Mr. Kahn, Math 7


Math 8 Class Update: Week of 9/3/2024

Hi Everyone! This week, our students will continue their study of transformations in the coordinate plane with a particular focus on reflections. As this is a shorter week, homework will be slightly reduced to account for the time off. Particularly, the homework will consist of 23 problems on the aforementioned subject matter which breaks out to less than 6 problems per week night. Students will not have any tests or quizzes this week.  

Math 7 Class Update: Week of 9/3/2024

Hello Everyone! During this week, rational numbers(Think: decimals and fractions). Particularly how to convert between the two, how such conversions can make many problems easier, and how to solve expressions and equations involving such numbers. As this week is a four-day week, our homework will consist of twenty-six problems on the aforementioned subject matter (roughly 7 problems per night, or 4 including the weekend) this week or  and we will not have any other tests or quizzes this week. Students will continue to receive math mystery clues throughout this week to help with underlying skills.

Math 7 Class Update: Week of 8/26/2024

Hello Parents! 
This fourth week will be a busy one for our seventh graders. We will open the week by finishing chapter one and we will move into chapter 2 of our book on Tuesday. By the end of the week, we will have finished sections 2.1 and 2.2 of our curriculum. These sections progress out of addition and subtraction and into the multiplication and division of integers. This continues with our current theme of strengthening students' foundation so that they may prosper throughout their continuing education. This week, students will have a total of four assignments; The Chapter 1 Test, this week's homework, this week's in-class notes, and the sections 2.1-2.2 Quiz.

Math 7 Class update: Week of 8/19/2024

Hello All, 
During this third week of the school year, students will be focusing their attention on sections 1.4 and 1.5 of our book(Subtraction of integers and rational numbers). Whilst these sections serve largely as review, many students benefit from the reexposure to the fundamentals of math that these sections of our curriculum provide. They serve to strengthen students' foundational knowledge as we work into more complex subject matter. Homework for this week will be due on the following Monday, notes for the week will be dues on Friday, we will have a quiz on sections 1.4 and 1.5 on Thursday, and finally we will end the week with our chapter 1 test. 

A 'Hello' to Parents of 7th and 8th students

Dear Parents, 


I can’t express my excitement to dive into this school year, to develop relationships with each of you, and to help foster your student’s learning and love of math throughout the year. While I’m certain this isn’t new information to you, the parent-teacher relationship is key in ensuring the quality of your students’ education. For this reason, I am making it my goal to keep consistent communication with all of you throughout this year. Along with this letter I will be giving each of you some helpful instructions on how you can access your student’s Microsoft teams dashboard and Big Ideas Math account to keep up to date with assignments, grades, and assessments throughout this year. You will be able to access online textbooks, view assignments, monitor homework, access my notes and the slides I use in class, and make use of a wide library of extra practice resources from these two platforms. In addition, I would recommend downloading both our Westgate school app and the Infinite campus app (available on apple and android). These will allow you to get updates about community events from the school and notifications for grades as they are uploaded, missing or late work, and for field trips and events. I will be regularly updating my Edlio page (found on the school website) and I am available via email at: [email protected] or by phone; Call the school at: (303) 452-0967 and ask for me. 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or if you ever need anything.  


-Hunter Kahn 

Math 7 Class Update: Week of 8/12/24

Hello Parents!
During this second week of the school year, we will be having a relatively eventful week. Due to last week's plumbing issues, students will first be finishing their pre-course test on Monday and then we will have our fall MAPS tests for reading and math on Thursday and Friday respectively. Even with all of this happening, throughout the three remaining class periods our students will spend in my classroom they will begin their annual mathematical journey with a study of integers, rational numbers, as well as how to add and subtract the two. During this week, I will also be focused on teaching students note taking, thinking strategies, and organization of assignments so as to help foster their success in the future.
Please feel free to reach out if you need anything!
- Mr. Kahn