Ms. Reeder, Advocacy, 2nd


Advocacy Update 9/9/24 - 9/13/24

Dates and Announcements:


Tuesday, Sept. 10

Skate City Spirit Night

Wednesday, Sept. 18

Student Count Day

Wednesday, Sept. 18

Qdoba Spirit Night

Thursday, Sept. 19

1st and 2nd Grade Parent Engagement Night




  • Specials: Our Special is I-Lab.


1st and 2nd Grade Parent Engagement Night

  • No students please. 
  • Parents and Guardians of 1st and 2nd grade students only.
  • This is an opportunity for you to connect with and get to know other Parents & Guardians.
  • Come for merriment and connections!



  • Advocacy:
    • Our September Advocacy theme is Self-Awareness.
    • We will continue using the “Spots” to help us learn about our emotions and feelings. Now that the students know what the emotions are, we are going to work on skills to identify what emotion they are experiencing and the feeling associated with it.

Advocacy Update: 9/3/24 - 9/6/24

Dates and Announcements:


Monday, Sept. 2

NO SCHOOL – Labor Day

Friday, Sept. 6

Picture Day - Individual

Tuesday, Sept. 10

Skate City Spirit Night





  • Friday Folders - Your child should have a Friday folder that comes home each Friday. Please review the folder with your child and return it to school empty each Monday.


  • Specials: We finished up Art last week. We will begin I-Lab this week. For updates on what your child is learning in I-Lab, you can follow Mr. Elliott’s page here.



  • Advocacy:
    • Our September Advocacy theme is Self-Awareness. This month, our class will primarily concentrate on exploring feelings and emotions.
    • This week, we will begin using the “Spots” to help us identify feelings and emotions. Our learning objectives are:
      • Students will learn new vocabulary that describes their feelings and emotions.
      • Students will learn to recognize feelings and emotions in themselves and others.
      • Students will learn the benefits of emotion check-ins.
      • Students will learn how to identify emotions when they are happening simultaneously.
      • Students will learn how to associate colors with feelings and emotions.

Advocacy Update: 8/26/24 - 8/30/24

Dates and Announcements:  


Mon. Aug. 26 – Fri. Aug. 30 

Spirit Week: 

  • Monday – Wear your favorite sports team shirt. 
  • Tuesday – Class Colors (1st/2nd grade is red) 
  • Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday 
  • Thursday – Crazy Hair or Hat Day 
  • Friday – Pajama Day 

Friday, Aug. 30 

Half Day – School hours are 8:00- 11:30 a.m. 

Monday, Sept. 2  

NO SCHOOL – Labor Day 

Friday, Sept. 6 

Picture Day - Individual 




  • Spirit Week: This week is Spirit Week. See the above schedule for the themes for each day. 


  • Friday Folders - Your child should have a Friday folder that comes home each Friday. Please review the folder with your child and return it to school empty each Monday. 


  • Specials: We are finishing up Art this week. Our next special is i-Lab. 


  • Volunteers – Interested in volunteering? 
    • Volunteer Opportunities:  
      • Tear out books from workbooks and staple them together.  
      • Put labels on folders. 
      • Repair damaged books from my classroom library. 
      • Help with Friday Folders on Thursdays or Fridays. 


  • Advocacy:  
    • Our August Advocacy theme is RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
    • This week we will continue our Advocacy focus on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program RISE.  Last week, we focused on the “S” for Safety. We talked about being safe in our classroom, around the school and in our community.  This week, our focus will be on the “E” in RISE which stands for Empathy.  Empathy is understanding how someone feels and showing care or concern. 

Advocacy Update 8/19/24 - 8/23/24

Dates and Announcements  


Thurs. Aug. 22 

Red Robin All Day School Fundraiser! 

799 W 146th Ave Westminster, CO 80023 

Mon. Aug. 26 – Fri. Aug. 30 

Spirit Week: 

  • Monday – Wear your favorite sports team shirt or gear. 
  • Tuesday – Class Colors (1st/2nd grade is red) 
  • Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday 
  • Thursday – Crazy Hair or Hat Day 
  • Friday – Pajama Day 

Friday, Aug. 30 

Half Day – School hours are 8:00- 11:30 a.m. 



  • We had another great week! Last week we got to visit the chickens with Mrs. Kahn. Also, Ms. Kinslow came in to introduce herself and tell us a little about her job and our facility dog, Blanche. 
  • Clubs: After-school enrichment clubs began last week. If you would like to sign up, visit the school’s clubs page. 
  • Friday Folders - Your child should have a Friday folder that comes home each Friday. Please review the folder with your child and return it to school empty each Monday. 
  • Specials: Our current special is Art. We will stay in this special until Aug. 30. 
  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, students may eat snacks at any time when hungry. Healthy snacks are always the best option.  Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  


  • Volunteers – Interested in volunteering? 
    • Volunteer Opportunities:  
      • Tear out books from workbooks and staple them together.  
      • Put labels on folders. 
      • Repair damaged books from my classroom library. 
      • Help with Friday Folders on Thursdays or Fridays. 


