Ms. Paula Koenig, Advocacy


Advocacy updates from 9/25 - 9/29

Dates and Announcements  


Wednesday, Sept. 27 

4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 

Spirit Night at Noodles & CO 


14375 Orchard Pkwy, Ste 600,  

Westminster, CO 80023 


25% of qualifying sales will go directly to Westgate! 


Monday, Oct. 2 

8:00 AM – 8:00 PM 

IN PERSON Parent-Teacher Conferences at Westgate 


Tuesday, Oct. 3 

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences online 


Wednesday, Oct. 4 – Sunday Oct. 15 



  • Specials: Our special is Music.  


  • Friday, September 29: Report Cards and Fall test scores will come home in Friday Folders. Please make sure that your child returns their Friday Folder this week. 


  • Parent-Teacher Conferences:  
  • Our Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held IN PERSON on Monday, October 2nd from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Virtual on Tuesday, October 3rd from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please keep in mind that Tuesday’s conferences are virtual! 
  • A sign-up genius form was emailed to all families on Friday, September 15. 
  • Please note that you may NOT request a virtual conference on the in-person day or an in-person conference on the virtual conference day. 
  • The sign-ups will close on Wednesday, September 27th at 4:00 PM.  


  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, we have 2 snack times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Healthy snacks are always the best option. Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  


  • Volunteers 


  • Advocacy:  
  • Our September Advocacy theme is Self-Awareness. 
  • Learning goal: Students will practice identifying their emotions and leveraging their strengths to overcome challenges. 



Advocacy Update 9/18/23 - 9/22/23

Dates and Announcements  


Friday, Sept. 22,  

8:45 AM-11:15 AM 

Wild Style Fun Run 

5/6:  8:45-9:15 

K:  9:15-9:45 

3/4:  9:45-10:15 

7/8 10:15-10:45 

1/2:  10:45-11:15 

Wednesday, Sept. 27 

4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 

Spirit Night at Noodles & CO 


14375 Orchard Pkwy, Ste 600,  

Westminster, CO 80023 


25% of qualifying sales will go directly to Westgate! 


Monday, Oct. 2 

8:00 AM – 8:00 PM 

IN-PERSON Parent-Teacher Conferences at Westgate 


Tuesday, Oct. 3 

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences online 


Wednesday, Oct. 4 – Sunday, Oct. 15 



  • Specials: Our special is Music. 
  • Wild Style Fun Run – September 22 
    • Students received their FREE ‘You Design-It T-shirt’ on Friday, September 15. Students are encouraged to bedazzle, paint, tear, decorate, or sew their t-shirts, so they can display their “Wild Style” as they raise awareness and funds. 


  • Parent-Teacher Conferences:  
    • Our Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held IN PERSON on Monday, October 2nd from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Virtual on Tuesday, October 3rd from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please note that Tuesday’s conferences are virtual! 
    • A sign-up genius form was emailed to all families on Friday, September 15. 
    • Please note that you may NOT request a virtual conference on the in-person day or an in-person conference on the virtual conference day. 
    • The sign-ups will close on Wednesday, September 27th at 4:00 PM.  


  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, we have 2 snack times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Healthy snacks are always the best option. Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  


  • Volunteers 


  • Advocacy:  
    • Our September Advocacy theme is Self-Awareness. 
    • Learning goal: Students will practice identifying their emotions and leveraging their strengths to overcome challenges. 

Advocacy Update 9-11-23

Dates and Announcements 

Monday, Sept. 11

Missoula Children’s Theater Auditions “Cinderella”

Monday, Sept 11 – Sat. Sept. 16

“Cinderella” Rehearsals

Saturday, Sept. 16

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Missoula Children’s Theater Performances “Cinderella”

Friday, Sept. 22, 8:45 AM-11:15 AM

Wild Style Fun Run

5/6:  8:45-9:15

K:  9:15-9:45

3/4:  9:45-10:15

7/8 10:15-10:45

1/2:  10:45-11:15


  • Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations: Curriculum night was Thursday, August 31. If you were unable to attend, the presentations were recorded, and links were sent in an email to families.
  • Specials: Our new special is Music Don’t forget to subscribe to Mr. Hopson’s edlio page to get updates about this class.
  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, we have 2 snack times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Healthy snacks are always the best option. Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.
  • Change to morning carline and drop-off: Staff members are now outside and ready to assist by 7:40 a.m. every day, and the school's doors open promptly at 7:45 a.m. Our goal is for all students to be in the building by 8:00 a.m. and we believe the extra five minutes will enhance the efficiency of our morning drop-off routine. 

