Ms. Small, Math,4th


This week (8/26/24)

We have our math test on Tuesday August 27th on Place Value! And we will be starting our new unit learning various strategies for adding and subtracting numbers with up to six digits. The lessons address estimating sums and differences, using estimates to check whether an answer is reasonable, choosing a strategy to add or subtract, and using addition to check subtraction. The vocabulary word associated with this chapter is estimate

Week of 8/19/24

Hello families, we are continuing with your student still learning place value concepts. The lessons address how to identify the values of the digits in multi-digit numbers, read and write multi-digit numbers in different forms, and use place value to compare and round multi-digit numbers.
The vocabulary words associated with this chapter are: period, ones period, thousands period, and place value chart.

Week of 8/12/24

For the next few weeks, your student will be learning place value concepts. The lessons address how to identify the values of the digits in multi-digit numbers, read and write multi-digit numbers in different forms, and use place value to compare and round multi-digit numbers.
The vocabulary words associated with this chapter are: period, ones period, thousands period, and place value chart.