Ms. Lane, Math, Kinder


Math Week of March 17th

This week we will finish our chapter 10, your students were practicing counting numbers within 100 by using tens and ones. For example, the number 43 is four tens and three ones. On Tuesday, we will take our end of chapter assessment. The rest of the week we will be reviewing addition and subtraction. 

Math Week of March 10th

This week, we will introduce chapter 10. In chapter 10, students will be working towards counting to 100! First, we will begin by counting to 30, then to 50, and then to 100! We will also work towards counting by 5s and 10s, to make counting objects quicker. For example, if there are 43 objects, they can count 10, 20, 30, 40, 41, 42, to 43! 

Use the activities below to help your student practice and use numbers through 100. 

  • Have your student count by ones to 30 on a yardstick or tape measure, and to 50 or 100 on a tape measure or by reading page numbers in a book. 
  • Count by ones as high as you can by taking turns saying the number that comes next. For example, you say, "one." Your student says, "two." You say, "three." Your student says "four," and so on. Vary the game by counting by tens ("ten," "twenty," "thirty," . . .).

Math Week of February 24th

We will continue Chapter 9 in our Big Ideas curriculum! In this chapter, your student will use the number twenty, 20, to describe amounts and also will review the numbers that are less than twenty. 

Use the activities below to help your student use numbers through 20. 

  • Together, count objects on a walk through your neighborhood, such as leaves on the ground, cars in a parking lot, and cracks in the sidewalk. 
  • Choose a number from 10 through 20. Have a scavenger hunt to find that number of objects. For example, if you choose 14, you and your student might count 14 paper clips in a drawer or 14 sandwich bags in a package.

Math Week of February 17th

We will begin chapter 9 in our Big Ideas curriculum! In this chapter, your student will use the number twenty, 20, to describe amounts and also will review the numbers that are less than twenty. 

Use the activities below to help your student use numbers through 20. 

  • Together, count objects on a walk through your neighborhood, such as leaves on the ground, cars in a parking lot, and cracks in the sidewalk. 
  • Choose a number from 10 through 20. Have a scavenger hunt to find that number of objects. For example, if you choose 14, you and your student might count 14 paper clips in a drawer or 14 sandwich bags in a package.

Math Week of February 10th

This week in math, we will be finishing out our topic 8, which is all about teen numbers, and beginning our 9th topic, which is Counting and Comparing numbers to 20. 

In this chapter, your student will use the number twenty, 20, to describe amounts and also will review the numbers that are less than twenty. At first your student will show how many objects there are by coloring boxes in ten frames, for example, color twenty boxes for twenty pencils. Then your student will count objects and write the number. Finally your student will identify a group of objects with a given number of objects.

After your student practices writing and counting to or from numbers 11 through 20, your student will compare numbers through 20.

For more detailed information about this chapter's topics, see the Learning Targets and Success Criteria on the next page. Use the activities below to help your student use numbers through 20.

  •       Together, count objects on a walk through your neighborhood, such as leaves on the ground, cars in a parking lot, and cracks in the sidewalk.
  •       Choose a number from 10 through 20. Have a scavenger hunt to find that number of objects. For example, if you choose 14, you and your student might count 14 paper clips in a drawer or 14 sandwich bags in a package.
  •       To practice saying numbers in order, have your student use the numbers on a clock face or foot ruler to count to twelve and back. Have your student use the numbers on a tape measure or yard stick to count to 20 and back.
  •       Apply numbers through 20 to data collection. Have your student help record the number of objects in a closet or drawer. Discuss what categories of objects to count. For example, count pencils or pens, or cans of beans or peas, or black socks or blue socks. Then guide your student to draw a mark for each object. When you have finished tallying, ask your student to write the numbers of marks for each object. Talk about whether each number is equal to, greater than, or less than another number.

Math Week of February 3rd

This week, we will finish chapter 8, which is representing and understanding numbers eleven through nineteen. In this chapter, your students wrote teen numbers and saw these numbers represented as ten and then some more (ex: 14 is a group of ten and 4 more). Then we wrote an addition sentence to match. (ex: 10 + 4 = 14) 

Below is a reminder of the activities you can at home: 

  • Give your student up to 19 pennies or other small objects to count. Have your student write the number, for example, 12. Then ask your student to verify that 12 is correct by grouping ten pennies together to see if there are 2 extra pennies, making 12
  • Take turns. One player shows ten fingers and the other person shows up to nine fingers. The player holding up ten fingers names the total number of fingers showing.
  • Make a number book using a notebook or by attaching ten sheets of paper with staples or a paper clip. Help your student number the pages 11 through 19. On each page, have your student draw as many objects (or dots) as that page's number. 
  • If you have access to magazines, invite your student to find pictures of objects that illustrate one or more of the numbers to 19. Use these activities as often as you would like. You might start by focusing on the numbers 11 and 12 and gradually work your way up to 19. 

