Ms. Lane, Advocacy, Kinder


Advocacy Week of September 2nd

This week, we will continue reading our little spot of feelings books so your students can untangle their scribble spots and begin learning how to identify their own spots of feelings. We will also begin our service learning curriculum on Tuesday. For Service Learning, your students will learn about pollinators and help support pollinator populations through small projects. 


-Picture day: September 6th is Individual Student Picture Day. Our class picture date will happen soon.  

-Parent Engagement Night: Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 12th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at Westgate. Come mingle with other kindergarten families and get to know  your student’s teachers. More information will come soon but please leave your kiddos at home for this adult only event.

-Parent Teacher Conferences: They are around the corner and will be held at the end of the month of September on Sept. 26th (Half-Day: ) and Sept. 27th (Full Day). Each conference should last only 20 mins. The sign-up for conferences will be sent out on Sept. 16th at 4:00pm and will close Sept. 23rd at 4:00 pm.

Advocacy Week of August 26th

This week we will have spirit week, below is the schedule. Spirit week is a schoolwide event and everyone will be participating including teachers. We can’t wait to show some school spirit with your students next week!

Spirit Week Schedule


Aug. 26th


Aug. 27th


Aug. 28th


Aug. 29th


Aug. 30th

Team Day

Wear your favorite sports team apparel.

Color Day

Wear your class color. Kinder is purple.

Wacky Wed. 

Wear your wackiest and silliest outfit. (school appropriate)

Crazy Hair 

or Hat Day

Wear your favorite hat or style a crazy hair do.

Pajama Day Wear your favorite jammies and bring your favorite stuffy for a reading buddy that day!


This is our opening week of DIBELs testing. DIBELs is our district wide testing platform to measure your students skills in literacy. We will begin on Monday, August 26th, and end Tuesday, September 10th. It is important that our kinders have a big meal before testing so they can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest. If you’d like to know more about DIBELs, please check out this PDF that dives a bit deeper. 

Community helpers: 

We’re excited to learn more about our community and the important roles people play in it. If you or any of your family members are community helpers (any profession that serves the community), we would love to invite them to our class to share what they do and how they help others.

We will be working on our community helpers unit during the week of August 26-September 30th. Our science and social studies time is typically during the time of 12:45-1:30, but if another time works better for you, we can do our best to make that work! Please email me if anyone is interested and available to visit us. You must have a background check in order to join our class, which you can find here. I look forward to hearing from you!


I’ve had a few families reach out for opportunities to join our classroom and volunteer! First, thank you! Thank you for wanting to join our class and for your patience as our students get used to our routines. Throughout the year, there will be plenty of times when we will ask families to join us, such as field trips and class parties. However, if you’re interested in joining our day-to-day class by reading a book, preparing materials, or facilitating a center rotation, please complete this short google survey. Please complete the survey a week before your planned visit. IThe survey will also list a few rules I have for family members who join the class. In addition to those rules, you will need to complete a background check, which you can find here

Advocacy Week of August 19th

Hi Families! This week in advocacy, we will be focusing on reading books based around the Little Spot of Feelings. These books take time to help the students identify their feelings and emotions, and helps them spot feelings in others as well! We will also be continuing our show and share in the classroom, and here is our schedule this week! 

Show and Share Schedule





- Joslyn
- Niko
- Victoria
- Cora
- Bria
- Avarose
- Travis
- Avery
- Sequoia
- Callan
- Caden
- Joey
- Wyatt

Please be sure to check out your student’s Friday Folders and our other Edlio posts found here. Friday folders are for you to check out students' work they’ve completed in class or receive information from the school. Friday folders will not be used for homework or for incomplete work, unless there are specific circumstances, in which case I will reach out to those families. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! 


Next week we will have spirit week, below is the schedule. Spirit week is a schoolwide event and everyone will be participating including teachers. We can’t wait to show some school spirit with your students next week!

Spirit Week Schedule


Aug. 26th


Aug. 27th


Aug. 28th


Aug. 29th


Aug. 30th

Team Day

Wear your favorite sports team apparel.

