Ms. Reeder, Language Arts, 2nd


Literacy Update 10/13/24 - 10/18/24

Foundational Skills/Phonics: We will learn to read and spell words with –er and –ir (such as “her” and “bird.”) 

Reading: This week our focal text is “Mattland.” With this text, we will be focusing on different comprehension skills each day.  

Our comprehension skills this week: 

  • Making Connections 
  • Setting 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • Clarifying/Summarizing 
  • Vocabulary 
  • Making Inferences 

Writing:  This week students will learn about informative writing and select a topic to write about. 

Literacy Update: 9/23/24 - 9/26/24

Foundational Skills/Phonics: We will learn to read and spell words with spelled -al, and -il, such as petal and fossil.

Reading: This week our focal text is “Mattland.” With this text we will be focusing on a different comprehension skill each day.

Our comprehension skills this week:

  • Visualizing
  • Vocabulary
  • Cause and Effect
  • Making Inferences

Writing: This week students will be finishing their opinion paragraphs.

Literacy Update: 9/16/24 - 9/20/24

Foundational Skills/Phonics: We will learn to read and spell words with schwa and / әl/ spelled el, le, al, and il.

Reading: This week we will finish up with our story, “The Final Game.” Then we will begin our next story, “Ellie’s Long Walk.”

Our comprehension skills this week:

  • Compare & Contrast
  • Sequencing
  • Predicting
  • Vocabulary
  • Ask and Answer Questions

Writing: This week students will be writing an opinion paper about a topic of their choice and use examples to support their opinions.

Grammar: Identifying and using helping and linking verbs.

Literacy Update 9/9/24 - 9/13/24

Foundational Skills/Phonics: We will continue learning about the 3 sounds of -ed "ed," "d," and "t."

Reading: This week our focal text is “The Final Game.” With this text, we will be focusing on a different comprehension skill each day.

Our comprehension skills this week:

  • Compare & Contrast
  • Sequencing
  • Making connections
  • Vocabulary

Writing: This week students will be writing an opinion paper about a topic of their choice and use examples to support their opinions.

Grammar: Identifying and using helping and linking verbs.

Literacy Update: 9/3/24 - 9/6/24

Foundational Skills (Phonics, Decoding, and Spelling)

Last week, students learned to spell words with the -tch. -TCH also comes at the end of a 1-syllable word, after a short vowel. The kids will learn the rule, “at the end of a short word, after a short vowel. The t is silent.” Examples include match, pitch, fetch, etc.

This week, we will learn to read and spell words with inflectional endings -s, -es, and will begin learning the three sounds of -ed (“ed,” “d,” “t”). Examples include:

  • - s: whips, baths, stars
  • -es: wishes, branches, boxes
  • -ed: “ed” sound – started, rested, ended; “d” sound – filled, smelled; “t” sound – jumped, helped, tossed



Last week, we focused on the fable, “The Bat, Birds, and Beasts.” Students learned to use the comprehension strategies: asking and answering questions, using context clues or glossaries to find the meaning of unknown vocabulary words, and classifying and categorizing information.


This week, we will begin a new folktale called "A Cherokee Stickball Game.” In this story, Little Mouse wants to play in the big stickball game between the Animals and the Birds. He is disappointed when Big Bear turns him away for being too small. However, Pretty Feathered Eagle finds a creative solution to Little Mouse’s problem.

We will be focusing on these comprehension skills:

  • Summarizing
  • Using context clues to help us with unknown vocabulary
  • Compare and contrast



Last week, students learned how to make a final copy of the paragraph in writing. During our half-day on Friday, we had an “Author’s Chair,” where a few students could read their paragraphs to the class.

We will begin this coming week by doing prewriting for a new opinion piece. Your child will then continue through the writing process to draft, revise, and edit their opinion paragraph.



Your child will be learning about action verbs, which are words that show action. Ask your child to identify some action verbs that tell what he or she likes to do during recess or other free time.

Literacy Update: 8/26/24 - 8/30/24

Foundational Skills (Phonics, Decoding, and Spelling) 

Last week, students learned to read and spell words with -ck and -dge. -CK comes at the end of a 1-syllable word, after a short vowel. The kids learned the rule, “at the end of a short word, after a short vowel.” Examples include thick, stuck, rack, check, etc. The rule for –dge is like –ck, “at the end of a short word, after a short vowel. The d is silent.” Examples include judge, dodge, edge, bridge, etc. 

