Ms. Papernik, Science, 3rd


Week of 9/3

What are we doing this week? 

Starting our new unit on Weather and Climate. 

Questions we will be able to answer: 

What is weather? 

What is atmosphere?

Week of 8/26

What are we doing this week? 

This week we will be learning more about positive and negative changes in objects and how electrons move from one object to another. We will also be learning about electromagnets. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will play a Kahoot to review the unit and Friday they will have a unit test on Forces and Motion.   

Week of 8/19

What are we doing this week?  

What is air resistance, can we predict motion, magnetism, and can magnets pass through materials

On Friday, we will be doing an activity related to friction and materials  

Week of 8/12

Monday: L1 Force and motion 

Tuesday: L2 Balanced and unbalanced  

Wednesday: L3 Gravity  

Thursday: L4 Does Mass affect motion?  

Friday: L5 How does the force of frication affect motion?