Ms. Lubang, Social Studies, Kinder


Social Studies Week of February 10th

As we talked about last week, February is Black History Month. We studied some amazing black individuals last week, and we are going to continue that this week by looking at Abby Fisher, The Obamas, and Elijah Mccoy. We will be rounding out the week by creating a class poster of everything we have learned over these last two weeks, and we will be posting that outside of our door for all of the school to see! 

Social Studies Week of February 3rd

February is Black History Month. So, this week in social studies we will explore the lives of black women and men who made history. We will introduce Ruby Bridges, Clementine Hunter, Harriet Tubman, and the HBCU drumline. 

Social Studies Week of January 20th

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. day, this week in social studies we are going to be taking a look at a few of the key figures throughout the Civil Rights Movement. We are going to be looking at Martin Luther King Jr. himself, Katherine Johnson, and Rosa Parks. We will be talking about why it is important to treat everyone fairly and with kindness. 

Social Studies Week of January 13th

Since it is the start of the New Year, we will be exploring how people celebrate the New Year in different parts of the world. Specifically, we will be learning about Lunar New Year, Nowruz, and New Years Eve. 

On Friday, we will introduce Martin Luther King Jr and discuss how he changed history. We will continue to discuss the life of Martin Luther King Jr the following week as well as introduce other famous changemakers in history like Rosa Parks and Katherine Johnson. 

Social Studies Week of December 16th

During social studies this week, we will continue a week of winter fun by crafting, painting, and creating work based on some classic tales. We will end the week with a whole day of Polar Express activities to get the students ready for our Winter Break party!

Social Studies Week of December 9th

This week in Social Studies, we are going to be exploring Winter time holidays from all around the world. We will be partaking in activities from each different Holiday that we learn about, and learning about which group of people celebrate which holiday! 

Social Studies Week of November 18th

During Social Studies this week, we will be continuing our conversation about the past and the present. Specifically, about how schools have changed throughout time. In addition to this, as we approach our Gratitude Grub, we will also discuss what we are grateful for and make some crafts to accompany us at our feast! Thank you to all of our families who donated items or their time to our event. 

Social Studies Week of November 11th

During Social Studies this week, we will be talking about the past and the present. We will dive into discussions on how some things have changed (like technology) and how things have stayed the same (like writing and reading). We will do a few activities to highlight these changes including a sort and think-pair-share. Your students will also be able to tell you how their lives are different from the past!

Social Studies Week of October 21st

This week in Studies, we will be talking about different holidays and how they are celebrated in different parts of the world. We will be looking at different regions around the world and what different holidays they celebrate, and how they may be different from the holidays that we celebrate.

Social Studies Week of September 2nd

It is our second week of Social Studies, we will continue learning about our community helpers and what it means to be a part of a community. Encourage your student to identify community helpers around your neighborhoods and discuss what they do and why it is important. 

BONUS: Thank a local community helper. Create a card or just say thank you to the community helpers.