Ms. Parisi, US History


Week 6 9/16-9/20

Hi People!

This week we will begin Topic 2: Industry and Innovation in the Gidled Age. 

This week’s assignments:

  1. Topic 2.1 Industry Boosts Growth
  2. Topic 2.2 Big Business Rises
  3. Topic 2.3 Organized Labor Movement
  4. Topic 2.4 The New Immigrants
  5. Topic 2.5 A Nation of Cities


Topic 2.1 Industry Boosts Growth

  • Explain how new inventions, scientific discoveries, and technological innovations fueled growth and improved the standard of living.
  • Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800’s.

Topic 2.2 Big Business Rises

  • Analyze different management innovations that businesses used to increase their profits. Describe the public debate over the pros and cons of big business. 
  • Explain how the government took steps to block abuses of corporate power.

Topic 2.3 Organized Labor Movement

  • Assess the impact of business practices on workers in the late 1800’s. 
  • Compare the goals and strategies of the first labor unions. 
  • Analyze the causes and effects of strikes in the late 1800’s.

Topic 2.4 The New Immigrants

  • Compare the “new immigrants” of the late 1800’s to earlier immigrants. 
  • Explain the push and pull factors leading immigrants to America.

Topic 2.5 A Nation of Cities

  • Analyze urban growth in the late 1800’s. 
  • Explain how technology improved city life. 
  • Evaluate the problems caused by rapid urban growth and ways that city dwellers tried to solve them.


-Topic 2 packet due 9/25

-Topic 2 homework due 9/25

Week 5 9/9-9/13

Hi People! 
This week we will have 2 focuses. We will start with current events, specially looking at the events and attacks that unfolded on September 11th, 2001. We will then begin our next unit, Topic 2: Industry and Innovation in the Gilded Age.
102 Minutes That Changed America
  • Examine how the attacks influenced American society, including changes in public perception, security policies, and the cultural responses.
  • Students will analyze the immediate and long-term impacts of the September 11 attacks on the United States and the world, including changes in national security policies, economic effects, and international relations.
  •  Students will discuss and write about specific changes such as the implementation of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the onset of the War on Terror.
  • Students will explore the personal and societal responses to the attacks, including the reactions of first responders, the impact on affected families, and the collective national and global response.
Topic 2.1 Innovation Boosts Growth
  • Explain how new inventions, scientific discoveries, and technological innovations fueled growth and improved the standard of living.
  • Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800’s.
Topic 2.2 Big Business Rises
  • Analyze different management innovations that businesses used to increase their profits.
  • Describe the public debate over the pros and cons of big business. 
  • Explain how the government took steps to block abuses of corporate power.
This week's assignments: 
1. 9/11 Free Response Question
2. Topic 2.1 Innovation Boosts Growth
3. Topic 2.2 Big Business Rises
-9/11 Free Response Question due 9/20
-Topic 2 SPICE Chart due 9/23
-Topic 2 packet due 9/23

Week 4 9/3-9/6

Hi People!
This week we will finish Topic 1: Challenges of the Late 1800s.
Topic 1.1 Reconstruction Era
  • Explore how Congress and the President clashed over Reconstruction. 
  • Describe the impact of Reconstruction on the South. 
  • Explain how Reconstruction came to an end.
Topic 1.2 American Indians Under Pressure
  • Compare the ways Native Americans and white settlers viewed and used the land.
  • Describe the conflicts between white settlers and Indians. 
  • Evaluate the impact of the Indian Wars.
Topic 1.3 The West is Transformed
  • Analyze the impact of mining and railroads on the settlement of the West. 
  • Explain the impact of physical and human geographic factors on the settlement of the Great Plains. 
  • Analyze the treatment of Chinese immigrants and Mexican Immigrants in the West. 
  • Discuss the ways various groups used land in the West and conflicts among them.
Topic 1.4 Corruption Plagues a Nation
  • Analyze the issue of corruption in national politics in the 1870s and 1880s. 
  • Discuss civil service reform during the 1870s and 1880s. 
  • Assess the importance of economic issues in the politics of the Gilded Age.
Topic 1.5 Farm Issues and Populism
  • Analyze the problems farmers faced and the groups they formed to address them. 
  • Assess the goals of the Populists and explain why the Populist Party did not last.
This week's assignments: 
1. Topic 1 review
2. Topic 1 test on 9/6
-Topic 1 SPICE chart (25 points) due 9/4
-Topic 1 packet (50 points) due 9/4
-Turner's Frontier Thesis (15 points) due 9/4

Week 3 8/26-8/30

Hi People!
This week we will continue Topic 1 Challenges in the Late 1800s.
Topic 1.3 The West is Transformed
  • Analyze the impact of mining and railroads on the settlement of the West. 
  • Explain the impact of physical and human geographic factors on the settlement of the Great Plains. 
  • Analyze the treatment of Chinese immigrants and Mexican Immigrants in the West. 
  • Discuss the ways various groups used land in the West and conflicts among them.
Topic 1.4 Corruption Plagues a Nation
  • Analyze the issue of corruption in national politics in the 1870s and 1880s. 
  • Discuss civil service reform during the 1870s and 1880s. 
  • Assess the importance of economic issues in the politics of the Gilded Age.
Topic 1.5 Farm Issues and Populism
  • Analyze the problems farmers faced and the groups they formed to address them. 
  • Assess the goals of the Populists, and explain why the Populist Party did not last.
Turner's Frontier Thesis Analysis
  • Explain Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis, including main arguments about the impact of the frontier on American democracy and culture.
  • Assess the historical context in which Turner developed his thesis and how it reflects the socio-political climate of 19th century America. 
  • Discuss the influence of the Frontier Thesis on the development of American historical scholarship and its implications for understanding American identify and expansionism. 
  • Critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of Turner's Frontier Thesis, considering alternative perspectives and contemporary critiques.
This weeks assignments:
  1. Topic 1.3 The West is Transformed
  2. Topic 1.4 Corruption Plagues a Nation
  3. Topic 1.6 Farm Issues and Populism
  4. Turner's Frontier Thesis Analysis
-Topic 1 SPICE Chart (25 points) due 9/4
-Topic 1 packet (50 points, 10 points per lesson) due 9/4
-Topic 1 test 9/6

Week 2 8/19-8/23

Hi People!
This week we will begin Topic 1: Challenges in the Late 1800s
City Upon a Hill
  • Analyze and articulate John Winthrop's vision of the "City Upon a Hill" by examining its historical context, rhetorical strategies, and its impact on American identity. 
  • Evaluate how Winthrop's sermon reflects and shapes the values of Puritan society and its enduring influence on American political and cultural ideals. 
Topic 1.1 The Reconstruction Era
  • Explore how Congress and the President clashed over Reconstruction. 
  • Describe the impact of Reconstruction on the South. 
  • Explain how Reconstruction came to an end.
Topic 1.2 American Indians Under Pressure
  • Compare the ways Native Americans and white settlers viewed and used the land.
  • Describe the conflicts between white settlers and Indians. 
  • Evaluate the impact of the Indian Wars.
This week's assignments:
1. City Upon a Hill
2. Topic 1.1 The Reconstruction Era
3. Topic 1.2 American Indians Under Pressure
-Topic 1 SPICE Chart (25 points) due 9/4

Week 1 8/12-8/16

Hi People!
This week we will get to know each other as well as the course.
This week's assignments:
1. First Day Get to Know You and Me
2. Syllabus 
3. Lunchroom Fight
-Signed Syllabus (10 points)
-Field Trip to MSU on August 13th