identify and give examples of the 5 themes of geography
  • Give examples that show the difference between continents, countries, and cities
Topic 1.3 TODALSIG
  • Identify various examples of geographic tools, their uses, advantages and limits.
  • Demonstrates spatial thinking by using geographic tools to organize patterns, make connections, and solve problems.
  • Identify and explain the purpose of each component of the TODALSIG acronym (Title, Orientation, Date, Author, Legend, Scale, Index, Grid) in a map, and apply this understanding to critically evaluate and create maps that effectively communicate geographic information.
Topic 1.4 Colorado Map
  • Create a detailed map of Colorado that accurately depicts major cities and interstate highways, incorporating essential map elements including TODALSIG, to effectively convey geographic information and spatial relationships.
Topic 1.5 Location and Regions
  • Identify and use latitude, longitude, and regions to locate and describe a place.
  • Accurately determine the location of various points on a map of glove using latitude and longitude coordinates and explain how these coordinates help in navigation and geographic analysis. 
  • Name and locate the regions of Colorado, the U.S, and the World.
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of specific locations and regions on a map, including their physical, cultural, and economic features, and explain how these attributes influence human activities and regional development.
Topic 1.6 Thematic Maps
  • Identify, analyze, and evaluate thematic maps.
  • Interpret thematic maps to understand and describe specific geographic patterns and trends, such as population density, climate zones, or economic activities, and explain how these maps convey information about spatial relationships and regional characteristics. 
  • Demonstrate spatial thinking, which involves using geographic tools to analyze patterns, make connections, and solve problems.
This week's assignments:
1. Finish Topic 1.6 Thematic Maps 
2. Topic 1 Review
3. Topic 1 Assessment on 9/6
-Topic 1 homework (25 points) due 9/4
-Topic 1 packet (60 points) due 9/4

Week 3 8/26-8/30

Hi People!
This week we will finish Topic 1 Geography Mechanics. 
Topic 1.4 Colorado Map
  • Create a detailed map of Colorado that accurately depicts major cities and interstate highways, incorporating essential map elements including TODALSIG, to effectively convey geographic information and spatial relationships.
Topic 1.5 Location and Regions
  • Identify and use latitude, longitude, and regions to locate and describe a place.
  • Accurately determine the location of various points on a map of glove using latitude and longitude coordinates, and explain how these coordinates help in navigation and geographic analysis. 
  • Name and locate the regions of Colorado, the U.S, and the World.
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of specific locations and regions on a map, including their physical, cultural, and economic features, and explain how these attributes influence human activities and regional development. 
Topic 1.6 Thematic Maps
  • Identify, analyze, and evaluate thematic maps.
  • Interpret thematic maps to understand and describe specific geographic patterns and trends, such as population density, climate zones, or economic activities, and explain how these maps convey information about spatial relationships and regional characteristics. 
  • Demonstrate spatial thinking, which involves using geographic tools to analyze patterns, make connections, and solve problems.
This weeks assignments:
1. Topic 1.4 Colorado Map
2. Topic 1.5 Location and Regions
3. Topic 1.6 Thematic Maps
-Topic 1 Homework (25 points) due 8/30
-Topic 1 packet (60 points, 10 points per lesson) due 8/30
-Topic 1 Assessment 9/4

Week 2 8/19-8/23

Hi People!
This week we will begin Topic 1: Geography Mechanics
Topic 1.2 Geography Mechanics
  • Identify the difference between physical and human geography
  • Identify and give examples of the 5 themes of geography
  • Give examples that show the difference between continents, countries, and cities
Topic 1.3 TODALSIG
  • Identify various examples of geographic tools, their uses, advantages and limits.
  • Demonstrates spatial thinking by using geographic tools to organize patterns, make connections, and solve problems.
  • Identify and explain the purpose of each component of the TODALSIG acronym (Title, Orientation, Date, Author, Legend, Scale, Index, Grid) in a map, and apply this understanding to critically evaluate and create maps that effectively communicate geographic information. 
Topic 1.4 Map of Colorado
  • Create a detailed map of Colorado that accurately depicts major cities and interstate highways, incorporating essential map elements including TODALSIG, to effectively convey geographic information and spatial relationships.
This week's assignments: 
1. Topic 1.2 Geography Mechanics
2. Topic 1.3 TODALSIG
3. Topic 1.4 Map of Colorado
-Topic 1 Homework (25 points) due 8/30

Week 1 8/12-8/16

Hi People!
This week we will get to know each other as well as the course. 
This week's assignments:
1. First Day Get to Know You and Me
2. Syllabus 
3. Where Is It? Map Activity
-Signed Syllabus (10 points)
-Field Trip to MSU on August 13th