  • Advocacy:  
    • Our August Advocacy theme is RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
    • This week we will continue our Advocacy focus on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program RISE.  Last week, we focused on the “I” for Integrity.  We talked about showing integrity in our classroom and around the school.  This week, our focus will be on the “S” in RISE which stands for Safety.  We will discuss safety in and around school, as well as washing our hands and preventing the spread of germs. 

Advocacy Update 8/12/24 - 8/16/24

Dates and Announcements  


Thurs. Aug. 22 

Red Robin All Day School Fundraiser! 

799 W 146th Ave Westminster, CO 80023 

Mon. Aug. 26 – Fri. Aug. 30 

Spirit Week: 

  • Monday – Wear your favorite sports team shirt. 
  • Tuesday – Class Colors (1st/2nd grade is red) 
  • Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday 
  • Thursday – Crazy Hair or Hat Day 
  • Friday – Pajama Day 

Friday, Aug. 30 

Half Day – School hours are 8:00- 11:30 a.m. 



  • We had a great first week getting to know each other! We learned about routines and expectations in our classroom and around the school. We did several activities to get to know each other. We also learned about using manners, not interrupting, and what the guidelines for tattling vs. reporting. We began doing academic work on Friday.  


  • Clubs: After school enrichment clubs begin this week. If you would like to sign up, visit the school’s clubs page. 


  • Specials: Our current special is Art. We will stay in this special until Aug. 30. 


  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, students may eat snacks at any time when hungry. Healthy snacks are always the best option.  Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  


  • Morning and Afternoon carline are “hug and go” only.  The staff asks that you please stay in your car and allow your child to exit the vehicle on their own.  This will allow the flow of traffic to move quickly. 



How It Works: 

  • Every Wednesday is “Zero Waste Wednesday” here at Westgate. What this means is that if students have a lunch that doesn’t use any waste AT ALL (i.e., nothing to throw away, like baggies, cans, plastic cups, paper lunch bags, etc.), then they will get a Zero Hero stamp on their hands.
  • *Students who have school lunch will qualify if they accurately sort their lunch into the appropriate trash and recycling AND have a reusable water bottle for the day* 
  • The goal is for families to start the conversation about alternatives to lunch waste, like glass or plastic lunch containers, reusable lunch bags and water bottles, and cloth napkins. If a student has any item that must be thrown away (at school or at home) their names will not be entered, and they can try again next week and every week after that. Hopefully, this will instill changes that will go far beyond Wednesdays during lunchtime at Westgate. 


  • Volunteers 
    • Volunteer Opportunities:  
      • Tear out books from workbooks and staple them together.  
      • Put labels on folders. 
      • Repair damaged books from my classroom library. 
      • Help with Friday Folders on Thursdays or Fridays. 


  • Advocacy:  
    • Our August Advocacy theme is RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
    • This week we will continue our Advocacy focus on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program RISE.  Last week, we focused on the “R” for respect.  We talked about showing respect to others, to our community, to things in our classroom and so forth. 
    • This week, our focus will be on the “I” in RISE which stands for Integrity.  Integrity is simply doing what is right even when nobody is looking.    



Reeder's 1st Advocacy Update 8/2/24

My name is Mrs. Reeder, and I am your child's teacher/Advocate.  Advocacy classes are first and foremost a time for students to build supportive relationships with their peers and with an adult they can trust, as well as learn about social and emotional health. It is a time for everyone to feel recognized and welcomed into the classroom and school community. As your child’s Advocate, I will be your primary point of communication, so feel free to reach out to me at any time. I am committed to advocating for your child this year.

This month, our August Advocacy theme is RISE!

At Westgate, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a part of our Whole Child Education program. PBIS is a system in which students, staff and the community create a set of school-wide behavioral expectations/core values, we teach those expectations in all our various environments, and then we CELEBRATE when we see students doing those things! At Westgate, we RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy).

Week 1



What does RESPECT mean?

Being kind to people, property, and yourself. Being considerate of our community.

Week 2



What does INTEGRITY mean?

Telling the truth and doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.

Week 3 



What does it mean to be SAFE at school?

Act in ways that won’t harm yourself or others.

Week 4



What is EMPATHY?

Understanding and caring about the feelings of others.


We will be teaching students what these 4 words mean—focusing on a different part of RISE each week—and what it looks like to live these values out during school and at home. We will use RISE all year to celebrate positive behaviors.

I am excited for the school year and am looking forward to working with you and your child to help them grow!