Ms. Thomas, Advocacy, 3/4


Week of 9.9 - 9.13

Dear Parents/Guardians,
This month, our focus is on Self-Awareness, a key part of our advocacy efforts. Through various activities and lessons, your child will develop essential skills like recognizing their emotions, understanding their strengths and challenges, and learning how their actions impact themselves and others. These skills are crucial for their personal growth and success, both in and out of the classroom. We encourage you to engage in conversations at home about what they’re learning to reinforce these important concepts. 
The following topics will be covered throughout the month of September during advocacy classes--
  • Emotional Awareness: Recognizing and understanding their own emotions, which helps in managing reactions and building empathy for others.
  • Self-Reflection: Developing the habit of thinking about their actions, decisions, and behaviors, and how these affect themselves and others.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses Identification: Recognizing their strengths to build confidence and understanding areas for growth to set realistic goals.
  • Goal Setting: Learning to set personal and academic goals based on their self-assessment, and developing a plan to achieve them.
  • Self-Regulation: Developing the ability to manage impulses, stay focused, and persevere through challenges.
  • Personal Values Identification: Understanding what they value and how it influences their behavior and choices.

Week of 8.26 - 8.30

What a wonderful week we had! Please remember that Friday 8.30 is a 1/2 day and dismissal is at 11:30AM. We also have Spirit Week this week! 
Monday, August 26th - Team Day - Wear your favorite sports team gear. Whether it’s a jersey, hat, or even socks, let’s see that team pride!
Tuesday, August 27th - Class Colors Day Each grade has its own color. Wear your specific class color T-shirt if you have one, or simply dress in the colors of their grade group. Let’s paint the school in a rainbow of class pride! The 3/4 Pod is green!
Wednesday, August 28th - Wacky Wednesday It’s time to get Westgate Wild! How crazy can you get? Wear something backward, inside out, or come up with your own wild and wacky look. The wackier, the better!
Thursday, August 29th - Crazy Hair or Hat Day Let your creativity shine with the wildest hats or craziest hairdos you can imagine. It’s a day to let your hair down—or up, or sideways!
Friday, August 30th - Pajama Day We’ll wrap up Spirit Week with a cozy half-day. Roll out of bed and come to class in pajamas.

Week of 8.19-8.23

Hello Families, 
This week in Advocacy we will be focusing of Safe for our RISE review. We will talk about how to keep our bodies safe at school and what we can do to help others stay safe. 
So many teachers! Who should I reach out to about... 
...academics? Generally, for academic support, you should reach out to the teacher responsible for that subject (example: I have a concern about math, so I will reach out to my child’s math teacher). You are also welcome to reach out to advocacy teachers, but your advocacy teacher may not know all your student’s academic information. 
...behavior? Reach out to your advocacy teacher for support! challenges? Reach out to your advocacy teacher for support! 
...a family emergency/logistical issue with pickup/question about dropping of a lunch etc? Call the front desk. 
...any other issues? Reach out to your advocacy teacher for support! 
Have a wonderful week, 
Marcela Thomas

Week of 8.12-8.16

Hello families, 
This last week we started making respect posters and talking about what it means to have respect in RISE. Next week we will also discuss what is integrity and how can we show it in and out of school. 
Every morning during gathering we listen to our morning affirmations song. Please click on the link below if you would like to check it out:
Westgate has also started our Zero Waste Wednesdays. If students have a lunch that doesn’t use any waste AT ALL (i.e. nothing to throw away, like baggies, cans, plastic cups, lunch bags, etc.) then they will receive a stamp on their hand from the Zero Hero Team.

**students who have school lunch will qualify if they accurately sort their lunch into the appropriate bins – trash and recycling.

Mrs. Kahn came to our classroom and did a great presentation about recycling with the students!


Have a wonderful week, 

Marcela Thomas

Welcome Back

Hello 3rd and 4th grade families, 
My name is Marcela Thomas and I will be your child's Advocacy teacher this year. I am excited to be here and get to know all of my students.  This is my first year at Westgate and my 7th year as a lead teacher. I have been in classrooms for 15 year and love seeing students grow.
We have a fun and busy week coming up. We will be going over classroom and school expectations, doing fun team building activities, getting to know each other, and setting goals for our new year.
This month, our August Advocacy theme is RISE!
At Westgate, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a part of our Whole Child Education program. PBIS is a system in which students, staff and community create a set of school-wide behavioral expectations/ core values, we teach those expectations in all of our various environments, and then we CELEBRATE when we see students doing those things! At Westgate, we RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy).
Week 1
What does RESPECT mean?
Being kind to people, property, and yourself. Being considerate of our community.
Week 2
What does INTEGRITY mean?
Telling the truth and doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.
Week 3 
What does it mean to be SAFE at school?
Act in ways that won’t harm yourself or others.
Week 4
What is EMPATHY?
Understanding and caring about the feelings of others.
We will be teaching students what these 4 words mean—focusing on a different part of RISE each week—and what it looks like to live these values out during school and at home. We will use RISE all year to celebrate positive behaviors.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Marcela Thomas