Color Day

Wear your class color. Kinder is purple.

Wacky Wed. 

Wear your wackiest and silliest outfit. (school appropriate)

Crazy Hair 

or Hat Day

Wear your favorite hat or style a crazy hair do.

Pajama Day Wear your favorite jammies and bring your favorite stuffy for a reading buddy that day!

Community helpers: 

Hello Kindergarten Families!

We’re excited to learn more about our community and the important roles people play in it. If you or any of your family members are community helpers (any profession that serves the community), we would love to invite them to our class to share what they do and how they help others.

We will be working on our community helpers unit during the week of August 26-September 30th. Our science and social studies time is typically during the time of 12:45-1:30, but if another time works better for you, we can do our best to make that work! Please let me know ([email protected]) if anyone is interested and available to visit us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Advocacy Week of August 12th

Hi Families! 

Welcome to our second week of kindergarten! We will continue to discuss what it means to show RISE behavior in and outside of the classroom. In addition to this, we will begin show and share! Please look at the following schedule and have your student bring one item that can fit in their backpack to share with the class. Please help students keep their toys at home unless it is their day for show and share. 

Show and Share Schedule





- Joslyn
- Niko
- Victoria
- Cora
- Bria
- Avarose
- Sebastian
- Travis
- Avery
- Sequoia
- Callan
- Caden
- Joey
- Wyatt

A couple of other exciting events that will be happening in kindergarten is that we will get to meet with Ms. Kinslow and Ms. Khan. Ms. Kinslow is our school counselor and she will meet with students to share who she is and how she helps our students when they are feeling big emotions.

Ms. Khan is our Environmental Education Coordinator at Westgate and she will be teaching our kinders about recycling! Speaking of recycling… For those of you who are new to Westgate, Wednesday is a day we celebrate Zero Waste in the classroom. Students can earn a stamp for bringing in lunches with no trash. This is celebrated every Wednesday, so if your student does not earn a stamp one week, they can earn it the next! Students who eat school lunches can also earn a stamp by explaining which items go in the trash or recycling! 


We need some help with snacks in our classroom. In case a student forgets a snack, we like to provide a few extras for our hungry kindergarteners. If you would like to donate a snack, please email me at [email protected]. Snacks need to be individually wrapped and nut-free. Thank you!! 

Please be sure to check out your student’s Friday Folders and our other Edlio posts found here. Friday folders are for you to check out

Advocacy Week August 5th

Welcome to Kindergarten at Westgate! We are so excited to have you! This year we are going to hit the ground running and begin with kindergarten norms, which include sharing (but not germs), hands to ourselves, respect for classmates/material, and all of the engaging routines we have to make a safe classroom. You might have noticed this is an Advocacy page. I am your students' advocacy teacher, which means I am one of your students' advocates. It is my job to have your students back, always look for positive intent, and overall find ways to support their needs. On our advocacy page, I will share updates, important information, and what we will be doing during our social emotional block. For the month of August, we will be taking a closer look at our school wide RISE values (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy). Your students have the opportunity to earn a RISE ticket by showing these values in our classroom. These tickets are intentionally given and when your student receives one please celebrate with them.  

Here are some important reminders for next week: 

  • Snack: Bring two healthy nut-free snacks (no candy please). We have a morning snack and an afternoon snack time. 
  • Lunch: If you have not ordered a school lunch, please provide a student with a lunch from home. If you would like to start signing up for lunches for the next month, here is the link
  • Water bottles: while we have a drinking fountain in our pod, it’s helpful for students to have water in the classroom. 
  • Show and Share: starting next week, we will begin Show and Share! Students will bring in one item from home that can fit in their backpack to share with our class. Show and Share items must remain in their backpacks throughout the day until it’s time to present. Students will have a specific designated day to bring in their show and share. The schedule will be shared with families on Friday. 
  • Extra Clothes: Please provide an extra set of clothes in their backpack in case of accidents. If your student has an accident, their clothes will be returned in their backpack in a plastic bag.