Updates - 9/5 - 9/8

Advocacy Update (9/5 - 9/8)

  • Dates and Announcements  


Friday, September 8th 

Individual Picture Day

Monday, September 11th

3:45 - 5:45 PM 

Missoula Children's Theater Auditions, "Blackbeard the Pirate"

Auditions held in the Westgate Gymnasium 

Monday, September 11th - 16th, 6:00-8:00 PM 

Missoula Children's Theater REHEARSAL, "Cinderella"

Friday, September 22nd,

8:45 - 11:15 AM

Wild Style Fun Run

Wednesday, September 27th,

4:00 - 8:00 PM 

Spirit Night at Noodles & Company,

14375 Orchard Pkwy, Ste 600, Westminster



  • Switching Academic Classes: Our schedule is designed to address student educational needs and will switch classrooms for Literacy, Math, Social Studies, and Science. These classrooms are designed to be fluid, and will change per student needs.
  • Specials: Our next specials class is Music, with Mr. Hopson. 
  • Water and Snacks: As a reminder, to insure that your student is getting enough to drink, please send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. There is a snack time in the morning during Literacy, and in the afternoon during Advocacy. Healthy snacks are always the best option. As with their water bottle, please make sure your child knows which food is theirs.
  • Hot Lunch: Student's seem to be enjoying Colorado's newly implemented hot lunch program. The hot lunch program details are listed on our Westgate site. If the hot lunches are NOT going to be eaten on specific days, please follow the route to let our Hot Lunch Director know.
  • Announcement regarding food allergies: 
    • Please keep in mind that there are food allergies in the 1-2 pod. If food is ever to be shared with others, make sure it has an ingredient label.  
  • Carline and drop-off and pick-up: School's doors open promptly at 7:45 a.m. Our goal is for all students to be in the building by 8:00 AM and ready for class. Afternoon carline begins at 3:30 PM. Please have your tag visible, and remain in your car to ensure the flow of the carline.

How It Works: 

    • Every Wednesday is “Zero Waste Wednesday” here at Westgate. What this means is that if students have a lunch that doesn’t use any waste AT ALL (i.e., nothing to throw away, like baggies, cans, plastic cups, paper lunch bags, etc.), then their names will be entered into a raffle. Ten raffle winners will receive recognition over the intercom on Fridays for being the Zero Heroes of the Week. 
    • *Students who have school lunch will qualify if they accurately sort their lunch into the appropriate trash and recycling AND have a reusable water bottle for the day* 
    • Bonus Recognition: If there is an entire classroom that has zero waste lunch one day, the entire class will receive recognition automatically.  
    • Extra Bonus Recognition: The class with the most days with all Zero Heroes at the end of the year will be considered the Zero Hero champions of the year! 
  • Why: 
    • The goal is for families to start the conversation about alternatives to lunch waste, like glass or plastic lunch containers, reusable lunch bags and water bottles, and cloth napkins. (This does not include compostable materials such as banana peels.) If a student has any item that must be thrown away (at school or at home) their names will not be entered, and they can try again next week and every week after that. Hopefully, this will instill changes that will go far beyond Wednesdays during lunchtime at Westgate. 
  • Volunteers & Chaperones:  As we are planning field trips, I want to remind everyone of our need for your help. If you are ever available to chaperone a field trip, or have the ability to help in the classroom, please complete a background check.
  • Advocacy:  
    • Our September Advocacy theme will continue to focus on RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
    • Each day, our students will have a project to practice RISE behavior and allow us to have a class discussion regarding the decisions that were made. 
  • Friday Folders:
Each week students will come home with a blue Friday Folder to show off their hard work. Take a moment to review these achievements as well as any school news that may be sent home. Please make sure that these folders are returned to school each Monday so that we can begin filling them once again. 

Advocacy updates: August 28th - August 31th.

