Koenig's Math updates 3/10 - 3/14
Dear Family, In this chapter, your student is learning to show and interpret data using tally charts, bar graphs, and picture graphs. Your student will use these types of displays to solve problems involving data. The vocabulary words for this chapter are: data, tally chart, tally mark, picture graph, and bar graph. Here are a few activities that you can use in the kitchen with your student to practice the skills of this chapter. • When putting groceries away, have your student practice using tally marks. For example, say, “There are six juice boxes in this package. How do you use tally marks to represent six?” Have your student describe the tally marks or write them on paper. • When packing lunches or preparing dinner or a snack, have your student count how many items there are of different types. For example, ask, “What types of fruit are in the fruit bowl? How many do we have of each item?” Then, have your student make a tally chart or bar graph to display the number of oranges, apples, and bananas. Ask questions such as, “How many more apples than bananas are there? How many pieces of fruit do we have in all?” • Have your student post a blank tally chart in the kitchen and ask each family member to record how many servings of fruits and vegetables they eat throughout the day. At the end of the day, have your student use the data to make a picture graph. Ask, “Who ate the most fruits and vegetables? How many fruits and vegetables did our family eat in all?” Encourage your student to think of questions to ask you about the data as well. By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria on the next page. Encourage your student to look for other opportunities to represent and interpret data. Have a great time practicing tally charts and graphs together!