Ms. Reeder, Social Studies, 2nd


Social Studies Update: 9/3/24 - 9/6/24

Last week, we concluded our Social Studies unit by participating in an action research project. As a class, students identified an issue in the community and researched ways to solve the problem, including speaking with members of our school community.

The issue that the class decided to help solve was that students at Westgate bang on the walls in the hallway, lean on the walls as they walk down the hall, and tear down work that is on display on the walls in the hall. We think this is a problem because it disrupts the learning in classrooms and does not respect the work that kids have displayed in the hall. The class identified Ms. Seybold, Ms. Schilling, Mrs. Kahn, and Ms. Kinslow as community members who could help us understand the problem. Mrs. Kahn and Ms. Kinslow were able to come in and give us some insight into what it is like to have an office in the hall, and what things they have tried to stop it from happening. Our class came up with several solutions, such as:

  1. Tell people to stop.
  2. Report someone doing it to an adult.
  3. Check the cameras to see who is doing it.
  4. Create posters reminding kids not to do it.
  5. Give consequences to those students who do it.

At the end of the week, students created a poster with a partner to hang in the halls in hopes of helping to solve the problem in our community.

We are concluding our first social studies unit of the year called, “My Role in the Community.”  

Last week, students learned more about leadership, and how leaders long ago changed their communities. Students learned what a citizen is and what civic responsibilities citizens have, such as voting. We also learned about the victory gardens of World War 2. Citizens planted vegetable gardens to ensure an adequate food supply for civilians and troops. This is a good example of ways that citizens can be leaders in their communities. 

This week, we will begin an action research project as our unit culmination. As a class, students will identify an issue in the community and research ways to solve the problem. By the end of the week, students will have created a poster to showcase their learning on bettering the community. 

Social Studies Update: 8/19/24 - 8/23/24

We are continuing with our first social studies unit of the year called, “My Role in the Community.”  

Last week, students learned that community members have respectful debates and vote to make changes in their communities. At the end of the week, we learned about leaders and how they change their communities. 

This week, we will finish the unit. Students will learn more about leadership, and how leaders long ago changed their communities. Our last lesson will be about citizenship and civic responsibilities. 

Social Studies Update 8/12/24 - 8/16/24

Science/Social Studies: 

On Friday, we started our first social studies unit of the year called, “My Role in the Community.” This unit is a study of how people engage in civic participation. The essential question for this unit is, “How do individual ideas and actions improve communities?” Some key vocabulary for this unit is: 

  • respect  
  • community  
  • civic responsibility  
  • advocate  
  • decisions  
  • community member  
  • diverse  
  • marginalized  
  • privileged