Ms. Thomas, Math, 3rd


Week of 2.10

Hello Mathematicians! 
This week we will finish our Unit 10 on Introduction to Fractions. Students are working hard to identify fractions, place fractions on a number line, and identify mixed fractions. At home you can help by identifying everyday fractions like measuring cups, slices of pizza, etc. 
Other things you can do at home:
Many students are struggling with multi-digit subtraction with borrowing. If you are able, practice at home with numbers such as 451-239. Please reach out if you would like me to send practice sheets home!

Week of 2.3

Hello Mathematician Families, 
This week we will start our Module 10 on Understanding Fractions. We will:
  •  Tell whether shapes show equal or unequal parts.
  •  Name equal parts.
  •  Divide a shape into equal parts.
  •  Explain what a unit fraction is.
  • Explain what the numerator and denominator are in a fraction.

Week 1.13

Welcome back mathematicians!
I hope you had a nice and relaxing break.
Coming back this week we will continue our chapter 8 lessons and will work on different strategies to do multi-digit addition and subtraction. We will also be working on multi-step word problems. 
See you Monday!

Week 12.16

Hello Families, 
This week students will be working on their Chapter 8 multi-digit addition and subtraction strategies.
We will work on Adding and Subtraction on a number line, using make 10 facts, counting on, and Properties of addition. 
Have a great week!

Week of 12.2

Hello Math Families,
I hope you had a fantastic break! My Family and I were busy with playdates, cleaning, and hosting the whole extended family.
This week we will be learning and practicing rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100s. We will spend the week practicing our new skill and learning strategies to correctly round our numbers. Next Monday, we will be taking our Chapter 7 test.

Week of 11.18

This week in Math we will:
  • Practice how to find the area counting square units
  • Practice how to find the area my using the equation a=hxw (area = height times width)
  • Practice breaking shapes into 2 or more rectangles so we can apply our equation to find the area
  • Take our Chapter 6 test at the end of the week.
At home kids can work on multiplication and division facts to help memorization. 

Week of 10.21

Hello Families, 
We had a great time learning about division this week!
Next week we will be learning about division by 2,5, and 10. We will continue to practice division strategies and fact families for multiplication and division. 
If you would like to practice at home, students should work on memorizing their multiplication facts and using them to help solve for division equations. 

Week of 10.14

Welcome back from Fall Break!
We have hit the ground running and took our Unit 4 Pre-test today.
This week we are going to be introducing division as arrays and how division and multiplication are related.
Students will also be practicing breaking down word problems and solving multi-step problems.
Have a great week!

Week of 9.16

Dear Families, 
This week we will be focusing on:
-Multiplication by 8 (doubles, doubles, doubles fact)
-Multiplication by 9 (ten minus one fact)
-Review all multiplication strategies
-Multiplying by 3 factors.
Optional work at home: Students can always practice Multiplication at home by making/finding arrays, multiplying home items, finding the total items on a grocery shelf, etc. I am happy to send multiplication sheets home to any student who wants it. 
Other ideas: Khan Academy and Prodigy Math are two online tools that focus on math. Khan Academy has free videos and practice for math Pre-K to Algebra. Prodigy is a paid online game where students must answer math questions to cast spells and earn prizes.
Marcela Thomas

Week of 9.9 - 9.13

Hello Families! I hope you had a great weekend. Here is what is happening this week in math class:
Monday: We will be learning strategies to multiply by 4 as a doubles doubles fact.
Tuesday: We will be learning strategies to multiply by 6 as a 5 plus one fact.
Wednesday: We will be learning strategies to multiply by 7.
Thursday: We will be learning strategies to multiply by 8 as a doubles doubles doubles fact.
Friday: We will work on reviewing all of our multiplication facts 0-10.
Have a great week!
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.26 - 8.30

This Friday we took our Unit 1 post-test. I am working on grading all the tests and updating the grades to IC. Students worked hard learning the basics of multiplication and division. 
This week we will continue to explore multiplication and focus on multiplying by 0,1,2,5, and 10. We will learn and applied the Distribute property of Multiplication and continue to practice the Commutative property of Multiplication. 
Have a great week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.19-8.23

Hello Families, 
I was able to see our students actively using different strategies for multiplication in class last week! They have been doing a great job diving into math and working together to explore.
This week we will be learning and discussing division strategies. We will practice multiplication and division fact families. We will also review multi-digit addition and subtraction with carrying.
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.12-8.16

Hello families, 
Our class had a great first week of school. We got to know each other, and we competed our Pre-Test for 3rd grade. Students did a great job showing RISE.
This upcoming week we will do our Unit 1 pre-test and start our first unit. We will be discussing multiplication using equal groups, number lines, and arrays. We will discuss different strategies to find the product of a multiplication equation, and, at the end of the week, we will start introducing division as equal groups.
On Friday, students will be taking their MAP math testing.
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas