Ms.Hamiltion, Science, 1st


Hamilton's Science Update 1-27-25

In the last week of this unit, we will dive into the fascinating topic of planets. 

Our solar system has eight planets, consisting of the Sun and the objects that orbit around it. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet is unique and differs from other celestial objects like comets, asteroids, and meteors. Each planet has an atmosphere, a layer of gases surrounding it, and many have at least one moon. 

We will be taking the post-test at the end of this week.

Hamilton's Science Update 1-21-25

This week, we have some exciting hands-on activities planned for our students! We will dive into the fascinating topics of the phases of the moon, stars, constellations, and astronauts. To kick things off, we will be using Oreos to explore the phases of the moon. It’s a fun and tasty way to understand this concept!

Additionally, the students will have the opportunity to recreate constellations using mini marshmallows and toothpicks. This activity will surely spark their creativity! Lastly, we will learn about what astronauts wear in space, complemented by an astronaut coloring page that will help us practice our active listening skills.

Hamilton's Science Update 1-13-25

We will start Quarter 3 studying the sun, the moon, and stars.

Here are a few things students will be focusing on: 

  • Patterns in the natural world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, and used as evidence.

 Patterns of how the sun and moon appear to move in the sky can be observed, described, and predicted.

  • The sun is only seen during the day, the stars are only seen at night, and the moon can be seen during the day and/or night.
  • Seasonal patterns of sunrise and sunset can be observed, described, and predicted. (For example, the sun rises earlier in the summer and sets later in the summer. There is more daylight in the summer than in the winter) 

Students will use observations (through hands-on activities and media) to describe patterns in the sky, collect data, predict, and ask and answer questions. 

Suggested Key Vocabulary: Dark, Daylight, Light, Moon, Night and Day, Observe, Pattern, Predict/Prediction, Seasons, Sky, Stars, Sun, Sunrise and Sunset

Mrs. Hamilton's Science Update 9-23-24

We are reaching the end of the Science unit about Light and Sound. We will be taking the final unit test on Wednesday. Here are some questions you could ask your child about this unit:

  1. What is the difference between natural light and artificial light? Could you give me some examples of each? (In class, we sort the following pictures: lantern, lightbulb, flashlight, sun, stars, fire, moon.)
  2. What is sound? (Sound is a type of energy made from vibration)
  3. What is vibration? (A movement that goes back and forth)
  4. How do we hear the sound? (When the sound waves travel through the air and reach our ears, we can hear)
  5. Can you name objects that make sound? (instruments, a radio, a telephone, a siren, a whistle etc.). 
  6. What is light? (Light is a type of energy that allows us to see.)
  7. What is the main source of light? (The sun)
  8. Can you name objects that make light? (A flashlight, lightbulb, the sun, stars, a traffic light, etc.)
  9. What is transparent? Give an example of a transparent object. (Transparent is when the light passes through the object. For example: windows, clear water bottle, clear glass, water, glasses)
  10. What is translucent? Give an example of a translucent object. (Translucent is when some light passes through the object. For example: sunglasses, colored glass, balloon)
  11. What is opaque? Give an example of an opaque object. (Opaque is when no light passes through. For example: walls, doors, tables, desks etc.)


Hamilton's Science Update 9-16-24

We are reaching the end of this Science Unit soon. It has been so fun to explore light and sound with your student. We had lots of hands-on activities last week. This week, we will be reading about light, sound, natural light and artificial light.  
Vocabulary for this week: vibrating, sound wave, sound, hearing, vocal cords, eardrum, light, light source, opaque, translucent, transparent, dark. 

Hamilton's Science Update 9-9-24

We had lots of fun exploring with light and sound. Next week, we will keep exploring light and sound using rulers, flashlight and playing a game of red light/green light. 

Sound can make matter vibrate, and vibrating matter can make sound.

Objects can be seen if light is available to illuminate them or if they give off their light.

Some materials allow light to pass through them, others allow only some light through, and others block all the light and create a dark shadow on any surface beyond them, where the light cannot reach. Mirrors can be used to redirect a light beam.

People also use various devices to communicate (send and receive information) over long distances.

Vocabulary for this week: vibrating, sound wave, sound, hearing, vocal cords, eardrum, light, light source, opaque, translucent, transparent, dark. 

Hamilton's Science Update 9-3-24

This week, 1st graders will start the first Science Unit of the year: Light and Sound. 
Sound can make matter vibrate, and vibrating matter can make sound.
Objects can be seen if light is available to illuminate them or if they give off their light.
Some materials allow light to pass through them, others allow only some light through and others block all the light and create a dark shadow on any surface beyond them, where the light cannot reach. Mirrors can be used to redirect a light beam.
People also use various devices to communicate (send and receive information) over long distances.
We will start by sorting pictures and discussing how we communicate with lights and sounds. For example: when we see a red light, we must stop. Also, when we hear an ambulance, we know someone needs help. 
This week, we will be experimenting using flashlights and dark boxes. We will have so much fun! 
Vocabulary for this week: vibrating, sound wave, sound, hearing, vocal cords, eardrum, light, light source, opaque, translucent, transparent, dark.