Ms. Calder, Social Studies - B, 6th Grade


Sept. 5-8

5 Themes of Geography Project will be the focus for this week. 
The students have picked a location to research.  After researching all the components of the 5 Themes of Geography, the students will plan how they would like to share their knowledge.  They could create a poster, PowerPoint, or write an essay.  If they have another idea of how to share their knowledge, I would be open for their ideas. 

August 28 - 31

We will continue to work with Geography elements by focusing on Latitude and Longitude, different types of maps, and then put into practice all of our learning by working on a Geography Escape room. 
Once we are finished learning about the geography elements, we will work on a Five Themes of Geography project so the students can show their understanding of the learning. 

August 21 - 25

The students will practice using the Five Themes of Geography by reading a text on Dog Sledding.  
Next, we will move to basic Map skills, Continents and Oceans, The difference between a Map and a Glode, Latitude and Longitude, and Components on a Map.

August 14 - 18

Welcome to Social Studies!
6th grade Social Studies works with 4 overall Units, Geography, History, Economics, and Civics. 
We will start the year with Geography, both Physical and Human Geography. 
The structure of Social Studies class is we work on Vocabulary, taking notes, using Informational text and then apply all the knowledge with a project. 
This week we will be focusing on Physical and Human Geography and learning about the 5 Themes of Geography.