Ms. Freeland, Advocacy, 2nd


Freeland's Advocacy Update 9-3-24

Hello families! How are we already in September?! Below you will find some important dates as well as some information regarding picture day and our September Advocacy theme.

Important Dates: 

Tuesday, September 2nd                                                    Lunch orders due for next week 

Friday, September 6th                                                         Individual Picture Day 

Monday, September 9th                                                     3-4 Parent Engagement Night 

Tuesday, September 10th                                                  Skate City Spirit Night 


Specials: We have a new special this week. Our new special is _____. 

Lunch Ordering: 

Don't forget that lunch orders for the week of September 9th closes at 9:00 PM on September 2nd. 

Lunch Program Ordering 

  1. In order for your student to receive a hot lunch, orders must be placed using the links below. Although lunches are free this year, only students who have pre-ordered a lunch will receive a hot lunch. 
  1. Click on the links below to place an order for that week. Submit a separate order for each student. 
  1. Ordering closes at 9:00 PM on Monday for the following week. 
    Week of September 9 - ordering closes at 9:00 p.m. on September 2 
    Week of September 16 - ordering closes at 9:00 p.m. on September 9 
    Week of September 23 - ordering closes at 9:00 p.m. on September 16 
    Week of September 30 - No School - Fall Break! 
    Week of October 7 - No School - Fall Break! 

Individual Picture Day is this Friday.  Picture order forms went home in Friday folders a couple of weeks ago.  To place orders online follow this link.  

If you use the paper form be sure your student returns it on the day of photos, September 6th or before. 

You can order online using your student’s ID or the Picture Day ID EVY8D4T79. There will also be a QR code included for your convenience.  

Lifetouch partners with Shutterfly, so if you have an account or create one, you can easily manage your photos. You will be notified within 3-4 weeks when the images are ready to view, download, and share. 

Advocacy Theme for September is Self Awareness 

Students will practice managing their emotions learn how to use their strengths to overcome challenges.  They will learn how to name the things that make them unique, and how those character traits will help them succeed in their person and academic endeavors.  

Freeland's Advocacy Update 08/19

Hello families! We have a had a great week in 2nd grade! Here are some updates/reminders for the week of August 19th:

  • Tuesday the Board of Directors is the Board of Directors meeting from 6:00-8:30
  • Thursday there is a school fundraiser at Red Robin (all day)
    • (799 W 146th Ave Westminster, CO 80023)
  • Friday we have community connect from 11:00-12:00.

The week of the 26th is spirit week, please note that if you would like to attend the Colorado Rockies Game on Monday night, tickets must be purchased before the 19th.  You can find the link to the tickets on the school website under “School Calendar.”


Thank you all for your continued support!

Freeland's Advocacy Update 08-05-2024

My name is Miss Freeland and I am your child’s Advocacy teacher/ Advocate. Advocacy is more than just Homeroom. Advocacy classes are first and foremost a time for students to build supportive relationships with their peers and with an adult they can trust, as well as learn about social and emotional health. It is a time for everyone to feel recognized and welcomed into the classroom and school community.

This month, our August Advocacy theme is RISE!

At Westgate, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a part of our Whole Child Education program. PBIS is a system in which students, staff and the community create a set of school-wide behavioral expectations/core values, we teach those expectations in all our various environments, and then we CELEBRATE when we see students doing those things! At Westgate, we RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy).

Week 1



What does RESPECT mean?

Being kind to people, property, and yourself. Being considerate of our community.

Week 2



What does INTEGRITY mean?

Telling the truth and doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.

Week 3 



What does it mean to be SAFE at school?

Act in ways that won’t harm yourself or others.

Week 4



What is EMPATHY?

Understanding and caring about the feelings of others.


We will be teaching students what these 4 words mean—focusing on a different part of RISE each week—and what it looks like to live these values out during school and at home. We will use RISE all year to celebrate positive behaviors.

I am excited for the school year and am looking forward to working with you and your child to help them grow!