Academic Programming » K-8 Programming

K-8 Programming

Gifted Education All-day, Every-day

Needs-Based, Differentiated Classrooms

All students at Westgate Community School have the benefit of differentiated, needs-based instruction in language arts and mathematics. Our master schedule is designed to maximize the opportunity for students to access a class that meets their learning needs, regardless of age or grade. Each team has both on-level and advanced classes.

It's important to remember that the groupings may be adjusted, as needed, throughout the year.

Recess for all students K-8
At Westgate, we believe in the power and purpose of play. 
  • K-2 students enjoy 3 recesses a day totaling one hour.
  • 3-4 students enjoy 45 minutes of outdoor recess.
  • 5-8 students have 30 minute recess every day just before lunch.

Work at home policy

Typically, Westgate students do not have school work to complete at home. Westgate believes students should have time to play sports, spend time with family, and pursue their passions. This is central to our belief that work done in schools helps to better inform teachers of the needs of the learners. When teachers are able to see the work being produced by their students, they better know what re-teaching or extensions should come next in instruction.


Exceptions to this norm are:

  • All students are expected to read or be read to every day.
  • When a student has make-up work from absences
  • When extra practice is needed to become proficient in a skill
  • When a student has been unproductive during their class time
  • When there is a special “at home project” (ie. charting stars, choosing to show parts of a cell using food, family tradition page in kindergarten)


Communicating about homework - If the student does have homework, the teacher emails the family by the end of the day to inform them of the homework. All instructions for the work are included in the email to parents to ensure they can provide help to their student. The teacher will also provide the deadline of when the work needs to be completed and turned in so the student can receive a grade.


Social-Emotional learning every day


We have thirty minutes of social-emotional learning scheduled in every grade, every day.  



Physical Education