Ms. Schneider, Biology


Week of March 10th

It was great catching up on you at parent teacher conferences. 
Homework: Unit 7 Lesson 2 Checkpoint assignment 
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Unit 7 Lesson 2 Checkpoint Assignment 
Tuesday: Trait Identification Observation Activity
Wednesday: Complex Genetic Activity 
Thursday:  Genes and Environmental Exploration Discussion 

Week of March 3rd

Friendly Reminder: NO SCHOOL on March 6th and 7th for Parent Teacher Conferences
Homework:  Unit 7 Vocabulary, and Unit 7 Lesson 1 Checkpoint 
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Unit 7 Pre-Test and Activity 
Tuesday: Unit 7 Lesson 1 Lecture
Wednesday: Meiosis Activity

Week of February 17th

I hope you all had a great Kindness Week and enjoyed the extended weekend.
Homework:  Unit 6 Lesson 3 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: NO SCHOOL, President's Day
Tuesday: Unit 6 Lesson 3 Lecture
Wednesday: STRAWBERRY DNA LAB --  LAB Attire is Required
Thursday: RNA Alteration Therapy Class Discussion

Week of February 10th

Students are doing awesome as we dive into DNA and the foundation of genetics.
Homework:  Unit 6 Lesson 2 Checkpoint 
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Unit 6 Lesson 2 Lecture
Tuesday:  DNA vs RNA comparison table poster project
Wednesday: Translation vs Transcription Activity
Thursday: Codon Wheel Introduction Activity

Week of February 3rd

Holy Cow it is February !
Weekly Homework:  Unit 6 Vocabulary -- Teams -- due February 27th and Unit 6 Lesson 1 Checkpoint -- Paper -- due February 10th 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 6 Lesson 1 Lecture
Tuesday: DNA Introduction
Wednesday: DNA Pairing and Unzipping Activity
Thursday: DNA Extraction Lab -- LAB Attire is required
Test Corrections from Unit 5 Test are due on Friday February 14th 

Week of January 27th

How is January almost over?  
Homework: Unit 5 Practice and Review Worksheet
Weekly Agenda:
Monday:  Unit Practice and Review work time, ensure knowledge of expanded study guide in Teams 
Tuesday: Study game and review
Wednesday: UNIT 5 Test
Thursday:  Unit 6 Pre-Test, hamburger discussion 

Week of January 20th

We are in full swing for semester 2 this week, with FRCC starting on Tuesday.
Homework:  Unit 5 Lesson 2 Checkpoint Assignment 
Weekly Schedule: 
Monday: No School due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday:  Unit 5 Lesson 2 Lecture
Wednesday: Unit 5 Lesson 2 Lecture and Limb Regeneration Study
Thursday: Mitosis slides and Demonstration

Week of November 18th

November is flying by, this is the last week before break. 
Homework:  Unit 4 Vocabulary and Unit 4 Lesson 1 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Pre-Test for Unit 4, Unit 4 Lesson 1 Lecture
Tuesday:  Quadrant Lab -- Lab Attire required 
Wednesday:  Lesson 2 Lecture
Thursday: Modeling Carrying Capacity Lab -- Lab Attire required 
The last day I will accept any late or missing work is Monday, December 2nd.

Week of November 11th

I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful snow day!

Homework: None
Weekly Agenda
Monday: NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day
Tuesday: Hogwarts's Day 
Wednesday: Unit 3 Practice and Review
Thursday: Unit 3 Test

Week of October 28th

Happy Halloween Week!
Homework: Unit 3 Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Checkpoint Assignment
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 3 Lesson 2 Lecture
Tuesday: Cellular Respiration Lab and Photosynthesis Comparison  MUST WEAR LAB ATTIRE 
Wednesday: Cellular Respiration Practice Krebs Cycle Review
Thursday: Yeast Activity Lab  MUST WEAR LAB ATTIRE

Week of October 21st

Finally feels like Fall!
Homework: Unit 3  Vocabulary -- teams -- due November 13th 
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: Unit 2 Test
Tuesday:  Unit 3 Pretest and Unit 3 lesson 1 lecture part 1
Wednesday: Unit 3 lesson 1 lecture continued
Thursday: LIght Dependent vs Light Independent Activity 

Week of October 14th

Welcome Back!  I hope you all had an amazing Fall Break!
Homework: Unit 2 Lesson 2 CheckPoint Assignment
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Cell Membrane Explanation and Lab
Tuesday: Food and Energy Nutrition Fact Lab
Wednesday:  Unit Connections Activity
Thursday:  Unit Practice and Review and Jenga Game
UNIT 2 Test will be on Monday October 21st, this is also the day the Unit 2 Vocabulary will be due.

Week of September 23rd

Happy last week of Quarter 1!
Homework: None
Weekly Agenda:
Monday: Enzyme and Catalyst Review project
Tuesday: Unit 2 Lesson 2 Lecture Part 1
Wednesday: Unit 2 Lesson 2 Lecture Part 2
Thursday: Building Macro-Molecules Activity 
Fall break for students begins on Thursday September 26th at 11:30
Parent Teacher Conferences are from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM on 09/26 
                                                             8:00 AM - 8:00 PM on 09/27
Fall Break does not mean the students do  have FRCC, and there will not be a bus from Westgate during Fall Break.  Students and families are responsible for arranging their own transportation during this time.
Students return to Westgate Monday October 14th. 

Week of September 16th

How is the month of September almost over? 
Homework: 1) Vocabulary Unit 2 --- due October 21st 
                    2) Unit 2 Lesson 1 Checkpoint
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday:  Unit 2 Pretest,  Unit 2 Lesson 1 Lecture part 1
Tuesday:  Unit 2 Lesson 1 Lecture part 2
Wednesday: Activity with Mrs. Kahn
Thursday: Water as a solvent activity 
Students took the Unit 1 Test this week, and they will have the option to redo any missed problems for half credit back.  Corrections will be due no later than September 26th.