Dates and Announcements  


Mon. Aug. 28 – Thur. Aug. 31 

Spirit Week:  

Monday: Pajama Day  

Tuesday: Throwback Tuesday  

Wednesday: Crazy Hair or Hat Day 

Thursday: Dress as your favorite book/Movie/TV Character 

Wednesday, Aug. 30, 5:00-7:00 PM 

Skate Night at Skate City (200 W. 121st Avenue Westminster, CO 80234) 

Thursday, Aug. 31, 5:00-6:00 PM 

Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations 

Friday, Sept. 1 

NO SCHOOL – Professional Development Day 

Monday, Sept. 4 

NO SCHOOL – Labor Day 

Friday, Sept. 8 

Individual Picture Day 

Monday, Sept. 11 

Missoula Children’s Theater Auditions “Cinderella” 

Friday, Sept. 22, 8:45 AM-11:15 AM 

Wild Style Fun Run 

5/6:  8:45-9:15 

K:  9:15-9:45 

3/4:  9:45-10:15 

7/8 10:15-10:45 

1/2:  10:45-11:15 


  • Spirit Week: This week is Spirit Week. See the above schedule for the themes for each day.  


  • Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations: Thursday, August 31, 5:00-6:00  
    Teams will send information and links to families as we get closer to the date. All presentations will be recorded and links to the recordings will be sent to families. 


  • We have a 4-day weekend coming up next weekend. There is no school on Friday, September 1 and no school on Monday, September 4.  


  • Switching Academic Classes: Last week, we began switching for literacy, math, and social studies classes. Please remember that these placements will be fluid (may change) as we gain a better understanding of the learning needs of each student and to help us find their “just right” class.  


  • Specials: Our current special is PE. Next week we will switch specials, and we will go to Music. Don’t forget to subscribe to Mr. Hopson’s edlio page to get updates about this class. 


  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, we have 2 snack times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Healthy snacks are always the best option. Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  



  • Change to morning carline and drop-off: Beginning on Monday, August 21, staff members will be outside and ready to assist by 7:40 a.m. every day, and the school's doors will open promptly at 7:45 a.m. Our goal is for all students to be in the building by 8:00 a.m. and we believe the extra five minutes will enhance the  



How It Works: 

  • Every Wednesday is “Zero Waste Wednesday” here at Westgate. What this means is that if students have a lunch that doesn’t use any waste AT ALL (i.e., nothing to throw away, like baggies, cans, plastic cups, paper lunch bags, etc.), then their names will be entered into a raffle. Ten raffle winners will receive recognition over the intercom on Fridays for being the Zero Heroes of the Week. 
  • *Students who have school lunch will qualify if they accurately sort their lunch into the appropriate trash and recycling AND have a reusable water bottle for the day* 
  • Bonus Recognition: If there is an entire classroom that has zero waste lunch one day, the entire class will receive recognition automatically.  
  • Extra Bonus Recognition: The class with the most days with all Zero Heroes at the end of the year will be considered the Zero Hero champions of the year! 
  • Why: 
  • The goal is for families to start the conversation about alternatives to lunch waste, like glass or plastic lunch containers, reusable lunch bags and water bottles, and cloth napkins. If a student has any item that must be thrown away (at school or at home) their names will not be entered, and they can try again next week and every week after that. Hopefully, this will instill changes that will go far beyond Wednesdays during lunchtime at Westgate. 


  • Volunteers 


  • Advocacy:  
  • Our August Advocacy theme is RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
  • This week we will continue our Advocacy focus on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program, R.I.S.E. Last week, we focused on the “S” for Safety. We learned how to be safe with our bodies, in our spaces, and with our classmates. This week, our focus will be on the “E” in RISE which stands for Empathy. Empathy is when we understand and care about the feelings of others.  



Advocacy Updates August 21th-25th.

Dates and Announcements  


Mon. Aug. 28 – Thur. Aug. 31 

Spirit Week:  

Monday: Pajama Day  

Tuesday: Throwback Tuesday  

Wednesday: Crazy Hair or Hat Day 

Thursday: Dress as your favorite book/Movie/TV Character 

Wednesday, Aug. 30, 5:00-7:00 PM 

Skate Night at Skate City (200 W. 121st Avenue Westminster, CO 80234) 

Thursday, Aug. 31, 5:00-6:00 PM 

Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations 

Friday, Sept. 1 

NO SCHOOL – Professional Development Day 

Monday, Sept. 4 

NO SCHOOL – Labor Day 

Friday, Sept. 8 

Individual Picture Day 

Monday, Sept. 11 

Missoula Children’s Theater Auditions “Blackbeard the Pirate” 



  • Switching Academic Classes: This week, we will be switching for literacy and math classes, starting on Monday. Please remember that these placements will be fluid (may change) as we gain a better understanding of the learning needs of each student and to help us find their “just right” class.  


