Mr. Keaton, PE, 7/8


PE week 4

This week in PE we will be working on our striking skills.  With a variety of games and activities we will reinforce striking skills with our hands as well as with an implement.  In class we will also talk about different strategies for different games and how to be a great teammate.  
This week we will also finish the last presidential fitness test and set goals for the fitness tests in the future, as well as how we can reach those goals.

PE Week 3

Hello everyone,
This week in PE we will be working on our kicking and dribbling with our feet skills.  Ultimately doing some build up activities and games before we can introduce soccer.  I want to use this week to really reinforce skills learned in the past as well as learn new skills for the future. 
We will also be learning about the heart and some of the other systems of the body in class.
Presidental fitness testing will also be this week.

PE Week 2

Welcome to week 2 of PE,
This week in PE we will begin our ultimate unit.  We will play a variety of ultimate style games such as ultimate frisbee and others.  We will also play different versions of ultimate games to improve our strategy skills and reinforce different throwing styles with different equipment.  We will also discuss why physical activity is important and how it affects our health in the short term and long term.  I'm looking forward to a great week!