Ms. Parisi, World History


Week 6 9/16-9/20

Hi People! 

This week we will begin Topic 3: African Civilizations. 

This week’s assignments: 

  1. Topic 3.1 Development of African Civilizations
  2. Topic 3.2 Kingdoms and States of Africa
  3. Topic 3.3 African Society and Culture


Topic 3.1 Development of African Civlizations

  • Describe how the widely varied geography of Africa influenced its culture and trade. 
  • Explain why Kush and Axum and later, Islam arose as strong early civilizations that would influence Africa. 

Topic 3.2 Kingdoms and States of Africa

  • Understand how the expansion of trade enabled the kingdoms and states of Africa to protect their people and to prosper. 
  • Describe how powerful leadership helped Mali thrive.
  • Explain how the migration of the Bantu and Indian Ocean trade changed East Africa. 

Topic 3.3 African Society and Culture

  • Understand that African society was centered on village and family life, with distinct religious beliefs and a rich culture. 
  • Explain why African society was strongly influenced by values and customs, such as the importance of the family, common ancestors, and community education. 
  • Describe why Africa’s rich culture of paintings, carvings, sculpture, music, and dance often served a religious purpose. 


-Topic 3 SPICE Chart due 9/25

-Topic 3 packet due 9/25

Week 5

Hi People!
This week we will finish Topic 2: The Islamic World. 
This week's assignments: 
1. Topic 2.3 Islamic Civilization
2. Topic 2.4 Culture of Islam
3. Topic 2 assessment
Topic 2.3 Islamic Civilization
  • Explain how despite Islamic teaching that says that all people are equal under Allah, this was not strictly the case throughout the Arab Empire. 
  • Describe how growing trade and favorable geography allowed both urban and rural areas to flourish during the period of the Arab Empire.
Topic 2.4 Culture of Islam
  • Describe Islamic achievements in philosophy, science, and history. 
  • Explain how Islamic arts had an important influence on European civilization. 
  • Understand why The 1001 Nights is a major early Islamic work of literature that is still enjoyed today. 
  • Describe how Muslim art and architecture reflect the spiritual glory of Islam.
-Topic 2 SPICE Chart due 9/11
-Topic 2 packet due 9/11

Week 4 9/3-9/6

Hi People! 
This week we will begin Topic 2: The Islamic World.
Topic 2.1 The Rise of Islam
  • Understand how the creation of Islam led to great changes in the social and political systems of Southwest Asia. 
  • Describe how trade routes of the Arabs expanded, communities prospered, and tensions among the rich and poor increased. 
  • Explain how the revelations of Muhammad led to the creation of the Islamic religion. 
  • Relate how Islam is also both a set of religious beliefs and a way of life.
Topic 2.2 The Arab Empire and Its Successors
  • Describe how successors of Muhammad organized the Arabs and set in motion a great expansion. 
  • Explain how Islam experienced prosperity and a new cultural outlook under the Abbasid dynasty.
  • Understand why the violent invasion of the Mongols destroyed the old Islamic Empire established by the Arabs and created a new center of Islamic civilization in Cairo, Egypt.
This week's assignments:
1. Topic 2.1 The Rise of Islam
2. Topic 2.2 The Arab Empire and Its Successors
-Topic 2 SPICE Chart (25 points) due 9/11 (homework)
-Topic 2 packet (40 points) due 9/11

Week 3 8/26-8/30

Hi People!

This week we will finish Topic 1: Rome and the Rise of Christianity


Topic 1.4 The Development of Christianity

  • Understand how Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and eventually became the state religion of Rome. 
  • Describe why prior to Christianity, Roman religion involved the worship of a number of gods and goddesses and the belief that Rome had earned the favor of the gods. 
  • Trace the changes through which despite early Christian persecution, Christianity grew in importance and spread throughout the Roman Empire.

Topic 1.5 The Decline and Fall of Rome

  • Explain how two strong emperors temporarily revived the Roman Empire and how Germanic tribes from central Europe helped bring it to an end. 
  • Describe how political upheavals, the plague, and the division of the empire led to its decline. 
  • Explain how the migration of Germanic tribes helped bring an end to the Roman Empire.

This week's assignments:

  1. Topic 1.4 The Development of Christianity
  2. Topic 1.5 The Decline and Fall of Rome
  3. Topic 1 test on 8/29


-Topic 1 SPICE Chart (25 points) due 8/28

-Topic 1 packet (50 points, 10 points per lesson) due 8/28

Week 2 8/19-8/23

Hi People!
This week we will begin Topic 1: Rome and the Rise of Christianity
Topic 1.1 The Rise of Rome
  • Explain how the Romans conquered and controlled the Italian peninsula and then the entire Mediterranean world. 
  • Describe why Rome’s central location and geographic features made it a desirable location from which to expand. 
  • Demonstrate why The Romans were practical and skillful in both politics and military matters.
  • Describe why after their conquest of Italy, the Romans faced the state of Carthage.
Topic 1.2 From Republic to Empire
  • Summarize why the internal instability of the Roman Empire eventually led to civil wars and increased power for the military. 
  • Explain how political and social unrest led to civil wars responsible for ending the Republic.
  • Describe how Octavian, titled Caesar Augustus, created a new order that began the Roman Empire.
Topic 1.3 Roman Culture and Society
  • Describe the process through which the Romans spread both Greek and Roman contributions to art, architecture, and literature throughout the empire.
  • Compare and contrast how city life in ancient Rome had problems similar to life today.
This week's assignments:
1. Topic 1.1 The Rise of Rome
2. Topic 1.2 From Republic to Empire
3. Topic 1.3 Roman Culture and Society
-Topic 1 SPICE Chart (25 points) due 8/28

Week 1 8/12-8/16

Hi People!
This week we will get to know each other as well as the course. 
This week's assignments:
1. First Day Get to Know You and Me
2. Syllabus 
3. Lunchroom Fight
4. Fast History
-Signed Syllabus (10 points)
-Field Trip to MSU on August 13th