Ms. Koenig, Language Arts,1st


Koenig's Language Arts updates 11/18 - 11/22


Phonics: We will be learning words with the sound and spelling of /y/, /v/, /a_e/, and /a/. Words to practice: yell, yard, yarn, vet, van, vest, whale, cave, gate, game, brake, tape, ape, plane. 

High-Frequency Words: Have your child practice reading the following words: 

on, is, by, it, one, for, more, at, but, with, we, this. 

Reading: This week’s reading selection: "Just listen"

Essential Questions: What are the things you can listen to inside the classroom? And outside?

Writing:  We finished our "Water adventure" writing. It should be going home next week. For the following week, we will be writing our family's Thanksgiving traditions. 

Koenig's Language Arts updates 11/12-11/15


Phonics: We will learn how to read and spell words with the following patterns: /al/, /il/, /le/, /el/, /nk/, /qu/. 

Reading: We will be working on comprehension and story elements. 

Grammar: Your child will learn that an exclamatory sentence shows strong emotion and ends with an exclamation point. (Great job!) 

Writing:  Students will start writing about their water adventure. 

Koenig's Language Arts updates 11/04 - 11/08

Phonics: We will review a few phonics patterns we have learned in the last few weeks such as -dge, -ore, -or, -ar, -er, -ir, -ur, -ee, -ea, -k, -ck. 

Reading: We will focus on elements of a story (characters, setting and events).

Grammar: Your child will review nouns and verbs. 

Writing:  This week, we will brainstorm and start writing a personal narrative about a water day/water adventure. Here are some ideas your child can write about: a day at the beach, a day at the Great Wolf Lodge, kayaking, pool day, splash pad, water balloons, etc. 

Koenig's Literacy updates 10/28 -11/01

Phonics: Your child will learn the following sounds and spellings /er/, /ir/, /ur/, /ear/ and /ng/. Words to practice: dirt, under, winter, dirt, curb, turn, learn, search, earth, ring, wing, sing, 

Reading: This week’s reading selections: “Light and Sound".

Essential Question: Have you seen your shadow?  

Grammar: Your child will learn that an interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark. (What time is it?) 

Writing:  This week, students will write their personal narrative about Halloween.  They will use the elements of a story that we have been discussing to plan, write and edit their stories.  

Koenig's Literacy updates 10/21 - 10/25


Phonics: Your child will review the sounds and spelling for /ee/ and /ea/. I sent a game home last week. You child has played this game in class. All you need is a die. You and your child can take turn reading the words. 

You child will learn the following sounds and spellings: /ch/ and /tch/, /or/, /ore/, and /ar/. Words to practice: chin, patch, pitch, chat, chop, ditch, hopscotch, chess, or, for, more, tore, store, snore, short, stop, pop, arm, start, bark, far, jar, scar, art, bar, star. 

Reading: "From seed to flower"

Comprehension strategies:

  • Asking Questions
  • Summarizing

 Essential Question: What changes do you see when watching a flower grow?

Grammar: Your child will be reviewing verbs and nouns. 

Writing:  Students will start editing and writing their final copy narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. 

Koenig's Literacy Updates 9/23-9/27

Phonics: Your child will learn the following sounds and spellings: /ks/ spelled x, /e/ and /ed/, /d/ and /t/ sounds spelled _ed. We will also be practicing rhyming. 

Reading: We will work on identifying the character, setting and main events in a story. 

Grammar: We will be revisiting the use of upper and lower letters on a text. We will be practicing using punctuation and finger spaces between words. 

Writing:  Students will start drafting a personal narrative about a birthday celebration. 

Koenig's Language Arts updates 9/16 - 9/20

Phonics: We are starting Unit 2, Lesson 3. We will start with the pattern /dge/ on Monday. We will also review the sounds for /u/, /z/, and adding _s for plurals. 

Reading: We are going to focus on two comprehension strategies when reading a text: making connections and asking and answering questions. 

