Ms. Reeder, Science, 2nd


Science Update 9/9/24 - 9/13/24

This week we will continue learning about biodiversity and ecosystems. We will be focusing on these things:

  • Animal seed dispersal - We will make a model of an animal to simulate how an animal disperses seeds. 
  • Water, sunlight, and plant growth

Science Update: 9/3/24 - 9/6/24

This week, we are beginning our first Science unit, “Biodiversity and Ecosystems.” In this unit, students will study of the needs of plants, how structures of specific animals aid in seed dispersal, and the diversity of life in different habitats.

On Tuesday, we will observe that Death Valley is a hot, dry desert with very little life. We will generate questions and create an initial model of why and how desert superblooms occur. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, we will learn that plants produce different types of seeds in the process of reproduction, and how these seeds require wind, water, or animals to disperse (move) them. We will make and test models of seeds and discuss how models can be helpful in science.