Ms. Koenig, Math, 1st


Koenig's Math updates 9/3 - 9/6

We will finish up chapter 2 this week learning various strategies to add and subtract within 10. The lessons address adding and subtracting 0 and 1, using doubles to find sums, and adding or subtracting by using a number line to count on or count back.

The vocabulary words for this chapter are: count back, count on, doubles, doubles minus 1, doubles plus 1, and number line.

You can use many situations in your home to practice addition and subtraction strategies. The maximum sum of objects for any activity in this chapter is 10. This aligns well with many daily household activities.

Look for situations to use the following strategies:

  • To practice adding or subtracting 0 or 1, point out a number of objects, such as plates on the dinner table. Ask your student to count the number of plates. Then ask, “What if 1 more guest joined us for dinner? How many plates would we need? What if 1 person was not home for dinner tonight? How many plates would we need? How many plates would we need if no one else joined us?”
  • To practice adding doubles, point out sets that each have the same number, from 1 to 5. Then have your student find the total. For example, “I bought 4 blueberry muffins and 4 carrot muffins. How many muffins are there in all?” To review doubles plus 1 and doubles minus 1, point out sets in which one set has an additional item. For example, “There are 4 bananas and 5 apples in the fruit bowl. What doubles plus 1 fact can you use to find the total number of pieces of fruit? What doubles minus 1 fact can you use?”
  • Practice adding and subtracting using “count on” and “count back.” For example, “There are 4 of your socks and 2 of my socks in the laundry basket. Can you count on from 4 to find the total number of socks?”

By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria on the next page. Encourage your student to think of other opportunities in daily life to use addition and subtraction contexts.

Have a great time practicing addition and subtraction strategies together!


Koenig's Math Updates 8/26 - 8/30

We will be starting chapter 2 this week learning various strategies to add and subtract within 10. The lessons address adding and subtracting 0 and 1, using doubles to find sums, and adding or subtracting by using a number line to count on or count back. 

The vocabulary words for this chapter are: count back, count on, doubles, doubles minus 1, doubles plus 1, and number line. 

You can use many situations in your home to practice addition and subtraction strategies. The maximum sum of objects for any activity in this chapter is 10. This aligns well with many daily household activities. 

Look for situations to use the following strategies: 

  • To practice adding or subtracting 0 or 1, point out a number of objects, such as plates on the dinner table. Ask your student to count the number of plates. Then ask, “What if 1 more guest joined us for dinner? How many plates would we need? What if 1 person was not home for dinner tonight? How many plates would we need? How many plates would we need if no one else joined us?” 
  • To practice adding doubles, point out sets that each have the same number, from 1 to 5. Then have your student find the total. For example, “I bought 4 blueberry muffins and 4 carrot muffins. How many muffins are there in all?” To review doubles plus 1 and doubles minus 1, point out sets in which one set has an additional item. For example, “There are 4 bananas and 5 apples in the fruit bowl. What doubles plus 1 fact can you use to find the total number of pieces of fruit? What doubles minus 1 fact can you use?” 
  • Practice adding and subtracting using “count on” and “count back.” For example, “There are 4 of your socks and 2 of my socks in the laundry basket. Can you count on from 4 to find the total number of socks?” 

By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria on the next page. Encourage your student to think of other opportunities in daily life to use addition and subtraction contexts. 

Have a great time practicing addition and subtraction strategies together! 


Math Updates 8/19

We will wrap up unit 1 this week with lessons on addition and subtraction.  The addition lessons address joining objects of the same type and grouping similar objects. The subtraction lessons address removing objects from a group, or comparing two groups to find how many fewer or how many more. The vocabulary words associated with this chapter are: add, more, plus, minus, fewer, equals, equation, part, and whole.
Last week, we learned how to play math games. This week, I will be introducing more challenging math games. Math games are a great way to learn and practice concepts and foster relationships with classmates. 

Koenig's Math Week of 8/12 - 8/16


Welcome to my math class!  This week, we will start talking about   

The vocabulary words associated with this chapter are 120 chart, row, column, decade numbers, digit, ones, tens, ones place, and tens place 


Dear Family,  

In this chapter, your student is learning about place value and counting by ones and by tens to 120. Your student will learn what it means when a digit is in the tens place or the ones place, and will recognize how many tens and ones make up numbers up to 120.   

Here are a few strategies that you can use with your student to practice understanding the digits of numbers up to 120.  

  • Encourage your student to look for numbers wherever you are. Then, review the value of the digits in the tens and ones places. For example, you might notice a speed limit sign, a channel number on TV, or the jersey number of a favorite athlete. Ask your student to name the number, then tell which digit is in the tens place and which is in the ones place. Then ask about the value of each digit. For example, “The 4 is in the tens place in 45. How much is 4 tens? How much is 5 ones?” You can also use these numbers to review counting on by ones or tens. Ask, “What are the next five numbers when you count on by ones? What are the next five numbers when you count on by tens?”  
  • Hunt for decade numbers while running errands. See how many you and your student can find on signs, license plates, or price tags. Then have your student tell how many tens are in that number.  
  • To practice identifying numbers with a given amount of tens and ones, make stacks of 10 pennies and leave up to 9 pennies unstacked. Model how to count the stacks by tens, then count the leftovers by ones. Have your student do the same, then tell how many pennies in all.  

By the end of this chapter, your student should feel confident with the learning targets and success criteria on the next page. Encourage your student to point out and identify any numbers they see up to 120.  

Have a great time practicing numbers together!