  • Specials: Our current special is PE. 


  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, we have 2 snack times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Healthy snacks are always the best option. Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  
  • Announcement regarding nuts: 
  • As a 1-2 team, we misunderstood the guidelines regarding nut allergies in our pod. We sent out a letter stating that our entire pod needs to provide nut-free food for their child. This is incorrect. You can send in foods with nuts for your child’s lunch and/or snack. We will be providing a nut-free table for the children that require it.  


  • Change to morning carline and drop-off: Beginning on Monday, August 21, staff members will be outside and ready to assist by 7:40 a.m. every day, and the school's doors will open promptly at 7:45 a.m. Our goal is for all students to be in the building by 8:00 a.m. and we believe the extra five minutes will enhance the efficiency of our morning drop-off routine. 
  • Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations: Thursday, August 31, 5:00-6:00  
    Teams will send information and links to families as we get closer to the date. All presentations will be recorded and links to the recordings will be sent to families. 


  • Pete is retiring! Our facility dog Pete is retiring. His last day will be Aug. 25. Westgate is currently looking for a new facility dog. 



How It Works: 

  • Every Wednesday is “Zero Waste Wednesday” here at Westgate. What this means is that if students have a lunch that doesn’t use any waste AT ALL (i.e., nothing to throw away, like baggies, cans, plastic cups, paper lunch bags, etc.), then their names will be entered into a raffle. Ten raffle winners will receive recognition over the intercom on Fridays for being the Zero Heroes of the Week. 
  • *Students who have school lunch will qualify if they accurately sort their lunch into the appropriate trash and recycling AND have a reusable water bottle for the day* 
  • Bonus Recognition: If there is an entire classroom that has zero waste lunch one day, the entire class will receive recognition automatically.  
  • Extra Bonus Recognition: The class with the most days with all Zero Heroes at the end of the year will be considered the Zero Hero champions of the year! 
  • Why: 
  • The goal is for families to start the conversation about alternatives to lunch waste, like glass or plastic lunch containers, reusable lunch bags and water bottles, and cloth napkins. If a student has any item that must be thrown away (at school or at home) their names will not be entered, and they can try again next week and every week after that. Hopefully, this will instill changes that will go far beyond Wednesdays during lunchtime at Westgate. 


  • Volunteers 


  • Advocacy:  
  • Our August Advocacy theme is RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
  • This week we will continue our Advocacy focus on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program RISE. Last week, we focused on the “I” for integrity. Integrity is simply doing what is right even when nobody is looking. This week, our focus will be on the “S” in RISE which stands for Safety. We will talk about how to be safe with our bodies, in our spaces, and with our classmates.  

Updates August 14th to 18th.

Dates and Announcements  


Thursday, Aug. 31, 5:00-6:00 PM 

Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations 

Friday, Sept. 1 

NO SCHOOL – Professional Development Day 

Monday, Sept. 4 

NO SCHOOL – Labor Day 

Friday, Sept. 8 

Individual Picture Day 

Monday, Sept. 11 

Missoula Children’s Theater Auditions “Blackbeard the Pirate” 



  • Switching Academic classes: This week, we will assess students with NWEA Maps testing. Please make sure that your child is on time for school this week, as testing will begin promptly at 8:15 a.m. On Tuesday, we will assess literacy and on Thursday we will assess math. This will help us figure out the best placement for your child in their academic classes.  We hope to start switching for literacy and math classes later this week.  Please remember that these placements will be fluid as we get to know our learners and to best meet the needs of each child. 


  • Specials: Our current special is P.E. 


  • Water and Snacks: Please remember to send your child a spill-proof, reusable water bottle, that is labeled with their name. In addition, we have 2 snack times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Healthy snacks are always the best option.  Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks.  
  • Announcement regarding nuts: 
  • As a 1-2 team, we misunderstood the guidelines regarding nut allergies in our pod. We sent out a letter stating that our entire pod needs to provide nut-free food for their child. This is incorrect. You can send in foods with nuts for your child’s lunch and/or snack. We will be providing a nut-free table for the children that require it.  


