Ms. Thomas, Social Studies, 3rd


Week of 8.26 - 8.30

This past week students have been working hard on learning about one of the 5 regions in the USA and making posters about it.
This week students will finalize their posters and then work together to present their region to their classmates. They will emphasize animals unique to their region, monuments and National/State parks, and interesting facts. 
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.19-8.23

Hello Families, 
I am very excited about our upcoming week! We will finish reviewing parts of a map, learn about climates and regions, and then break off into trios to research, make a poster, and present different regions to the class. 
Students will be assigned a region from around the world and complete research on its climate, animals, culture, topography, and history. They will work together to present this information to their classmates next week. 
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.12-8.16

Hello Families, 
Social Studies has started! This quarter we will be focusing on Geography. On Friday we started talking about the continents and where we are located. We have also started talking about the connections we have to the world. A good conversation to have at home this week is about your family's connection to the world including places you've visited, heritages, friends around the USA and the world, and any other connections.
This upcoming week we will study maps and work on locating geographic features. 
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas