Ms. Lane, Math, Kindergarten


Math Week of November 6th

In the previous chapter, your student learned that two parts make a whole. In this chapter, your student uses an addition equation, called addition sentence, including a plus sign and an equal sign, to show two parts and a whole. 

Your student learns two different ways to apply addition. One way involves groups of people or animals actively joining. For example, 2 students may join 3 students to play a game so there are 5 students playing in all. Another way involves non-moving objects, such as counters, to focus on parts and a whole. 

Your student discovers patterns: When adding 0 to a number, the answer is the number. When adding 1 to a number, the answer is the next counting number. Finally, your student finds a missing partner number (addend) by adding or counting on to the given partner number. For example, for 5 + ? = 9, your student might use counters to figure out that 5 and 4 more equals 9. The goal of the chapter is to build an understanding of addition, not to memorize facts, so don’t worry if your student needs to count objects to find answers. Here are some activities you can use to practice with your student. 

  • If you have two number cubes, change the sixes to zeros by covering the sixes with masking tape. Invite your student to toss the two cubes to make partner numbers. Encourage your student to name the partner numbers and the total, or the number in all. Expand the activity to include writing an addition sentence to show the parts and the whole. 
  • Play “Get to Ten” using fingers to find missing partner numbers. One player holds up any number of fingers. The other player names the number of fingers and how many more fingers are needed to get to ten. For example, if a player holds up 7 fingers, the other player might say, “Seven fingers; it takes three more to get to ten.” 
  • Make two sets of cards, numbered 1 through 5. Mix up the cards and spread them facedown on a table. Players take turns flipping over two cards to find partner numbers that make 6, for example, 2 and 4. If a player finds partners, the player gets to keep the cards. If not, the player turns the cards facedown. The player with the most cards wins! 

Math Week of October 30th

This will be our last week of Chapter 5. We are creating numbers 8, 9, 10 by forming number bonds. We have been practicing this skill with numbers 5, 6, and 7. In addition to this, we will also be decomposing a group of five. Students will be learning that decomposing a number is to break a number apart. 

Math Week of October 23rd

In this chapter, In this chapter, your student will put together two small groups of objects (parts) to form a larger group (the whole). They will also take apart a whole group to form two parts. They will use a number bond to show the numbers of objects in the parts and in the whole. 

Learning how two parts make a whole is the first step in learning to add and subtract. The vocabulary words for this chapter are put together, take apart, part, whole, partner numbers, and number bond. Use the activities below to help your student practice putting together parts to make a whole and taking apart a whole to make parts. 

  • Drop up to ten pennies on a table. Have your student name the number of heads, the number of tails, and the number of all pennies. 
  • Make a line on a tabletop with chalk or tape. Invite your student to drop up to ten dried beans or other small objects on the table. Ask your student to write the numbers of beans that fell on each side of the line and the number of beans in all. 
  • On the count of three, you and your student each show up to five fingers. Have your student name the number of fingers each person is showing and the number of fingers in all. 

Math Week of October 16th

In this chapter, your student compares numbers up to 10 as equal to, greater than, or less than each other. Your student also learns to classify objects into categories. You can use the activities below to practice and review number comparisons, sorting and classifying, and data collection. 

  • Place up to ten pennies on a table. Ask your student to place an equal number of pennies on the table. After you have played for a while, vary the game so that your student sets out a number of pennies that is greater than or less than the number of pennies you place on the table.
  • Help your student make a chart to tally and compare the number of cans of vegetables that are peas and the number of cans of vegetables that are not peas.

Math Week of September 25th

This week we will be comparing numbers up to 10 as greater than, less than, or equal to. Students will be learning how to classify objects into categories. They will be sorting, comparing, and classifying this week. Below are some ideas on how you can practice this at home. 

  • Use scraps of paper to make two sets of number cards from 0 to 10. Mix up the cards and place them face down on a table. Each player takes a number card and turns it faceup. Players compare the numbers. The player who has the greater number takes the faceup cards. Play continues until there are no cards left in the pile. The player with more (or the most) number cards wins.
  • Invite your student to help you sort the laundry. Have your student describe the sorting rule, such as light and dark items or clothing and towels. Have your student count the number of items in each group.

