Ms. Paula Koenig, Math, 2nd Grade


Math February 5-9

Hello families,
We will be finishing up Chapter 6 next week: "Fluently Subtract within 100.” This chapter has a heavy focus on regrouping with subtraction. This is what many adults know as “Borrowing.” Typically, this strategy is confusing to kids, so students began by using models (blocks), and by subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number. For example, 21-6 =?.  We also learned to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. For example, 21-16 =?  


On Monday and Tuesday, we will review subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number for our test on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will start Chapter 7: "Understand Place Value to 1,000". We will be working with blocks, drawings and playing games to understand this important math concept. 


Here is a website your child can practice with blocks.


Welcome back parents! 
Starting tomorrow (October 16th), we will work on Moby Max. Moby Max is a great tool for your child practice math facts at home. We will be working on Moby Max for at least 5 minutes every day during our math class. Your child can log in at home for extra practice. To log in, follow these steps: 
Select your child's name.
Click on the APPLE and CLOCK. 
Click on MATH FACTS. 
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 
Thank you!