Ms. Lounsbury, Advocacy, 5/6


Week of September 9th

Dear Families,

On Friday, September 20th our class is going to be celebrating World Cleanup Day by helping clean up trash along Washington Street from 12:45-2:00pm. Please complete the permission form by Tuesday, September 17th. On the 20th, send your student with comfortable walking shoes and a water bottle for the day.


Washington Street Cleanups are a regular part of our environmental education connection at Westgate. We are not in need of any chaperones for this event. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]


Mrs. Lounsbury 

Week of September 3rd

I hope everyone had a great three-day weekend!

This week in Advocacy, students will be working on creating original works of art. This year 5th and 6th grade students have been asked to create still life original works. If students wish to bring a few (no more than 3) small objects from home to keep in their backpack until it is time to draw, they may.

 Original Works are: 
  • An Art based Fundraiser for our school
  • Similar to the Fun Run and Kids Heart Challenge - But for Art!!
  • Creative Opportunity
  • Show off your creativity and let your colors shine!
  • Capture a Memory
  • Get your artwork printed on a magnet or mug to gift to your grandparents, parents, aunts or uncles!
Thank you,
Mrs. Lounsbury 

Week of August 25th

Unleash your Westgate Wild spirit and take part in the dress up days as outlined. 
When: August 26th - 30th
Monday, August 26th - Team Day - Wear your favorite sports team gear. Whether it’s a jersey, hat, or even socks, let’s see that team pride!
Tuesday, August 27th - Class Colors Day Each grade has its own color. Wear your specific class color T-shirt if you have one, or simply dress in the colors of their grade group. Let’s paint the school in a rainbow of class pride!
  • Kinder - Purple
  • 1/2 Pod - Red
  • 3/4 Pod - Green
  • 5/6 Pod - Blue
  • 7/8 Pod - Gray
  • HS - Black
Wednesday, August 28th - Wacky Wednesday It’s time to get Westgate Wild! How crazy can you get? Wear something backwards, inside out, or come up with your own wild and wacky look. The wackier, the better!
Thursday, August 29th - Crazy Hair or Hat Day Let your creativity shine with the wildest hats or craziest hairdos you can imagine. It’s a day to let your hair down—or up, or sideways!
Friday, August 30th - Pajama Day We’ll wrap up Spirit Week with a cozy half-day. Roll out of bed and come to class in pajamas.

Exciting News in 5/6

Hi Westgate Families!
We are excited to announce that the Varela family has a new member! Please join us in expressing our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Varela and his family! The birth happened over the weekend and so Mr. Varela will out for the next three weeks as planned so he is able to get to know his new little one. Mr. Varela has provided plans and a long-term sub will be in his classes until he returns on Monday, September 9th.  Mrs. Dewar and the 5-6 team will be supporting the substitute along the way as well. Please direct any specific questions or concerns during Mr. Varela's absence to Mrs. Dewar, our 5-8 Assistant Principal. Thank you for your understanding as Mr. Varela and his family adjust to their new normal. 

Outdoor Ed info


Here is some information on our upcoming trip for Outdoor Ed.  Please take a look at the attached file, which contains the dates of the upcoming trip. Please email if you have any questions.

We will be focusing on Safety this week as we continue our month of R.I.S.E.  That means we will be discussing and possibly practicing different safety procedures.   
Mrs. Lounsbury 

Week of August 12th

This month we are focusing on R.I.S.E. Students spent the last week focusing on respect. This week we will be discussing I, integrity. Students will demonstrate and model integrity in the POD, in the classroom, at Lunch, and at Recess. 
Integrity is:
  • Honesty
  • Making good decisions to help yourself and others
  • Being a good friend
  • Following good morals
  • Accepting responsibility for actions
  • Doing the right thing even when no one is watching
 Mrs. Lounsbury 

Welcome Back!


Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year! I am so excited to get to know you all! This week is going to be a fun and busy week! We will be going over our school and class policies and expectations, R.I.S.E. We will also be completing “get to know you” activities as well as going over our schedules! We will set up their computers and begin transitioning to different subjects.


Something important to know about our classroom. We are a nut free classroom. I am deathly allergic to nuts and any products that contain nut or nut oil including coconut oil. This is an airborne allergy, meaning that nut being in the room will cause an allergic reaction. Please, do not pack any snack or lunch food that contains any kind of nuts. Some examples of nuts are peanuts, tree nuts, hazel nut, coconut, Brazil nut, cashew, pistachio. Please check your lunches before they come to our class.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me.

See you all Monday!

Mrs. Lounsbury!