Ms. Lounsbury, Science - A, 6th Grade

Course Description

Quarter 4 Units and Graded Assignments

Sun & Stars Unit Assignments: 

  1. The Sun Passage Questions 
  1. Stars Reading Questions  
  1. Why is the sun so bright? 
  1. Earth’s Place in the Universe Quiz 

Water Distribution: 
Thinking about the Lab 

Thinking about the Reading

Thinking about Water on Earth

     Water Distribution Quiz

Science to Protect the Environment: 
Texas reading response questions 

     Midwest reading response questions
     California Drought reading response questions
     Utah reading response questions
     Unit QuizS


Week of September 11th

This week we are going to continue reading Hatchet. we have been identifying figurative language in the story. Students will use descriptive language to describe moments and places they have experienced
Here is a video of some of the types of figurative language students have been reading and using. .  
~Mrs. Lounsbury

Week of September 5th

This week in science, we will be learning about tectonic plates. We learning how the way plates move have shaped our world and it's landscape. We will also learn how fossils have helped provide clues to where plates had moved from. I am attaching a video connected to the tectonic plate theory. Tectonic Plates
Mrs. Lounsbury

Week of 8/28

We are wrapping up the layers of the Earth section of our first Unit. We will begin to discuss tectonic plates and how they shaped the world we see.  I have attached all of the notes on the Layer of the Earth. Students are encouraged to review their notes. If they are missing any notes, they are here. 
Christine Lounsbury 

Week of August 21st

This week we will be learning about Earthquakes and how they are connected to tectonic plates. We will learn how the lithosphere is made up of several plates and that they move in three different ways. I have attached a video that reviews what we went over last week. If students missed any days last week, please click on the previous week information. 
Mrs. Lounsbury 

Week of August 14th

This week in science, we will set up our notebooks and begin to take notes on the layers of the Earth. Notes are an essential skill to a student. They will need their notes for a review on Wednesday the 23rd. 
See you Monday!