Mr. Keaton, PE, 5/6


2/18 through 2/21

This week in PE we will continue developing our field hockey skills through practice and hard work.  We worked on our stick control, passing, and shooting the previous week, and this week we will now be moving onto hockey game strategies and positions. 
We will also be discussing cardiovascular endurance, the raspatory system, and how we can improve the overall functioning of our bodies. 

4th rotation week 1

Welcome to PE!
In the first week of PE we will be learning rules and routines as well as my expectations of class.  I will be covering teamwork activities and cooperative games as well as learning some new warm up games and activities.  I like to emphasize teamwork in the first week to hopefully have a great rotation.  
We will also be learning about the importance of warming up and cooling down, and how that affects our body. 

11/4/2024 - 11/8/2024

This week in PE we will be playing base games and learning about base game strategies.  We will also move onto striking games and practice our striking skills. 
In health and wellness, we will be focusing on goal setting and how to achieve those goals. Also, how to create a plan to improve fitness while trying to reach the goals set. 

PE week 4

This week in PE we will be working on our striking skills.  With a variety of games and activities we will reinforce striking skills with our hands as well as with an implement.  In class we will also talk about different strategies for different games and how to be a great teammate.  
This week we will also finish the last presidential fitness test and set goals for the fitness tests in the future, as well as how we can reach those goals.

PE Week 3

Hello everyone,
This week in PE we will be working on our kicking and dribbling with our feet skills.  Ultimately doing some build up activities and games before we can introduce soccer.  I want to use this week to really reinforce skills learned in the past as well as learn new skills for the future. 
We will also be learning about the heart and some of the other systems of the body in class.
Presidental fitness testing will also be this week.

PE Week 2

Welcome to PE week 2,
This week we will start our throwing and catching unit.  We will be introducing new games, activities, and challenges to improve our throwing skills and to reinforce skills already acquired.  In class we will also talk about the benefits of physical activity and how to strengthen the heart.