Math Week of January 27th

This week, we will continue to work on chapter 8! As our last Edlio post shared, we will be using the numbers 11 through 19 to describe amounts. At this grade level, your student learns to think of a group of ten objects as ten ones. This prepares your student for next year's study of place value when your student begins to think of ten ones as one ten. 

Please check out last week’s post for some activities to help your student practice and understand numbers to nineteen.

Math Week of January 20th

During Math time this week, we will be starting Unit 8 in our math curriculum. In this chapter, your student uses the numbers 11 through 19 to describe amounts. At first your student identifies the number of objects in a group by counting by ones: one, two, three . . . Then your student learns to count in a different way by first identifying a group of ten within the group and using a ten frame along with a five or ten frame to display the ten ones and the number of extra objects. Finally, your student records the number in an addition sentence as 10 + a number, for example, 14 = 10 + 4.

Some easy games you can play with your students at home are:

  • Give your student up to 19 pennies or other small objects to count. Have your student write the number, for example, 12. Then ask your student to verify that 12 is correct by grouping ten pennies together to see if there are 2 extra pennies, making 12
  • Take turns. One player shows ten fingers and the other person shows up to nine fingers. The player holding up ten fingers names the total number of fingers showing.
  • Make a number book using a notebook or by attaching ten sheets of paper with staples or a paper clip. Help your student number the pages 11 through 19. On each page, have your student draw as many objects (or dots) as that page's number. 
  • If you have access to magazines, invite your student to find pictures of objects that illustrate one or more of the numbers to 19. Use these activities as often as you would like. You might start by focusing on the numbers 11 and 12 and gradually work your way up to 19.

Math Week of January 13th

This week we will review Chapter 7, which is all about subtraction. We will be writing subtraction sentences, using the vocabulary terms: subtract, take from, and minus. We will also use a ten frame to model subtraction and show our work. The activities below are suggestions to try at home with your student. 

  • Look for opportunities to talk about subtraction with your student. For example, perhaps you bought six bananas and now there are two. How many bananas did your family eat? There were ten people in line in front of you. Now there are four people in front of you. How many people left? 
  • Take turns subtracting 1. One person names a number up to ten, the other person says the number that is one less. 
  • Help your student practice writing subtraction sentences. Toss five coins on a table. Ask your student to write a sentence that uses the whole (all pennies) minus one part (heads) to find the other part (tails). 
  • Scatter up to ten pennies on a table. Have your student count the pennies and write the number.Ask your student to look away while you cover some of the pennies with your hand or a sheet of paper. Challenge your student to name the number of hidden pennies using the number for the whole and the number of pennies that are showing. 

Math Week of December 9th

This week we will be continuing our work in Chapter 7, which is subtraction within ten. In chapter 5, your student began to learn about subtraction concepts by taking apart a number. For example, your student might take apart 6 into 4 and 2. In this chapter, your student will use a subtraction sentence, which includes a minus sign, to show this relationship. Your student will subtract numbers within 10 to take away from a group of objects or animals and find how many are left. Your student will also subtract to take apart a whole and find the part that remains. Your student will discover subtraction patterns: When subtracting 0 from a number, the answer is the number. When subtracting 1 from a number, the answer is the counting number before the number. Finally, when subtracting a number from itself, the answer is 0. Your student will learn about the relationship between addition and subtraction by studying related facts, such as 2 + 3 = 5 and 5 − 3 = 2. This will help your student determine whether addition or subtraction best represents a situation. The vocabulary words for the chapter are left, minus sign, separate, subtract, subtraction sentence, and take away. Use the activities below to practice and apply subtraction with your student. 

  • Look for opportunities to talk about subtraction with your student. For example, perhaps you bought six bananas and now there are two. How many bananas did your family eat? There were ten people in line in front of you. Now there are four people in front of you. How many people left?
  • Take turns subtracting 1. One person names a number up to ten, the other person says the number that is one less.
  • Help your student practice writing subtraction sentences. Toss five coins on a table. Ask your student to write a sentence that uses the whole (all pennies) minus one part (heads) to find the other part (tails). 
  • Scatter up to ten pennies on a table. Have your student count the pennies and write the number. Ask your student to look away while you cover some of the pennies with your hand or a sheet of paper. Challenge your student to name the number of hidden pennies using the number for the whole and the number of pennies that are showing. 

