Ms. Lane, Language Arts, Kinder


Literacy Week of September 2nd

This week we will begin Unit 2. In Unit 2, we will practice our Word/Print Awareness skills and discuss the importance of word order within a sentence. We will read stories and poems with the theme of kindness. We want to emphasize the importance of kindness, what kindness is, and how we can spread acts of kindness. We will begin writing our “magic c” letters. All of these letters can be written by beginning with a c! The letters we will write this week are: c, o, a. If your student is writing at home, please make sure they are holding the pencil correctly (index finger, thumb and middle finger) and writing their letters from the top of the line to the bottom line. 

Literacy Week of August 26th

This will be our last week in unit 1 where we explore the big question “What is school all about?”. We will continue to introduce the letter names, shapes and sounds, and this week we will learn the letters Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Students will also be introduced to some sight words in our decodables, including: ‘and’ and ‘go’. Last week, we worked on sight words ‘a’ and ‘the’. We will continue working on how to hold a pencil, write the letters, and rotate in centers.

Literacy Week of August 19th

This week in literacy, we will continue to be answering the big question “What is school all about?”. We will continue to introduce the letter names, shapes and sounds, and this week we will learn the letters G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. We will continue working on how to hold a pencil, write the letters, and rotate in centers.

Literacy Week of August 12th

This week in literacy, we will be answering the big question, what is school all about and how we get to school. We will be introducing the names and shapes of letters: A, B, C, D, E, F. Your student will practice holding a pencil, writing letters, and rotating in centers.