Unit 5 and 6
It has been a while since I have updated everyone with what is going on in math class lately. Here is a quick run down of what we have been working on so far this semester and a little bit of what is to come:
We returned from winter break and jumped right into Unit 5 - Rational Exponents and Radical Functions.
- Students learned what a radical function is and how to graph them.
- Students applied their understanding of transformations to the graphs of radical functions.
- Students learned how to convert radicals to rational exponents and vice versa.
- Students learned how to solve equations using exponents and nth roots.
- Students learned about composite functions.
- Students learned about inverse functions.
- We took our Unit 5 test on Monday, January 27th/Tuesday, January 28th.
Last week, we started Unit 6 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
- We started with a short review of exponential functions and their parameters.
- We went further by looking at how to use exponential functions to model exponential growth and decay.
- My favorite topic of this unit (and this semester so far) was learning about compounding interest. This week we have been working on real life examples of compounding interest such as savings accounts, credit cards, and retirement funds.
- We will start Logarithms this week and will deep dive into logarithms for the rest of this unit which should continue for another two weeks.