Math Week of December 2nd

This week we will begin Chapter 7, which is subtraction within ten. In chapter 5, your student began to learn about subtraction concepts by taking apart a number. For example, your student might take apart 6 into 4 and 2. In this chapter, your student will use a subtraction sentence, which includes a minus sign, to show this relationship. Your student will subtract numbers within 10 to take away from a group of objects or animals and find how many are left. Your student will also subtract to take apart a whole and find the part that remains. Your student will discover subtraction patterns: When subtracting 0 from a number, the answer is the number. When subtracting 1 from a number, the answer is the counting number before the number. Finally, when subtracting a number from itself, the answer is 0. Your student will learn about the relationship between addition and subtraction by studying related facts, such as 2 + 3 = 5 and 5 − 3 = 2. This will help your student determine whether addition or subtraction best represents a situation. The vocabulary words for the chapter are left, minus sign, separate, subtract, subtraction sentence, and take away. Use the activities below to practice and apply subtraction with your student. 

  • Look for opportunities to talk about subtraction with your student. For example, perhaps you bought six bananas and now there are two. How many bananas did your family eat? There were ten people in line in front of you. Now there are four people in front of you. How many people left?
  • Take turns subtracting 1. One person names a number up to ten, the other person says the number that is one less.
  • Help your student practice writing subtraction sentences. Toss five coins on a table. Ask your student to write a sentence that uses the whole (all pennies) minus one part (heads) to find the other part (tails). 
  • Scatter up to ten pennies on a table. Have your student count the pennies and write the number. Ask your student to look away while you cover some of the pennies with your hand or a sheet of paper. Challenge your student to name the number of hidden pennies using the number for the whole and the number of pennies that are showing.

Math week of November 18th

We will be continuing to explore chapter 6 in our Big Ideas math curriculum. In this chapter, your student uses an addition equation, called addition sentence, including a plus sign and an equal sign, to show two parts and a whole.

At home activities:

  • If you have two number cubes, change the sixes to zeros by covering  the sixes with masking tape. Invite your student to toss the two cubes to make partner numbers. Encourage your student to name the partner numbers and the total, or the number in all.
  • Expand the activity to include writing an addition sentence to show the parts and the whole. Play “Get to Ten” using fingers to find missing partner numbers. One player holds up any number of fingers. The other player names the number of fingers and how many more fingers are needed to get to ten. For example, if a player holds up 7 fingers, the other player might say, “Seven fingers; it takes three more to get to ten.”

Math week of November 11th

This week in math, we will be starting our exploration into Addition with numbers within 10. We will be talking about “Joining” problems, where we might say “2 students joined 3 others to play a game. How many students in all?” We will also be talking about patterns in addition. For example, if you add 0 to a number, the answer is always that number. Or when you add 1 to a number, it is always the next counting number. Finally, we will be working on finding number problems. An example equation of this skill might look like this “5 + ? = 9”. 

At home activities:

  • Play “Get to Ten” using fingers to find missing partner numbers. One player holds up any number of fingers. The other player names the number of fingers and how many more fingers are needed to get to ten. For example, if a player holds up 7 fingers, the other player might say, “Seven fingers; it takes three more to get to ten.” 
  • Make two sets of cards, numbered 1 through 5. Mix up the cards and spread them facedown on a table. Players take turns flipping over two cards to find partner numbers that make 6, for example, 2 and 4. If a player finds partners, the player gets to keep the cards. If not, the player turns the cards facedown. The player with the most cards wins! 

Math week of November 4th

This week we are finishing our chapter of decomposing and composing numbers through ten. In this chapter, your student put together two small groups of objects (parts) to form a larger group (the whole). They will also take apart a whole group to form two parts. They will use a number bond to show the numbers of objects in the parts and in the whole. Learning how two parts make a whole is the first step in learning to add and subtract. 


Activities to do at home: 

  • On the count of three, you and your student each show up to five fingers. Have your student name the number of fingers each person is showing and the number of fingers in all. 
  • Set out up to ten buttons or other small objects. Place a cup on a table. Players take turns trying to toss all the buttons, one at a time, into the cup. After each round, guide your student to write the score as the number of buttons in the cup and the number of buttons outside the cup. Talk about how the two numbers are parts of the whole

Math week of October 28th

This week is all about decomposing and composing numbers! Learning how two parts make a whole is the first step in learning to add and subtract. The vocabulary words for this chapter are put together, take apart, part, whole, partner numbers, and number bonds. Use the activities below to help your student practice putting together parts to make a whole and taking apart a whole to make parts. 

  • Drop up to ten pennies on a table. Have your student name the number of heads, the number of tails, and the number of all pennies. 
  • Make a line on a tabletop with chalk or tape. Invite your student to drop up to ten dried beans or other small objects on the table. Ask your student to write the numbers of beans that fell on each side of the line and the number of beans in all.