This week, students will learn to spell words with the -tch. -TCH also comes at the end of a 1-syllable word, after a short vowel. The kids will learn the rule, “at the end of a short word, after a short vowel. The t is silent.” Examples include match, pitch, fetch, etc. 


Last week, we focused on the nonfiction passage, “Ants and Aphids Work Together.”  We focused on these comprehension skills:  

  • Clarifying 
  • Vocabulary 
  • Main Idea and Details 
  • Compare and Contrast 
  • Author’s Purpose and Text Features. 


This week, we will begin a fable, “The Bat, Birds, and Beasts.” In this story, the Birds and the Beasts compete in a yearly basketball game. Bat wants to play also but does not know which team to choose since he has characteristics of both birds and beasts. Bat’s decision has long-term consequences and teaches him that winning isn’t everything. This week, we will be focusing on these comprehension skills:  

  • Asking and Answering Questions 
  • Vocabulary 
  • Classifying and Clarifying 

Please read to your child each night and have them read to you! It is all beneficial. 



Last week in writing, students continued writing their opinion paragraph drafts. Students continued through the writing process by revising and editing them. We will begin this coming week by learning how to make a final copy of the paragraph. During our half-day on Friday, we will have an “Author’s Chair,” and some students will be able to read their paragraphs to the class.  



This week, your child will learn the difference between common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns refer to generic, unspecified people, places, and things, and begin with a lowercase letter. For example, boy, girl, store, etc. Proper nouns refer to a specific person, place, or thing, and begin with a capital letter. For example, Jack, Jill, Target, etc. 

Literacy Update 8/19/24 - 8/23/24


Students took the NWEA MAPS Reading Assessment on Tuesday morning.  

Foundational Skills (Phonics, Decoding, and Spelling) 

Last week, students learned the /ar sound. Students learned to read and spell words with /ar/ sound, such as car, art, park, and sharp. 

This week, students will learn to spell words with the -ck. -CK comes at the end of a 1-syllable word, after a short vowel. The kids will learn the rule, “at the end of a short word, after a short vowel.” Examples include thick, stuck, rack, check, etc. 


Last week, we focused on the story, “The Mice Who Lived in the Shoe,” and worked on a different comprehension skill each day:  

  • Vocabulary 
  • Inferring 
  • Cause and effect 
  • Character and setting 

This week, we will begin a new passage, “Ants and Aphids Work Together.”  Ants and aphids are different kinds of insects that depend on each other. They live near one another because the partnership benefits both animals. Together, ants and aphids find food, shelter, and protection that help them survive. This week, we will be focusing on these comprehension skills:  

  • Clarifying 
  • Vocabulary 
  • Main Idea and Details 
  • Compare and Contrast 
  • Author’s Purpose and text features. 

Please read to your child each night and have them read to you! It is all beneficial. 


Last week in writing, students learned about the structure of a paragraph, including that a paragraph has a topic sentence, 3 details, and a concluding sentence. Students also learned about the writing process. By the end of the week, students should have written the plan for their opinion paragraph. 

This week, we will continue through the writing process, by writing our drafts, and then revising them. If we have time, some students will begin editing and making a final copy. 

Literacy Update 8/12/24 - 8/16/24

Students will be taking the NWEA MAPS Reading Assessment on Tuesday morning.  

Foundational Skills (Phonics, Decoding, and Spelling) 

Last week, students learned the /wh/ sound. Students learned to read words with /wh/ sound, such as when, whiff, whisk, etc.  

This week, students will learn to spell words with the /wh/ sound. In addition, the R-Controlled sound, /ar/ will be introduced for students to learn to read and spell. Sample words are car, far, charm, start, etc.  


On Friday, students began reading the story, “The Mice Who Lived in the Shoe.” Before reading, we discussed our background knowledge about the nursery rhyme, “There Was an Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe,” mouse homes, and predators of mice. We used our background knowledge to predict what the story would be about.  

This week, we will read the story again, and focus on a different comprehension skill each day:  

  • Vocabulary 
  • Inferring 
  • Cause and effect 
  • Character and setting 

Please read to your child each night and have them read to you! It is all beneficial. Discuss the books that you and your child read together. 



This week in writing, we will begin learning how to write a paragraph. We are starting by learning that a paragraph has a topic sentence, 3 details, and a concluding sentence. Students will also learn about the writing process and the difference between fact and opinion. By the end of the week, students should have written their first opinion paragraph.