Ms. Papernik, Science, 3rd


Science Week of 3/17

Up until Thursday, students will be completing their tri folds. On Thursday, March 20th is the Science Fair. Families are welcome to come see the science fair from 4:15-5:00. 
If your student who is in the Science Fair has a sibling, they will come out to carline and go with their parents and come back into the school with the parents at 4:15. Students do not have to stay for the Science Fair but it is encouraged. Students will take their tri folds home as they leave. 
Please have your student bring a snack with them to eat after school since they tend to get hungry during that time! 

Week of 3/3

We will be working on experiments this whole week, please make sure to send your student in with their things they need in order to complete their experiments. 
If you have any questions about what they need to bring please feel free to email me! We do have several students who have not started their experiments yet. The science fair is on March 20th 

Science Week of 2/24

We will continue to work on experiments this week. 
As students are finishing up their experiments, we will start working on their tri- folds. The tri-folds will be provided by the school. 
Students will also be working on power points about any Science topic they choose! 

Science Fair Information

Information Regarding the Science Fair
The Science Fair will be held on March 20th from 4:15-5:00 PM for families. During this time you will be able to come in and see all the amazing work our students have done! We will post a flyer on edlio closer to the event with details. 
We are starting experiments on Monday, February 24. Please make sure your student comes to school with the supplies they need in order to do their experiment. I can hold this in my classroom but please put your students supplies in a labeled bag or any bag to ensure it does not get mixed up with other experiments. Students will have until March 14th to do their experiments. The following week students will be working on their tri-folds until the day of the Science Fair. 
Things we will provide for the experiments: 
  • trifolds 
  • salt/pepper
  • mixing bowls
  • measuring cups 
  • measuring tape 
  • plastic wear ( plates, bowls, forks, spoons etc. )
  • rulers 
*If your student needs some special for their experiment ( candy, bath bombs, fruits etc. ) that needs to be provided by the family/guardians of the student. If you student has a partner they should work out who is bringing what so one student is not getting all the materials. 

Week of 2/10

For this week, we will continue to work on the Science fair. Any questions about the timeline for the Science fair, please refer to my link with the attached schedule in a previous post. 
In order to keep track of experiment materials, students should come in with their materials in a bag with their name on it. Do not start brining things in until February 18th or else my classroom gets cluttered. 
Also there will be some materials I will provide for the science fair those include the following:
Paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, measuring cups, bowls, salt, pepper, aluminum foil, and wax paper. 
If I am missing anything on this list I will make sure to update it. Anything else special for their experiments need to be bought by guardians. Students should be coming home next week with a material list for their experiments. If they are with a partner, they will split the materials and decided who is getting what. 

Week of 2/3

We will be starting things for the science fair. Once the Science fair comes closer I will send a more detailed update. For the Science fair, their experiments they will be done at school and should not be done at home unless instructed by me. 
This week we will be going over the scientific method, picking their scientific question, and seeing who their partner is if they wanted a partner. 
If you have any questions about the science fair please feel free to email me! 

Week of 1/27

What are we doing? **Thursday I will not be here, I will have a substitute**
Life cycle drawing of an insect, integrating Literacy into our Science class by researching our animal for our expository essay, and we will be going over the scientific method since next week we are starting to talk about the science fair! 

Week of 1/20

Things we will be doing: our last 2 units in our life cycle science unit. Pollination and animal life cycles 
We will be doing a kahoot to review for the Science Life Cycles Test on Friday. 

Week of 1/13

What are we doing? 
There will be a Science test next week! 
How do plants transport water and nutrients?
How do plants obtain energy? 
How do plants reproduce? 
Insect life cycles
Model of an insect life cycle 

Week before Break

We will be working on our life cycle unit, specifically with plants
Learning what plants need and do not need, parts of a plant, and how to grow a flower. 

Week of 12/2

What will we be doing?
finish presenting our natural disaster posters, starting our new unit on life cycles, L1 living and non living, L2 What is a life cycle?, L3 What is a seed, and on Friday we will be doing a walk outside to find living and non living things on our campus and around the school, we will then draw and label what we have seen and what characteristics make them living versus non living. 

Week of 11/18

What are we doing?  

Finishing their severe weather posters, presenting their severe weather posters this week. If we finish the presenting by Friday, we will start our new unit on Ecosystems  

Week of 11/4

Researching our severe weather projects, gathering information, and talking with our partners about the information we find.  
Next week we will start our posters on our severe weather, if you student wants to they can research their severe weather at home also and gather research on it.