Mr. Hopson, Music, 7/8


7th and 8th Grade Music Week 2

This week, students begin their first song as a group - "I Feel Good" by James Brown.
They will choose their instrument by the end of the week (tryouts might be necessary if there are limited instruments).
They are learning music concepts like rhythm, tempo, dynamics, and playing together.

7th and 8th Grade Music Week 1

Welcome back!
This first week, students will learn classroom expectations and what we will be doing for the quarter.
We do "rock band" in 7th and 8th grade. Students will get a list of songs to choose from. They'll listen to each song and then vote on the top 3 that will be performed at the end of the quarter.
Performances are required and are part of their final grade.
Students will choose the instrument(s) they want to learn and perform on, vocals included. I encourage students to bring instruments from home, too.