  • Morning and Afternoon carline are “hug and go” only.  The staff asks that you please stay in your car and allow your child to exit the vehicle on their own.  This will allow the flow of traffic to move quickly. 


  • Curriculum Night Virtual Presentations: Thursday, August 31, 5:00-6:00  
    Teams will send information and links to families as we get closer to the date. All presentations will be recorded and links to the recordings will be sent to families. 


  • Clubs: After school enrichment clubs begin this week. If you would like to sign up, visit the school’s clubs page. 


  • Pete is retiring! Our facility dog Pete is retiring. His last day will be Aug. 25. Westgate is currently looking for a new facility dog. 



How It Works: 

  • Every Wednesday is “Zero Waste Wednesday” here at Westgate. What this means is that if students have a lunch that doesn’t use any waste AT ALL (i.e., nothing to throw away, like baggies, cans, plastic cups, paper lunch bags, etc.), then their names will be entered into a raffle. Ten raffle winners will receive recognition over the intercom on Fridays for being the Zero Heroes of the Week. 
  • *Students who have school lunch will qualify if they accurately sort their lunch into the appropriate trash and recycling AND have a reusable water bottle for the day* 
  • Bonus Recognition: If there is an entire classroom that has zero waste lunch one day, the entire class will receive recognition automatically.  
  • Extra Bonus Recognition: The class with the most days with all Zero Heroes at the end of the year will be considered the Zero Hero champions of the year! 
  • Why: 
  • The goal is for families to start the conversation about alternatives to lunch waste, like glass or plastic lunch containers, reusable lunch bags and water bottles, and cloth napkins. If a student has any item that must be thrown away (at school or at home) their names will not be entered, and they can try again next week and every week after that. Hopefully, this will instill changes that will go far beyond Wednesdays during lunchtime at Westgate. 


  • Volunteers 


  • Advocacy:  
  • Our August Advocacy theme is RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy)!  
  • This week we will continue our Advocacy focus on our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program RISE.  Last week, we focused on the “R” for respect.  We talked about showing respect to others, to our community, to things in our classroom and so forth.  This week, our focus will be on the “I” in RISE which stands for Integrity.  Integrity is simply doing what is right even when nobody is looking.    

Welcome back to Westgate!



I am Paula Koenig and I am your child’s Advocacy Teacher/ Advocate. Advocacy is more than a Homeroom. Advocacy classes are first and foremost a time for students to build supportive relationships with their peers and with an adult they can trust. It is a time for everyone to feel recognized and welcomed into the school community. As your child’s Advocate, I will be your primary point of communication, and I am committed to advocating for your child this year. 


This is my first year at Westgate and I can’t wait to get to know your child. My mission is to provide your child with a safe and fun environment, help them foster relationships and help them grow academically, emotionally and socially. My favorite things are dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt, all gluten free snacks, reading, practicing yoga, hiking, swimming and spending time with my son, Liam, and my husband, Matthew. One fun fact about me is that I speak Portuguese fluently.  


I have subscribed you to my Advocacy page and my classroom pages, so you will receive updates to your email automatically.  Please follow this link for weekly updates, academic information, upcoming events and other information:   


This first half of this quarter, your child will have PE with Mr. Wise. You are not pre-subscribed to his Edlio page, so please go to his page and subscribe!”  

This month, our August Advocacy theme is RISE!  

At Westgate, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a part of our Whole Child Education program. PBIS is a system in which students, staff and community create a set of school-wide behavioral expectations/ core values, we teach those expectations in all of our various environments, and then we CELEBRATE when we see students doing those things! At Westgate, we RISE (Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy).  

Week 1 



What does RESPECT mean? 

Being kind to people, property, and yourself. Being considerate of our community.  

Week 2 



What does INTEGRITY mean? 

Telling the truth and doing the right thing even when nobody is looking. 

Week 3   



What does it mean to be SAFE at school? 

Act in ways that won’t harm yourself or others. 

Week 4 



What is EMPATHY? 

Understanding and caring about the feelings of others. 


We will be teaching students what these 4 words mean—focusing on a different part of RISE each week—and what it looks like to live these values out during school and at home. We will use RISE all year to celebrate positive behaviors.  

I am excited for the school year!