Grammar: We will be reviewing noun, verb, pronoun and adjective. 

 Writing:  Write opinion pieces that introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. This week, we will be writing about our favorite food. We will start on Monday with brainstorming.

Koenig's Literacy updates 9/9/24

Phonics: Last week, we went back and reviewed some phonetic patterns that the students were confused with and practiced some of these patterns in centers.  We will pick up the following sounds and spellings: /k/ spelled c; /aw/ spelled al, all; /k/ spelled k, ■ck; and /r/ spelled r. Words to practice blending with your child include can’t, calm, call, kid, clock, and rock.

Reading: This week, we will be starting our reading centers. Students will continue their fluency practice and we will focus more on comprehension and fluency drills to increase their fluency in reading.

Grammar: Your child will learn to identify adjectives and add them to sentences. Adjectives describe words that tell more about a person, place, or thing.

 Writing:  Write opinion pieces that introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

Koenig's Literacy updates 9/9/24

Phonics: This week, we will be learning the patterns /f/, /ff/, /s/, /ss/, /g/, /j/. We will be practicing the following HFW:


Reading: This week, we will be practicing using the computer to read on EPIC. Students will practice reading books with a partner. 

Grammar: Your child will learn to identify adjectives and add them to sentences. Adjectives describe words that tell more about a person, place, or thing.

 Writing:  Write opinion pieces that introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

Koenig's Literacy updates 9/3 - 9/6

Phonics: Your child will learn the following sounds and spellings: /k/ spelled c; /aw/ spelled al, all; /k/ spelled k, ■ck; and /r/ spelled r. Words to practice blending with your child include can’t, calm, call, kid, clock, and rock.

Reading: This week, we will be starting our reading centers. Students will continue their fluency practice and we will focus more on comprehension.

Grammar: Your child will learn to identify adjectives and add them to sentences. Adjectives are describing words that tell more about a person, place, or thing.

 Writing:  We will continue our work on foundational skills for writing: using proper parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns) and discussing the writing process.

Koenig's Literacy Updates 8/26 - 8/30


Review:  We are wrapping up our review unit reviewing our letters and sounds, working on proper grip and letter formation, understanding rhyme and practicing blending and segmenting sounds.    We will also start our DIBELS assessments this week and continue those into next week.  

Spelling: We have been reviewing our sounds and working on finger spelling in our writing.  We will continue this and our focus will shift to  

Reading: Over the next couple of weeks, we will be doing more whole group reading working on fluency, understanding rhyme and developing vocabulary.  

 Writing: Over the next couple of weeks, we will be working on foundational skills for writing: using end marks (., !, ?), parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns). We will be writing about one classroom rule, animals, and favorite foods.  

Literacy Updates 8/19

Last week, students started to write in their journals as a part of the morning routine. We are working on writing a sentence, illustrating, and adding labels. 
We will keep revising letter sounds and names, practicing letter formation, and quietly reading. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be doing more whole group reading working on fluency, understanding rhyme and developing vocabulary. 

Koenig's Literacy Week 8/12 - 8/16


Welcome to my literacy class!! 

Open Court Reading:  We are starting our literacy curriculum, Open Court Reading.  This is a wonderful curriculum that is designed around the science of reading.   


Review:  Over the next couple of weeks, we will be reviewing our letters and sounds, working on proper grip and letter formation, understanding rhyme and practicing blending and segmenting sounds.    


Spelling: This year, students will be learning the rules behind each of the spelling patterns through a wonderful program called, “Secret Stories”.  Spelling isn’t about memorizing a list of words, but more about understanding the pattern of those words and secret stories accomplishes this by using a multi-sensory approach.  


Reading: Over the next couple of weeks, we will be doing more whole group reading working on fluency, understanding rhyme and developing vocabulary.  


 Writing: Over the next couple of weeks, we will be working on foundational skills for writing: using end marks (., !, ?), parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns). We will be writing about one classroom rule, animals, and favorite foods.