Math Week of September 25th

This week we will be comparing numbers up to 10 as greater than, less than, or equal to. Students will be learning how to classify objects into categories. They will be sorting, comparing, and classifying this week. Below are some ideas on how you can practice this at home. 

  • Use scraps of paper to make two sets of number cards from 0 to 10. Mix up the cards and place them face down on a table. Each player takes a number card and turns it faceup. Players compare the numbers. The player who has the greater number takes the faceup cards. Play continues until there are no cards left in the pile. The player with more (or the most) number cards wins.
  • Invite your student to help you sort the laundry. Have your student describe the sorting rule, such as light and dark items or clothing and towels. Have your student count the number of items in each group.

Week of Sept. 11 (Math)

Dear Family,
In this chapter, your student learns about the numbers 6 through 10. Your
student will count a number of objects, then color the same number of boxes in
a ten frame.
 ten frame
After learning about each quantity, your student will learn to write the
At the end of the chapter, your student writes the numbers in order both
forward and backward.
This chapter's vocabulary includes exposure to the written number words six,
seven, eight, nine, and ten. Your student uses the words in conversation but is
not expected to write the words.
Here are a few activities you can use with your student to practice numbers to
• Make a ten frame by cutting the last two egg cups off an empty egg
carton. Have your student count up to ten small objects (such as beans,
coins, or buttons) as they drop each object into a cup of the ten-frame
carton. Change the activity by starting with up to ten objects in cups of
the ten-frame carton. Have your student name and write the number of
• Play a game using fingers on both hands to count and to name numbers.
Take turns. One player holds up six or more fingers, and the other
player names the number.
• Make a poster together showing objects that are commonly found in
groups of six, seven, eight, nine, or ten, such as six juice boxes in a
package, seven days in a week, eight legs on a spider, nine squares in
tic-tac-toe, and ten pins in bowling.
• Show your student page numbers in a book. Have your student count up
to page 10 and back to page 1 by flipping pages. 

Week of Sept. 4th

Dear Family,
In this chapter, your student will learn to compare numbers from 0 to 5. At
first, they will draw lines, matching objects in one group with objects in a
second group to see if any are left over. Then they will count the numbers of
objects in two groups to compare the numbers. Finally, they will simply compare
two numbers.
Throughout the chapter, your student will circle a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down
to show whether two groups or numbers are equal. They will circle a group or
number to show that it is greater than another, and they will draw a line
through a group or number to show that it is less than another.
Your student will learn more about comparing numbers in Chapters 4 and 9. You
can use the following activities to practice and review comparing numbers
throughout the year.
 Look for opportunities to talk about one-to-one correspondences in
your home. For example: How many mittens do you need for two hands?
How many dinner plates do you need for four family members?
 When setting the table, have your student count a group of forks, and
then a group of spoons. Ask your student whether the groups are equal
in number. If not, ask which group has a greater (or lesser) number of
 Play a finger game to compare numbers. Hold up two to four fingers.
Have your student name the number of fingers. Then ask your student
to hold up an equal number of fingers, a greater number of fingers, or a
lesser number of fingers.
 Use masking tape to change the sixes to zeros on two number cubes.
Take turns tossing the number cubes and comparing the numbers.
 Place a number of small objects, such as paperclips or beans in each of
your hands.  Invite your student to guess which hand has more. Have
your student verify the guess by counting the objects and comparing
the numbers.

Week of August 28

Hello Families, 
In math this week we will start Chapter 2 in our Big Ideas math curriculum. Chapter 2 explores quantities and we will compare groups. We will use the terms greater than, less than, and equal to. 

Math Week of August 21st

This week in math, we will continue to work on writing and counting numbers from 0 - 5. On Thursday, we will have our first math assessment! On Friday, we will compare numbers 0 - 5.

Week of August 14th

Hello families! During Math this week we will be practicing counting strategies and working with numbers 1-5. We will practice counting and writing these numbers.