Ms. Thomas, Language Arts, 3rd


Week 2.10

Hello 3rd grade readers and writers!
This week we will be reading an Autobiography called " One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia". We will use the story to talk about Point of View, Author's Purpose, Summarize, and Text Structure.
Our Unit is about Making a Difference, and it fits so well with Kindness week! Take some time to ask your student about the story and also look at ways your family can help the community!
In writing students will continue to write their Expository essay about their animals. Ask your writer which animal they have (Camels, Snowshoe Hare, Kangaroo Rat, or Beavers). If you would like, help your student research their animal and look up interesting facts they can use in their writing!

Week of 2.3

Hello Literacy Families,
This week we will start our Module 7. Over the next three weeks, our class will build their knowledge about people who make their communities better and stronger, with a focus on the narrative nonfiction genre. We will read texts about individuals and groups that make a difference in their local or global communities.
This week we will:
  • Make, correct, and confirm predictions.
  • Determine the author’s purpose and intended audience.
  • Identify text structure and point of view.

Week 1.13

Welcome Back!
We are going to hit the ground running and start our Unit 6 this upcoming Monday.
This week we will read Narrative Nonfictions and talk about text features and Authors purpose as we learn about the Life Cycle!
Students will also be finishing and publishing their Persuasive letter.
In Grammar we will be talking about Adjectives and ar/or words.
If your student participated on the December reading challenge, please have them bring their book mark to school this week.

Week of 12.16

Hello Families, 
This week we will continue with our Chapter 5 work. We will talk more about teamwork and how important it is. We will read a story called "Brother at Bat" and use it to discuss:
-Figurative Language
-Text Structure
Point of View
In writing students will finish their first draft of a persuasive letter.
Have a great week!

Week of 12.2

Hello Ela Families, 
I hope you had a fantastic break! My Family and I were busy with playdates, cleaning, and hosting the whole extended family.
This week in ELA: 
We will be reading about sportsmanship and teamwork! We will be discussing our Module 5 Essential Question: "What can sports teach us about working together?".
This week we will be exploring:
-Author's Purpose
-Literary Elements
-Author's Craft

Week of 11.18

This week we will:
  • Read the Native American Myth "Two Bear Cubs"
  • Discuss Literary Elements and Drama Elements
  • Explore vocabulary words based on context
  • Work on present and past verbs, both regular and irregular
  • Practice retelling and summarizing stories
  • Type our essay about our favorite place.
At home:
  • Reading!! Reading 20 minutes a day helps with cognitive ability, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and so much more! If you need help finding books at your child's reading level, please let me know!
  • Journaling is a great way to get students to love to write and practice their handwriting.
  • Typing: either using a typing website or simply writing on a google documents, typing is a much-needed skill now a days!

Week of 10.21

Happy Friday families!
We had a busy week coming back from break and hit the ground running!
Next week we will be reading about why we celebrate 4th of July and discussing text structure, retelling, and summarizing.
We will also start writing our detailed essay about our favorite place. At home you can help by asking your student what their favorite place is and how they can describe it!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Week of 10.14

Welcome back to our Second Quarter!!
It is great to see our students back in school and get to hear about their time off.
This week we will be starting our Unit 3: Let Freedom Ring!
This week we will be reading a book about the U.S. Constitution and discussing the Author's Purpose and the Central Idea of the text.
We will also read All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlin and using it as an anchor text to write descriptive essays about our Favorite Places. 

Week of 9.16

Dear Families, 
This week we will:
-Work on Visualizing and Character Traits
-Predicting the text based on the pictures, story, and background knowledge. 
-Working on the suffix -y and -ly
-Synonyms and antonyms
-Capitalizing nouns and capitalizing titles.
At home optional work:
-Students should read 20-30 minutes a day.
-Have students talk about what they read. Summarize ideas, expand what they are visualizing when they read, and even come up with different endings/characters/events.
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 9.9 - 9.13

Hello Families! We had a great week reading about Carlitos and Charlie, two cousins that live far away from each other and enjoy writing letters to talk about their lives on a Mexican Farm vs a big city in the USA. 
This week we will be:
-Working the prefixes re- and pre-
-Working on writing a letter to a friend or loved one
-Practicing typing
-Reading a Memoir story and working on Figurative language
- Practicing our Long i spelling
Optional things you can do at home:
-Reading books! Have your child read about 20 minutes a day (or you can read to them!) If you need help finding books at your child's reading level, please email me and I can help!
-Practice typing. Students take the CMAS at the end of this school year and they have to type their answers. If you want and have the time, have your child practice typing every now and then. 
-Get your child a journal and encourage them to write on it. Make writing fun and interesting by coming up with stories together. 

Week of 8.26 - 8.30

We worked hard this past week finding the theme and figurative language in different stories. Here is what we have coming up this week:
We will be practicing making inferences, identifying theme in a fantasy story, and text and graphic features in a graphic novel.
In writing we will finish our first draft of our personal narrative.
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.19-8.23

Hello Families, 
We are going to have a busy week ahead of us! 
In reading we are going to be disusing Theme, figurative language, and Literary elements such as setting and characters.
In writing we will start a writing journal. Students have talked about ideas for their personal narratives and this week they will start writing their ideas and working on a first rough draft.
Optional Homework: Students should read 20-30 minutes a day. I am happy to recommend books that meet your child's independent reading level.

Week of 8.12-8.16

Hello Families, 
 We have survived the first week of school! Students worked hard on team building activities and we have started our first ELA unit.
Our essential question in Unit 1 is: What makes a character Interesting? Friday we read "Zach Jumps In!" and talked about character traits. Students did a great job reading our story and coming up with traits for our character map.
This upcoming week we will read "Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match" and discuss making predictions and literary elements (character, setting, plot, and events). In grammar, we will explore the subject and predicate of a sentence and discuss sentence fragments. 
On Thursday we will be taking our ELA Map test.
Optional but recommended homework: Students are recommended to read 20-30 minutes a day. This can be the student reading the whole time or a mix between them reading part of the time and then having a story read to them.  This can be any book of their choosing. If you would like recommendations for books that meet your individual child's independent reading level, please email me! I have lots of recommendations!
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas