Ms. Haupt, Science B
Science - February - Natural Selection
Dear Parents,
As we move into the month of February, we are diving deeper into science topics that explore how organisms grow, adapt, and reproduce. This month’s lessons are all aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), focusing on Science & Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. Below is an update on what your child will be learning in the classroom.
Science & Engineering Practices
Students will be engaging in a variety of activities designed to promote scientific inquiry and understanding. These include:
- Asking Questions and Defining Problems
- Developing and Using Models
- Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
- Analyzing and Interpreting Data
- Using Mathematical and Computational Thinking
- Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
- Engaging in Argument from Evidence
- Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Key Concepts and Topics Covered This Month:
1. Genetic Variation and Natural Selection
Students will also investigate how genetic variations in populations can increase the likelihood of survival and reproduction.
- Natural selection helps certain traits become more common in a population over time.
- We will examine how adaptations that occur over generations improve an organism's ability to survive in its environment.
2. Human Impact on Inheritance
A significant part of the curriculum will focus on how humans influence genetic traits in organisms through artificial selection, including technologies like genetic modification, selective breeding, and gene therapy.
- Students will explore how artificial selection has shaped the development of new plant and animal breeds and the role of these technologies in shaping future generations.
Student Learning Objectives:
By the end of February, students will be able to:
- Make claims supported with evidence that certain behaviors and structures increase the probability of reproduction in animals and plants.
- Explain the relationship between genetic/environmental factors and the growth of organisms.
- Describe how natural selection and artificial selection influence populations over time.
- Gather and synthesize information about technologies that impact genetic inheritance in organisms.
How You Can Support Your Child:
- Encourage curiosity: Ask your child questions about the topics they are learning, like the role of behaviors in animal reproduction or how certain traits help plants survive.
- Explore together: Consider visiting a botanical garden, zoo, or nature center to see the concepts in action.
- Discuss the impact of technology: Talk about how humans use technology to shape traits in plants and animals and the ethical implications of such practices.
We look forward to an exciting month of scientific discovery and hands-on learning!
Thank you for your continued support!
Mrs. Haupt
Science Week of January 13
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable break.
As we begin Quarter 3, we are excited to dive into a new unit on genetics, with a particular focus on Natural Selection. Lesson one will introduce students to the concept by observing various components in an ecosystem, helping them understand how organisms adapt and evolve over time.
Be sure to check out the Advocacy post for more detailed information about what’s happening this month and looking ahead to February. We have some exciting activities planned, and your continued support is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your partnership in your child’s education.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Haupt
Science Week of December 2-6
Dear Parents,
I hope this message finds you well! I’m excited to share some engaging and hands-on learning happening in our science classes this month. As part of our exploration of genetics and biology, our students are diving into the fascinating topic of mutations and will be working in small groups to develop their own lessons to teach their classmates.
Throughout the week, each group will be tasked with researching different types of mutations—both beneficial and harmful—and creating a presentation or activity that explains the concept in an engaging and informative way. This project allows students to take ownership of their learning, practice teamwork, and improve their presentation skills while also deepening their understanding of mutations and their role in evolution and genetics.
We believe that this approach encourages critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration as students work together to break down complex scientific concepts into digestible, engaging lessons. It’s a wonderful opportunity for them to not only grasp scientific content but also build important communication skills as they prepare to teach their peers.
You can help support your child’s learning by asking them about their group's progress and encouraging them to share their discoveries with you at home.
Thank you for your continued support in nurturing your child’s curiosity and love for science. We look forward to seeing the innovative lessons they develop and share with the class!
Warm regards,